
The bereft one has no guardian

مستضام ما له من ولي

1. The bereft one has no guardian
Except the tattoo of weeping and sorrow

١. مُستَضامٌ ما لَهُ مِن وَلِيِّ
غَير وَسميّ البُكا وَالوَليِّ

2. Among the short-statured folk, between a people
Who think the sea is like a pond

٢. في القُرَيّاتِ القُصا بَينَ قَومٍ
يَحسَبونَ البَحرَ مِثل القَرِيِّ

3. And who see the dawn like the nightfall
While meanings are hidden from the ignorant

٣. وَيَرونَ الصُبحَ مِثلَ الدَياجي
وَالمَعاني غُيَّبٌ عَن غَبِيِّ

4. The viciousness of fate has captured me like a lion
So every free man took flight

٤. أَسَرَتني لَوثَةُ الدَهرِ لَيثا
فَعَوى كُلُّ حَرِيٍّ جَرِيِّ

5. How many have I taught to the utmost limit
Yet they rewarded blessing with the ingratitude of rebellion

٥. رُبَّ مَن عَلَّمتُ حَتّى تَناهى
فَجَزى النُعمى بِكُفرِ البغَيِّ

6. And I repaid their treachery with treachery
I only fulfill the covenant of the loyal

٦. وَجزيتُ الغَدرَ مِنهُ بِغَدرٍ
إِنَّما أوفي بِعَهدِ الوَفِيِّ

7. My soul is bitter so it refuses
To see me doing good to the wicked

٧. إِنَّ نَفسي مُرَّةٌ فَهيَ تَأبى
أَن تَراني مُحسِناً لِمُسيِّ

8. And the reward of evil is evil, and whoever
Does not defend himself will perish in humiliation

٨. وَجَزاءُ السَيءِ سَيءٌ وَمَن لَم
يَنتَصِر باءَ بِذُلِّ الشَقيِّ

9. O you who attack the moon, be rational
You have come with nothing true, so turn back

٩. أَيُّها العاوي عَلى القَمَرِ اِخسَأ
جِئتَ في الحَقِّ بِشَيءٍ فَريِّ

10. You are from the dead lands, so how can you
Have a say regarding the living lands

١٠. مِن مَواتِ الأَرضِ أَنتَ فَأَنّى
لَكَ نُطقٌ في المَواتي لرَضِيِّ

11. Only the words of enemies
Tear down a nobility not built by the noble

١١. إِنَّما يهدمُ قيلُ الأَعادي
شَرَفاً لَم يُبنَ بِالمَشرَفِيِّ

12. How many times my assault stirred ambushes
And how many times my hand captured the concealed

١٢. كَم أَثارَت صَولَتي مِن كَمينٍ
وَكَم اِبتَزَّت يَدي من كَمِيِّ

13. Except that tribulations deterred me
Over a dutiful father and a virtuous son

١٣. غَيرَ أَنّي نَهنَهَتني الرَزايا
في أَبٍ بَرٍّ وَفي اِبنٍ زَكِيِّ

14. The loss of my father tore me apart when he passed away
Then the existence of my namesake healed my heart

١٤. شَقّني فَقدُ أَبي حينَ أَودى
فَشَفى قَلبي وجودُ السَمِيِّ

15. Then when the wound had healed
With the passing of a crescent moon, it festered again

١٥. ثُمَّ لَمّا جُبِرَت فِهر هيضَت
بِمُضِيٍّ مِن هِلالٍ مُضِيِّ

16. Shall I not weep over a noble son
Like my father, mighty in purpose, my role model?

١٦. أَفَلا أَبكي عَلى اِبنٍ نَجيبٍ
كَأَبي صَعب المَرامِ أَبِيِّ

17. I am destitute, and even if I were Chosroes
I would have no wealth except through The All-Sufficient

١٧. أَنا مِسكينٌ وَلَو كُنتُ كِسرَى
لا غِنىً إِلّا بِعَبدِ الغَنِيِّ

18. After him I neglected this world
That he had adorned with the finest jewelry

١٨. عطّلت مِن بَعدَهُ اليَومَ دُنيا
زُيِّنَت مِنهُ بِأَبهى الحُلِيِّ

19. In him was a marvel for the lofty ideals
The ways of the old and the tooth of the young

١٩. كانَ فيهِ عَجَبٌ لِلمَعالي
سُنَنُ الشَيخِ وَسنُّ الصَبِيِّ

20. When he recited, he who was seen
Was the most eloquent of reciters, like a foreigner

٢٠. كانَ قَرّا يُرى حينَ يَقرا
أَفصَح القُرّاء كَالأَعجَمِيِّ

21. He would turn the singers away from lyrics
If he sang the lyrics of revelation

٢١. عَن مَثاني العودِ يثني النَدامى
إِن تَغنّي بِمَثاني الوَحِيِّ

22. The understanding he possessed enriched
His heart beyond any satiation or quenching of thirst

٢٢. ورّي الفهم لَدَيهِ فَأَغنى
قَلبَهُ عَن كُلِّ شِبع وَرِيِّ

23. So may God give life to the land that contained him
With life, and may it love him with an encompassing love

٢٣. فَليُحَيِّ اللَهُ أَرضاً حَوَتهُ
بِالحَيا وَليَحبُها بِالحَبِيِّ

24. I am not disturbed by the croaking of the raven
For this wailing alone is sufficient disturbance

٢٤. لا يَرُعني لِلغُرابِ نَعيبٌ
فَكَفى رَوعاً بِهذا النَعِيِّ

25. Did fate conceal from me other than
A predecessor in mirth and ornament of bliss?

٢٥. هَل طَوى الدَهرُ مِن اِبنِيَ إِلّا
سابقَ النَدِّ وَزين النَديِّ

26. The caravan wept for the tribulation of glory
And the camels wept for the caravan

٢٦. فَبَكى الرَكبُ لِخَطبِ المَعالي
وَبَكَت لِلرَّكب بُزلُ المَطِيِّ

27. If careful attention had grazed him
The death of the benevolent one would not have torn me

٢٧. لَو رَعى فيهِ الرعافُ ذِمامي
لَم يَشقني لِلشَّقيقِ الجَنيِّ

28. They asked, “Was he stabbed by war?”
I said, “By God, He is his preserver! Nay,

٢٨. سالَ حَتّى سالَ عُوّادُهُ هَل
طَعَنَتهُ الحَربُ بِالسَمهَرِيِّ

29. Death felled him with a subtle stab.”
It matters not to the days if they had assisted me

٢٩. قُلتُ وَاللَهُ حَفِيٌّ بِهِ بَل
تَلّهُ المَوتُ بِطَعنٍ خَفِيِّ

30. Against the slaying of the exalted one
My star set, so God blinded an eye

٣٠. ما عَلى الأَيّامِ لَو أَسعَفَتني
بِرُقوّ الدَمِّ عَن ذي الرُقيِّ

31. That had dazzled me in the intelligent, the holy one
Do not describe him with the attributes of a child, but look

٣١. فاقَ نَجلي فَقَأَ اللَهُ عَيناً
طَرَقَتني في الزَكِيِّ الذَكِيِّ

32. Where every adult wise man stands in relation to him
If death had been gentle with him a little

٣٢. لا تَصِفهُ صِفَةَ الطِفلِ وَاِنظُر
أَينَ مِنهُ كُلُّ كَهلٍ تَقِيِّ

33. He may have surpassed the Knowing, the Exalted
He guided me to the sweet Straight Path

٣٣. لَو تَراخى المَوتُ عَنهُ قَليلاً
لَعَلا فَوقَ العَليمِ العَليِّ

34. And guided me to the even Way
If lives were ransomed, they would have profited

٣٤. فَحَماني بِالصّراطِ المحلّى
وَهَداني لِلصِّراطِ السَوِيِّ

35. A tribe defeated by a Conqueror and Master
They came down from every side and cast down

٣٥. لَو فَدَتهُ لَأَفادَت فخاراً
غُلُبٌ مَن غالِبٍ وَعَدِيِّ

36. Their weapons, camels, and bows
Then they said, after Abd al-Ghani

٣٦. نَزَلوا عَن كُلِّ طِرفٍ وَأَلقوا
بِالعَوالي وَالظُبى وَالقِسيِّ

37. The noble branch was severed so it withered
And the heart was split, so woe to the broken one

٣٧. ثُمَّ قالوا بَعدَ عَبدِ الغَنِيِّ
لا هنا الطِفلَ رضاعُ الثُديِّ

38. When he grew well and completed his growth they said
Blessings in the age of this one with teeth

٣٨. وَشج الفَرعُ الكَريم فَوَلّى
وَشَجا القَلبَ فَوَيلُ الشَجِيِّ

39. Envy begrudged him until
It reaped the core of his happiness

٣٩. إِذ نَما طَيِّباً وَتَمَّ فَقالوا
بَرَكاتٌ في سنى ذا السَنِيِّ

40. In him my qualities were cloven through
Making his memory the preoccupation of every bosom friend

٤٠. حَسَدَت فيهِ المَنِيَّةُ حَتّى
حَصَدَت جَوهَرَهُ مِن مَنِيِّ

41. I have not ceased taking refuge in his pillar
And in the upright, sturdy pillar

٤١. صَدَعَت فيهِ صفاتي صفاةٌ
جَعَلَت ذِكراهُ شُغلَ الخَلِيَّ

42. O my heart, pay his ransom and visit him
And fulfill to him the right of the sufficient guarantor

٤٢. لَم أَزَل آوي إِلى الرُكنِ مِنهُ
وَإلى الرُكنِ القَويمِ القَوِيِّ

43. And for three moments show anguish
In the morn, noon, or evening

٤٣. يا فُؤادي فِد عَلَيه فَزُرهُ
وَاِقضِهِ حَقَّ الكَفيلِ الكَفِيِّ

44. He would go to the school morning and evening
From it, in the finest appearance and satisfaction

٤٤. وَلِأَوقاتٍ ثَلاثَةٍ اِهتَج
بُكرَة أَو ظُهُرٍ أَو عَشِيِّ

45. His own self disciplined him, so it spared him
The lash of a whipper and rod of a rod bearer

٤٥. كانَ لِلكتّابِ يَغدو وَيَأتي
مِنهُ في أَحسَن زيٍّ وَرَيِّ

46. So he has honor with the tutor
The voice of a vocalizer and bequest of a trustee

٤٦. أَدَّبَتهُ نَفسُهُ فَكَفَتهُ
سَوطَ ساطٍ وَعصيَّ عَصِيِّ

47. While he was near, from him
And his sons were far away

٤٧. فَلَهُ عِندَ المُؤَدِّبِ عِزٌّ
صَوتُ صَوّالٍ وَصيتُ وَصِيِّ

48. So he is the martyr amongst all
And he is the successor amongst all the departed

٤٨. كانَ مِنهُ في مَكانٍ قَريبٍ
وَبَنوهُ في مَكانٍ قَصِيِّ

49. O noble one, in whom my clansetMaximumLength exceeded.

٤٩. فَهوَ مُستَشهِدُهُ بَينَ كُلٍّ
وَهوَ مُستَخلِفهُ في المضِيِّ

٥٠. يا نَبيلاً فَجِعَت فيهِ فهرٌ
وَلِفهرٍ أسوَةٌ في النَبِيِّ

٥١. وَعَدَت فيكَ الأَماني فَمانَت
وَعَدَت قُسَّ الزَمانِ القَصِيِّ

٥٢. وَقَفَت آثاركَ العين حَتّى
وَقَفَت في حُسنكَ اليوسُفيِّ

٥٣. كَشَفَت ستري بِما كَسَفَتهُ
مِن مُحيّاكَ البَهيجِ البَهِيِّ

٥٤. ولَدي لا تَنسَني يَومَ أَظما
وَاِسقِني كَأسَ المَعينِ الشَهِيِّ

٥٥. وَسَلِ اللَهِ لِيَ العَفوَ كيما
نَتَلاقى في النَعيمِ الهَنِيِّ

٥٦. أَتُراني أَشتَفي بِكَ قُرباً
وَأَرى حُسنَ المُحَيّا الحَييِّ

٥٧. فُز بِدارِ الخُلدِ مُتّكِئاً في
رَفرَفٍ خُضرٍ وَفي عَبقَرِيِّ

٥٨. قَد ثَوى عَبدُ الغَنِيِّ بطوبى
فَهَل العُقبى غَداً لِعَليِّ