1. Who will bring me a gazelle whose cheeks are honey sweet
My tears have washed it while blood is my winding sheet
١. من لي بظبيٍ جَناه معسولُ
دَمي بِدَمْعِي عليهِ مَغْسُولُ
2. Within its cheeks I read love's tale for lovers' blood
Is shed in sacrifice while passions fiercely beat
٢. أَقْرأُ فِي خَدِّهِ كتابَ هوىً
أَنَّ دمَ العاشِقينَ مَطلولُ
3. Your sword-like glances in their sheaths, your eyes do rest
As though a sword were sheathed and put away from heat
٣. حُسَامُ عينكَ من فُتُورِهما
كأنَّه مُغْمَدٌ ومَسْلُولُ
4. But bare your blade and strike, for I have no defense
Whether you sheathe or strike, for me defeat is meet
٤. اغمد وسُلَّ ليسَ لي وَزَرٌ
أنا على الحالَتْينِ مَقْتُولُ