1. In the mercy of Allah is he whom He took
So the noble women mourned him
١. في رَحمَةِ اللَهِ مَن تَوَفّاهُ
فَقامَت المكرُماتُ تَنعاهُ
2. Abdul Ghani has died, what a loss!
He who wished him glory, may he be rewarded
٢. قَد ماتَ عَبدُ الغَنِيِّ وا أَسَفاً
من هَنَّأ المَجدَ فيهِ عَزّاهُ
3. A garden that healed my eyes with its blossoms
Time disabled it when it weakened him
٣. رَوضٌ شَفى ناظِري بِناضِره
عَطَّلَهُ الدَهرُ حينَ حَلّاهُ
4. So neither did spring water my meadow
Nor did it flourish except with tears watering it
٤. فَلا سَقى رَبعِيَ الرَبيعُ وَلا
أَمرَعَ إِلّا بِالدَمعِ مَرعاهُ
5. Because of my sorrow for him, it pleases me
To live bitterly as the doves have made it bitter
٥. مِن أَجلِ حُزني عَلَيهِ يُعجِبُني
عَيشٌ أَمَرَّ الحِمامُ أَحلاهُ
6. I wish that were it not for the reward of my Lord that
He would have taken me before him and revived him
٦. وَددتُ لَولا ثَوابُ رَبّي لَو
أَماتَني قَبلَهُ وَأَحياهُ
7. To make good deeds in my consequence
Remaining with the Praiseworthy as his consequence
٧. لِيَجعَلَ الصالِحاتِ في عَقبي
باقِيَةً بِالحَميدِ عُقباهُ
8. Whoever healed me lived so I was tested with him
And whoever healed me turned away so woe to him
٨. من شَفني عاشَ فَاِمتحنتُ بِهِ
وَمَن شَفاني وَلّى فَوَيلاهُ
9. In my count, death did not count my count
And man does not get what he wishes
٩. في عِدتي لَم تَفِ المُنى عِدتي
وَلَيسَ لِلمَرءِ ما تَمَنّاهُ
10. Do you not see glory how it lowered its gaze
From a loss that obscured its splendor
١٠. أَما تَرى المَجدَ كَيفَ أَطرَقَ مِن
طارِقَةٍ بَرقَعَت مُحَيّاهُ
11. So the like of it declined, the fading of a lofty star
With it the cycles of perfection have likes
١١. فَلَّ شباهُ أفول نَجم عُلاً
لَهُ بدورُ التَمامِ أَشباهُ
12. It was my dawn, so how did it become a sunset
And I forgot, so how did I forget him
١٢. كانَ صَبوحي فَكَيفَ أَصبَحَ جَذ
لانَ وَأَنسى فَكَيفَ أَنساهُ
13. O delight of the eye, what loss made you cry
When tears wept and tears were its waters
١٣. يا قُرَّةَ العَينِ ما وَفَتكَ بَكاً
إِذا بَكَت وَالدُموعُ أَمواهُ
14. You were the meaning of our time, with us
Until when you slipped, its meaning slipped
١٤. قَد كُنتَ مَعنى زَمانِنا مَعَنا
حَتّى إِذا زُلتَ زالَ مَعناهُ
15. So who will continue wetting my eyelids
Since fate turned away from you and turned them away
١٥. فَمَن لِدامي الجُفونِ دامِعها
مُذ صَدّهُ الدَهر عَنكَ أَصداهُ
16. Sorrow cannot withstand him and grow calm
Nor does it obey prohibition and abstain
١٦. لا يَستَطيعُ الأَسى فَيَأسُوَهُ
وَلا يُطيعُ النُهى فَيَنهاهُ
17. O Lord, shelter the gentle one after you from
Fear of enemies while he sheltered him
١٧. يا ربّ نيقٍ آواهُ بَعدَكَ مِن
خَوف أَعاديهِ وَهوَ أَوّاهُ
18. He cried so he watered him from his tears
As if the clouds had rained upon him and watered him
١٨. بَكى فَأَرواهُ مِن مَدامِعهِ
كَأَنَّما اِستَمطَرَتهُ أَرواهُ
19. Glory left him since you slipped away from him
So oppression took him wherever it exiled him
١٩. الجاهُ مُذ زلتَ عَنهُ زايَلَهُ
فَضَمّهُ الضّيمُ حَيثُ أَلجاهُ
20. His life greeted him from Malik and Mudar
And the auspicious moon, from you it greeted him
٢٠. حَيّاهُ مِن مالِكٍ وَمِن مُضرٍ
وَالقَمَرُ السَعدُ مِنكَ حَيّاهُ
21. Abdul Ghani was granted success when he passed
And did not sell his religion for his life
٢١. وُفّقَ عَبدُ الغنيّ حينَ مَضى
وَلَم يَبِع دينَهُ بِدُنياهُ
22. Magnifying his teachings with his tradition
Adorning his beauty with his beauty
٢٢. مُكَبِّراً سِنّهُ بِسُنَّتِهِ
مُطَرّزاً حُسنَهُ بِحُسناهُ
23. Reminding of his covenant with his covenant
Forgetting his blame with his blame
٢٣. مُذَكِّراً عَهدَهُ بِمَعهَدِهِ
مُنَسِّياً عَتبَهُ بِعُتباهُ
24. Continuing his mercy with his mercy
To the relative-cutter with his relatives
٢٤. مُواصِلاً رَحمهُ بِرَحمَتِهِ
لقاطِع قَربهُ بِقُرباهُ
25. So a glance relieved whoever socialized with him
As if the two heavens relieved him
٢٥. فَكّاهُ طَرف لِمَن يُشافِهُهُ
كَأَنَّما الجَنَّتانِ فَكّاهُ
26. Grace saved him which had brought him envy
And Allah from what he feared saved him
٢٦. نَجّاهُ فَضلٌ أَصابَهُ حَسَداً
وَاللَهُ مِمّا يَخافُ نَجّاهُ
27. His piety was perfect over him
So I never thought calamities would overtake his piety
٢٧. تَقواهُ كانَت عَلَيهِ سابِغَةً
فَما حَسِبتُ الخطوبَ تَقواهُ
28. I lived in spite of myself and thought I would
Be surprised by death the day it surprises him
٢٨. عِشتُ بِرغمي وَكُنتُ أَحسَبُني
يَغشاني المَوتُ يَومَ يَغشاهُ
29. Misfortune poured over him when it flowed
So his most precious one was killed by it
٢٩. جارَ عَلَيهِ الرعافُ حينَ جَرى
فَطَلَّ منهُ أَعزّ قَتلاهُ
30. And the medicine of his echoing cure
Increased his illness, as we see, so it tried him
٣٠. وَزادَهُ عِلَّةً دَواء دَوى
عاناهُ فيما نَرى فَعَنّاهُ
31. Oh wonder, how can some people seek
His pleasure while his death wish pleased him
٣١. يا عَجَباً كَيفَ يَبتَغي نَفَرٌ
مَرضاتَهُ وَهوَ حَتفُ مَرضاهُ
32. If only my eye had done bad with
What it did in his eyelids and his glances
٣٢. لا كانَتِ العَينُ ساءَ ما صَنَعَت
في مُقلَتَيهِ وَفي ثَناياهُ
33. He died so in his convulsions, I could not
Shut his eyelids or his mouth
٣٣. ماتَ فَما اِسطَعتُ مِن تَشَنُّجِهِ
أطبقُ أَجفانَهُ وَلا فاهُ
34. And it was said his two honorable eyes will see
Neither injustice nor closeness given to closeness
٣٤. وَقيلَ زولا كَريمَتَيهِ يَرى ال
لَه وَزُلفاهُ يُعطَ زُلفاهُ
35. I was intrigued in the dispute by his dispute
To a narration I forgot mention of
٣٥. أَعجَبَني في النِزاع مَنزَعهُ
إِلى حَديثٍ نَسيتُ ذِكراهُ
36. He consoled me while tears overcame me
And said to me, May Allah have mercy on you
٣٦. صَبّرني وَالدُموعُ تَغلِبُني
وَقالَ لي لا تُرع لَكَ اللَهُ
37. And he, at the difficulty of the path with me
Bore witness that none is God but He
٣٧. وَهوَ عَلى كُربَةِ السِياقِ مَعي
يَشهَدُ أَن لا إِلهَ إِلّا هُو
38. If only I could see my envious enemy
On the day He took him where He took him
٣٨. فَلَو أرى حاسِدي خالِقهُ
يَومَ تَوَفّاهُ حَيثُ وَفّاهُ
39. They prayed over him and one of them said
Our Lord is angry with us and pleased with him
٣٩. صَلّوا عَلَيهِ وَقالَ قائِلُهُم
أَسخَطَنا رَبُّنا وَأَرضاهُ
40. And I donated my blood to the grave for its water
When it healed me with the fragrance of its watering
٤٠. وَهَبتُ لِلقَبر ريّهُ بِدَمي
لَمّا شَفاني بِطيبِ رَيّاهُ
41. And I said, May I be granted success if I am buried here
So my burial place includes the good fragrance of his burial place
٤١. وَقُلتُ وُفِّقتُ إِن قُبِرتُ هُنا
يَشمَلُ مَثوايَ طيب مَثواهُ
42. Until when he arises, I will follow him
And how can I have his success and tidings
٤٢. حَتّى إِذا قامَ قُمتُ أَتبعُهُ
وَكَيفَ لي فَوزُهُ وَبُشراهُ
43. Perhaps my bereavement over his death is a cause
To God's pleasure the day I meet Him
٤٣. لَعَلَّ ثكلي بِمَوتِهِ سَبَبٌ
إِلى رِضا اللَهِ يَومَ أَلقاهُ
44. Oh my son, you took security from the angel of death and this is your father fearing him
So some of it is in misguidance where his mouths have come close
٤٤. يا اِبني أَخَذت الأَمانَ مِن مَلكِ ال
مَوت وَهذا أَبوكَ يَخشاهُ
45. And some of it is in Hellfire praying
People are distressed whenever they present themselves
٤٥. فَبَعضهُ في الضَلالِ حَيثُ دَنَت
وَبَعضهُ في الحرورِ يَصلاهُ
46. He turned away from them while you are his blessings
What protection from this time while you
٤٦. الناسُ بُؤساهُ كُلَّما عَرَضوا
أَعرَضَ عَنهُم وَأَنتَ نُعماهُ
47. Have done for it what it sought protection from
You left me, O loss of spring, at loss
٤٧. وَما تَوَقّيهِ ذا الزَمان وَقَد
حَلَّ بِهِ مِنكَ ما تَوَقّاهُ
48. Consumed by the mouths of my enemies
٤٨. تَرَكتَني يا سدى الرَبيع سُدىً
تَأكُلُني مِن عِدايَ أَفواهُ