1. You have won, O one who lost three sons!
And with noble patience you held fast.
١. فُزت يا فاقِدَ الثَلاثَةِ مِن وُل
دٍ وَبِالصَبرِ الكَريمِ تَمَسَّك
2. There is nothing but the burning fate,
As stated in the hadith, so hold fast.
٢. لَيسَ إِلّا تَحِلَّةُ القسمِ النا
رُ كَما جاءَ في الحَديثِ تَمَسَّك
3. And with Abdel Ghani I left a friend -
Indeed, the memory of Abdel Ghani holds fast.
٣. وَبِعَبد الغَنِيِّ فارَقتُ إِلفاً
إِنَّ ذِكري عَبد الغنيِّ تَمَسَّك