
A youth has escaped me, O Abdel Ghani, as though

قد فاتني منك يا عبد الغني فتى

1. A youth has escaped me, O Abdel Ghani, as though
He took refuge in Indian swords and found sanctuary.

١. قَد فاتَني مِنكَ يا عَبدَ الغنيّ فَتى
كَأَنَّهُ في سُيوفِ الهِندِ فَولاذُ

2. He went to the garden of refuge and abandoned me
In deep sorrows when I say, “O the sanctuary!”

٢. آوى إِلى جَنَّةِ المَأوى وَغادَرَني
في غابِرينَ إِذا ما قُلتُ فوا لاذوا