
O poetry, profession of poets, you are one of them

يا حرفة الشعراء إنك منهم

1. O poetry, profession of poets, you are one of them
Wherever they sought livelihood lying in wait

١. يا حرفَةَ الشّعراءِ إنَّكِ منهمُ
حيث اِبتغوا رزقاً لبِالمِرْصادِ

2. If their caravan had entered the sacred valley
To cure their rancor, the valley would dry up

٢. لو حلَّ بالوادي المقدَّسِ ركبُهُم
لشِفَاء غُلَّتهم لجفَّ الوادِي

3. If they had sought to shave their heads in Mecca
Al-Rashid would attend it but Al-Hadi would be absent

٣. ولو اِبتغوا حلقَ الرؤوسِ بمكّةٍ
حضر الرشيدُ بها وغابَ الهادِي