1. Thirsty am I, and my tears are my watering place,
I have no resting place but on the mount of Howmal.
١. ظمِئْتُ ومُنْهَلُّ المَدامِعِ مَنْهلي
ولا حَوْم لِي إِلّا عَلى ورْدِ حَوْمَلِ
2. On a bracelet of dripping dishevelment, though now
The plaits of your hair are like links in a chain.
٢. على سَلْسَلٍ من ذِي غُروبٍ وإِن غَدَتْ
رِمالُ الفَيافي كالروَاءِ المُسلسَلِ
3. O, the bliss of your fellowship, bounty bestow,
O, the beauty of your form, with grace endow.
٣. فيا نُعْمُ وافاكِ النَّعِيمُ فأنعمِي
ويا جُمْلُ وَالاكِ الجمَالُ فَأَجْمِلِي
4. I swore to the virgins with coquettish glances,
By the wine of their mouths and cheeks they allow me to kiss.
٤. حَلفتُ لربّاتِ الخُدورِ بما جَنَى
فَمُ الصبِّ من وَرْدِ الخُدودِ المُقَبَّلِ
5. By those belts on their supple waists that they fasten,
By the swelling breasts beneath their broidered chemise.
٥. وما صامَ من خَصْرٍ لهنّ مُخَفَّفٍ
وأفَطرَ من رِدْفٍ لهنّ مُثقّلِ
6. By the tears that my eyes for their beauty did rain,
By the sighs from my breast that breathlessly came.
٦. وما وَرَّدَتْ مِن أدمُعِي بمُورَّدٍ
وما خَلخلتْ مِن أضلُعي بمُخَلْخلِ
7. By the hearts that were cleft by the wounds of love's pain,
By the tears down my cheeks that fast flowing they came.
٧. وما شاقَنِي مِن شقّ جيبٍ ومَدْمَع
أسيلٍ على خَدٍّ أسيلٍ بمأسَلِ
8. For ye are more sweet than all cures to the sick
And better than streams of clear water that swell.
٨. لأنتنَّ أشفَى للسليمِ من الرُّقَى
وأطيبُ للظمآنِ من كلِّ سَلْسَلِ
9. Though fate shows me grief and causes me pain
Yet Ali's the best guardian friend I know well.
٩. وإِنْ يَكُ دَهْرِي ضَمَّنِي ثمّ ضامني
فإِنَّ عَلِيَّاً خيرُ مَوْلىً ومْوئلِ
10. When Hameem prepares for some difficult task,
His courage will bring him contentment and peace.
١٠. هُمامٌ إذا ما هَمَّ بالأمرِ فاِمتَطَى
عزيمَتَه ناءَتْ بِرَضْوَى ويَذبُلِ