1. Is there no cure, O malady of the lover,
For thee? Though for some there is healing in thee.
١. أَما لَكَ يا داءَ المُحِبِّ دَواء
بَلى عِندَ بَعضِ الناسِ مِنكَ شِفاءُ
2. The captive of hatred is ransomed by wealth and kinsmen;
But naught can ransom the captive of passion's dominion.
٢. أَسيرُ العِدا بِالمالِ يَفديهِ أَهلُهُ
وَما لِأَسيرِ الغانِياتِ فِداءُ
3. In war, the panthers protect their lives
With their daring; not so the gazelles in their timidity.
٣. أُسودُ الشَرى في الحَربِ تَحمي نُفوسها
بِنَجدَتِها ما لَم تعنَّ ظباءُ
4. If thou art alone, excuse the madness of love;
For the afflicted and the tranquil are not alike.
٤. إِذا كُنتَ خِلواً فاعذر الصَبَّ في الهَوى
فَما المُبتَلى وَالمُستَريحُ سَواءُ
5. Thou biddest me have patience for her I love;
But far from her love I can have no consolation.
٥. أَتَأمُرُني بِالصَبرِ عَمَّن أُحِبُّه
وَهَيهاتِ ما لي في هَواهُ عَزاءُ
6. I die of yearning, then I live because of my misery;
Such is the life of lovers - agony.
٦. أَموتُ اِشتِياقاً ثُمَّ أَحيا لِشقوَتي
كَذاكَ حَياةُ العاشِقينَ شَقاءُ
7. Lo, the heart of the lover is in the hand of the beloved,
Who turns it about in love however she desires.
٧. أَلا إِنَّ قَلبَ الصَبِّ في يَدِ حِبِّه
يُقَلِّبُهُ في الحُبِّ كَيفَ يَشاءُ
8. If thou hadst tasted love, thou wouldst pity me;
But thine eyes and sleep and heart are worthless.
٨. إلَيكَ فَلَو ذُقتَ الهَوى لَعَذَرتَني
جُفونكَ وَسنى وَالفُؤادُ هَباءُ
9. I blamed lovers before I knew of love;
But now I have become their comrade and sinned.
٩. أَنا لُمتُ أَهلَ العِشقِ قَبلَكَ في الهَوى
فَها أَنا أزرى بَينَهُم وَأساءُ
10. My heart was struck by the arrows of a glance, when she shot,
By God, the slain of the eyes are martyrs.
١٠. أَصابَت فُؤادي أَسهُمُ اللَحظِ إِذ رمت
فَلِلَّهِ قَتلى الأَعيُنِ الشُهَداءُ