1. Fate's decree is God's decree, none can change it
And for every creature there are appointed terms.
١. حَكَمَ الرَدى هُوَ حُكمُ اللَهِ لَيسَ لَهُ
مُعقبٌ وَلِهذا الخَلقِ آجالُ
2. Until the preordained end of life is reached
Lions and men all bow to fate's demands.
٢. حَتّى إِذا تَمَّ ميقاتُ الحَياةِ إِلى
حُكمِ الرَدى فَاِستَوَت أُسدٌ وَآجالُ
3. None can escape death's watering-place
Though heroes charge and skirmish as they may,
٣. وَلَيسَ عَن حَوضِهِ المَورود مِن صَدرٍ
كَبا الفَوارِسُ في الميدانِ أَو جالوا
4. You'll see the diadem removed, its wearer
Quailing within at thought of death's dark day.
٤. حَتّى تَرى التاجَ مَحلولاً وَعاقِدُهُ
في نَفسِهِ مِن حَديثِ المَوتِ أَوجالُ