1. He who was of the Ghatafan,
The greatest of them, every settled and nomad,
١. أَودى الَّذي كانَ مِن غَطارِفَةٍ
أَكبَرهم كُلُّ مَدَّنٍ وَقَصي
2. A people whom generosity would almost leave,
Not a bit of it left for them, and abasement,
٢. قَومٌ يَكادُ السَماحُ يَترُكهم
ما مِن نِصابٍ لَهُم وَقصِ
3. They put off their polished morality, and showed
Every long expectation, that one of want.
٣. حَلوا طُلى مَعلواتِهِم وَأَروا
كُلَّ طَويلِ الطلاةِ ذا وَقَصِ