
When the arrow is deflected or it bends,

إذا رعظ السهم أو عظعظا

1. When the arrow is deflected or it bends,
The arrow of death will not bend.

١. إِذا رُعِظَ السَهمُ أَو عَظعَظا
فَسَهمُ المَنيّةِ لَن يُرعَظا

2. The firm one arises against the shooter,
And the destined one is silent even if he complains.

٢. تَهيضُ القسِيِّ عَلى نابِل
وَيُصمي القصيّ وَإِن أَجعَظا

3. How often does the claim of "perhaps" deny hope!
The hoping one's duty is just to preach.

٣. تُكَذِّبُ هَيهاتَ دَعوى عَسى
فَحَسبُ المُؤَمِّلِ أَن يوعَظا

4. And he rejoices in his good companions,
Even if he remembered death, he would not be sleepy.

٤. وَيَفرَحُ بان بِحَسنائِهِ
وَلَو ذَكَرَ المَوتَ ما أَنمَظا

5. It is death, there is no escape from its arrow,
So how can we be shielded so it trickles down?

٥. هُوَ المَوتُ لا بُدَّ مِن سَهمِهِ
فَكَيفَ اِدَّرعَنا لِكَي يُدلَظا

6. And how did we drag along the bow
While every side of it had arrows ready to shoot?

٦. وَكَيفَ جَرَرنا طِوالَ القنا
عَلى كُلِّ طَرفٍ سَليمِ الشَظى

7. And death will take whoever,
Turned away on the road or paused.

٧. وَأَنَّ المَنايا لَيُدرِكنَ مَن
وَنى في الطَريقِ وَمَن أَركَظا

8. A decree from God, no changing it
When it comes, it is secured from being changed.

٨. قَضاءٌ مِنَ اللَهِ لا عاكِظٌ
إِذا جاءَ يَأمَنُ أَن يُعكَظا

9. Whoever fate made its target,
Salvation does not benefit him if it missed him.

٩. يُتاحُ لِمَن حَظِيَ الحَتفُ مِنه
وَلَيسَ بِنافِعِهِ أَن حَظا

10. So it drops him with a blow even if he did not fight,
And fells him with a stroke even if he is not complaining.

١٠. فَيصرعُ ضَرباً وَإِن لَم يَجل
وَيَصرَعُ صَرباً وَإِن أَلمَظا

11. O you who gloat at the occurrence of adversity,
The bowl will bring you from the purest water.

١١. أَيا شامِتاً بِوُرودِ الرَدى
سَيُورِدُكَ الحَوض مَن أَبهَضا

12. Hardship made me worry,
So how can you be safe from worrying?

١٢. أَنا بَهظَتني صُروف الرَدى
فَكَيفَ أَمانُكَ أَن تُبهَظا

13. Time has cast me into estrangement
Where I keep company with hostile strangers.

١٣. رَماني الزَمانُ إلى غُربَةٍ
أُعاشِرُ فيها العِدى الغُيَّظا

14. The settler amongst them counted me one of them
And I swear I will not go back to the settlements.

١٤. مَعَ القارِظينِ بِها عُدَّني
وَأُقسِمُ لا ترجعُ القُرَّظا

15. My righteous son Abdul Ghani was
A gift from my Lord who granted him to me.

١٥. وَكانَ اِبنيَ البَرُّ عَبد الغني
عَطيّةَ رَبّي الَّذي أَحنَظا

16. I forgot, through him, my paradise Al-Qayrawan
And lived comfortably with him in adversity.

١٦. نَسيتُ بِهِ جَنَّتي القَيرَوان
وَعِشتُ بِهِ ناعِماً في لَظى

17. When he grew like the crescent moon, upright,
And like crops, luxuriant, he became robust.

١٧. فَلَمّا نَما كَالهِلالِ اِستَوى
وَكَالزَرعِ آزَرَ فَاِستَغلَظا

18. His eye was stricken and took him away
Though I had feared it would notice him.

١٨. أُتيحَت لَهُ العَينُ فَاِستَأصَلَتهُ
وَإِن كُنتُ أَحذَرُ أَن يُلحظا

19. His eye has shed bloody tears
And I was used to it dispelling worries.

١٩. وَقَد جَحَظت أَلَماً عَينُهُ
وَعَهدي بِها تُبرئ الجحَّظا

20. Prayer of God and His pleasure
Upon a guardian who surpassed others in memorization.

٢٠. صَلاةُ الإِلهِ وَرِضوانُهُ
عَلى حافِظٍ سَبَقَ الحُفَّظا

21. Keen on remembrance, listening to it
When his peers fell asleep, he was alert.

٢١. حَريصٌ عَلى الذِكرِ مُصغٍ لَهُ
إِذا نامَ أَترابُهُ اِستَيقَظا

22. Whoever saw him writing and reading
Would say: he did not err nor misspeak.

٢٢. فَمَن يَرَهُ كاتِباً قارئاً
يَقُل ما أَخَطَّ وَما أَلفَظا

23. He had the forbearance of Ahnaf though he was only nine years old
And the saying of a firm man when resolute.

٢٣. لَهُ حِلمُ أَحنَفَ وَهوَ اِبنُ تِسع
وَمِقوَلُ قُسٍّ إِذا لَظلَظا

24. It is wondrous enough that the water of bashfulness
Would flush his face so I say "lower your gaze".

٢٤. كَفى عَجَبا أَنَّ ماءَ الحَياءِ
يُضَرِّجُهُ فَأقولُ اِلتَظى

25. It would obligate him to lower his eyelids
And withdraw when anything alarmed him.

٢٥. يُكَلِّفُهُ أَن يَغُضَّ الجُفون
وَأن يَتَوارى إِذا شَظشَظا

26. Hardship has wrapped you, O torch of guidance,
Distancing you today from my neighborhood.

٢٦. طَواكَ الرَدى يا شهابَ الهُدى
فَأَبَّنكَ اليَومَ من قَرَّظا

27. As if God had not supported me through you
Nor elevated my glory nor guarded me.

٢٧. كأن لَم يَشُدَّ بِكَ اللَهُ أَزري
وَلا شادَ مَجدي وَلا حَظَّظا

28. Nor were you my refuge in my times,
Whenever its difficult days terrified me.

٢٨. وَلا كُنتَ مِن زَمَني مَأمَني
إِذا خِفتُ أَيّامَهُ العُظَّظا

29. You show sympathy when the son of disobedience persecutes me,
And you show contentment with me when I memorize.

٢٩. تَبَرُّ إِذا عَقَّني اِبنُ البَغي
وَتَرضى حِفاظاً إِذا أَحفَظا

30. My sword, with which I often drove back
The afflicting sorrows, laments over you.

٣٠. نَبا بِكَ سَيفي الَّذي طالَما
عَنَظتُ بِهِ البُهَمَ العُنَّظا

31. For the dogs of enmity have barked me away
And their scorpions have crept, stinging.

٣١. فَقَد نَبَحتني كِلابُ العِدى
وَدَبَّت عَقارِبهم نُشَّظا

32. And in me is a burning pain, how do I escape it,
While the sweetness of your words has been silenced?

٣٢. وَبي مَضَض كَيفَ أَنفُكَ مِنه
وَمَعسولُ لَفظِكَ قَد مَظَّظا

33. When the speech was crude, the refinement
Of your speech refused to be uttered.

٣٣. إِذا اللَفظُ كانَ لُفاظاً أَبَت
بَراعَةُ لَفظِكَ أَن يُلفَظا

34. You amazed tongues while still young,
And you have not erred since you surpassed peers.

٣٤. بَهَرت الحِسانَ سَنا غُرَّةٍ
وَما خُطتَ حينَ فَشَوا خُوَّظا

35. You were hard on remembrance until it is said:
May God reward you with good - how he memorized!

٣٥. وَكَظتَ عَلى الذِكرِ حَتّى يُقا
ل لِلَّهِ دَرُّكُ ما أَوكَظا

36. Abdul Ghani, you granted excellent qualities,
How could that be when it is you who surpassed?

٣٦. أَعبد الغني وَهَبت الفظاظ
وَكَيفَ وَأَنتَ الَّذي فَظَّظا

37. You left your father, captive of sorrows,
Suffering the loss of an intelligent beloved one.

٣٧. تَرَكت أَباكَ أَسيرَ الخُطوب
يُكابِدُ ثُكلا ذَكيّ اللَظى

38. So he does not know from the heat of himself,
Whether he roasted on embers or was cooked.

٣٨. فَلَم يَدرِ مِن حَرِّ نَفسِهِ
أَشتّى عَلى الجَمرِ أَم قَيَّظا

39. And he does not know, so he sheds his eyelids
With tears or himself melting away.

٣٩. وَلَم يَدرِ فَيَّضَ أَجفانَهُ
مِنَ الدَمعِ أَم نَفسه فَيّظا

40. And these are his vehicles during his lifetime,
He harnessed them and they are obedient.

٤٠. وَهذي رَكائِبُهُ لِلزِّما
عِ قَد زَمَّهُنّ وَقَد شَظَّظا

41. I protected you from the tribulations of time,
But death refused to be driven away.

٤١. شَظَظتُكَ مِن أَزماتِ الزَمانِ
وَلكِن أَبى المَوتُ أَن يُشمَظا