
Oh my beloved, woe to me if

الويل لي يا حبيبي إن

1. Oh my beloved, woe to me if
Tomorrow, without you, sins become dear

١. الوَيلُ لي يا حُبَيِّبي إِن
غالَت غَداً دونَكَ الذُنوبُ

2. In my chest for you there is a fire
That almost melts purity

٢. بَينَ ضُلوعي عَلَيكَ نارٌ
يَكادُ مِنها الصَفا يَذوبُ

3. Passion overwhelmed me the day
Its claws reached out to you, O people

٣. بَرَّحَ بي الوَجدُ يَومَ مَدَّت
إِلَيكَ أَظفارها شعوبُ

4. They sought you out in vengeance, hands wherein
Are talons and vipers alike

٤. بَزَّتكَ ثاراً يَدٌ تَساوى
فيها عِقابٌ وَعَندَليبُ

5. After you, I realized in my solitude
That in my homeland I am a stranger

٥. بَعدَكَ أَيقَنتُ لِاِنفِرادي
أَنّي في مَوطِني غَريبُ

6. My youth has passed and I wished for it more
Than I heeded the approach of old age

٦. بانَ شَبابي وَكُنتُ أَشهى
مِنهُ فَما راعَني المَشيبُ

7. The joy of life, had it persisted
And its goodness, would be my beloved

٧. بَشاشَةُ العَيشِ لَو تَمادَت
وَطيبُهُ عِندي الحَبيبُ

8. The lightning of wishes is deceptive, so much
Does its false promise tempt us

٨. بَرقُ الأَماني خُلَّبٌ كَم
يَغُرُّنا وَعدُها الكَذوبُ

9. The stinginess of fate, had you but seen, is generosity
And its love, had you but asked, is true love

٩. بُخلُ المُنى لَو نَظَرتَ جودٌ
وَحُبّها لَو سَلَوتَ حوبُ

10. Blessed are you, O tearful eyes
Without you hearts would not have been quenched

١٠. بورِكتِ يا أَعيُنَ البَواكي
لَولاكِ لَم تَشتَفِ القُلوبُ

11. I have regrets that my chest,
Capacious as it is, cannot contain

١١. بي حَسَراتٌ يَضيقُ عَنها
صَدري عَلى أَنَّهُ رَحيبُ

12. I confided the secret of my sorrow and they said
We love you - is it better to weep or wail?

١٢. بُحتُ بِسِرِّ الأَسى فَقالوا
نَحبُكَ يُقضى أَمِ النَحيبُ

13. A sea of tears in my eyes
Lit by the flames in my blood

١٣. بَحرٌ مِنَ الدَمعِ في جُفوني
صَعَّدَهُ مِن دمي اللَهيبُ

14. It exchanged my joy for sorrow -
Woes that proudly flaunt their might

١٤. بَدَّلَني بِالسُرورِ هَمّاً
خَطبٌ تَباهى بِهِ الخُطوبُ