
It is little for my soul to yearn

قليل لنفسي أن تصوب صبابة

1. It is little for my soul to yearn
When I get a whiff from your lands of lightning.

١. قَليلٌ لِنَفسي أَن تَصوبُ صَبابَةً
إِذا شِمتُ مِن تِلقاءِ أَرضِكُم بَرقا

2. Judges of passion, and God will ask you tomorrow
About the poor lover, why is he wretched?

٢. قُضاة الهَوى وَاللَهُ يَسأَلكُم غَداً
عَنِ العاشِقِ المِسكين ما بالهُ يَشقى

3. Stop, be fair to one who takes refuge from your tyranny in you
And could not have patience without meeting.

٣. قِفوا فَاِنصِفوا مَن عاذَ مِن جورِكُم بكم
وَلَم يَستَطِع صَبراً عَلى عَدَم المَلقى

4. A slain man if you call him, he will answer you.
He has a dawn with tears if the dawn is recalled.

٤. قَتيلٌ إِذا نادَيتُموهُ أَجابَكُم
لَهُ شَرقٌ بِالدَمعِ إِن ذكرَ الشَرقا

5. His resurrection has occurred but your fantasies
Promise him meeting, so he remains for that reason.

٥. قِيامَتُهُ قامَت وَلكِن خَيالُكُم
يُمنّيهِ بِاللُقيا فَمِن أَجلِ ذا يَبقى

6. Whether roasted or loving you are the abode of passion
So there is no solace from you even if this remains distant.

٦. قلىً أَو ودادٌ أَنتُم مَوضِعُ الهَوى
فَلا سَلوَةٌ عَنكُم وَإِن جَلَّ ذا يَبقى

7. I sufficed with the arrival of the specter if fate guided it
And how can I sleep while tears do not stop flowing?

٧. قَنِعتُ بِوَصلِ الطَيفِ إِن قادَهُ الكَرى
وَكَيفَ رُقادي وَالمَدامِعُ ما ترقى

8. The days of old, nearness in them used to cure longing
And time has reversed its righteousness, truly.

٨. قَسا قَلبُ دَهرٍ حَلَّ عَقدَ وِصالكُم
وَسَدَّ عَلَينا دونَ وَصلِكُمُ الطُرقا

9. Hardened is the heart of an era that tied your union
And blocked for us the paths to your connection.

٩. قَديماً شفاءُ القُرب فيها مِنَ النَوى
وَرَدَّت لَنا الأَيّامُ باطِلَها حَقّا

10. The nights are short when every traitor fulfilled
And released the prisoners of love and saved the drowning.

١٠. قصارُ اللَيالي إِذ وَفى كُلُّ خائِنٍ
فَفَكَّ أسارى الحُبِّ وَاِستَنقَذَ الغَرقى