
The descendant of a noble panther- where could a similar young panther be?

سلالة فهر أين منك سلول

1. The descendant of a noble panther- where could a similar young panther be?
And a delicate child of eminence- where could a similar delicate child be?

١. سُلالَةُ فهرٍ أَينَ مِنكَ سَلولُ
وَطِفلٌ نِزارٍ أَينَ مِنكَ طَفيلُ

2. They saw your frail figure and thought highly of you,
And no wonder since the crescent moon is also frail.

٢. رَأَوكَ ضَئيلَ الشَخصِ وَاِستَعظَموا السنى
وَلا عَجَبٌ إِنَّ الهِلالَ ضَئيلُ

3. And they said to the one who hid you- wait, you have exhausted us!
Do you bring up someone over the burial of the crescent moon gently?

٣. وَقالوا لِمَن واراكَ مَهلاً فَجَعتَنا
أَتُربٌ عَلى تُربِ الهِلالِ مهيلُ

4. You excelled in superiority before even weaning
And I have not gained anything as a child that elders have not gained.

٤. تَسامَيت مِن قَبلِ الفِطامِ إِلى العُلا
وَما نِلتُ طِفلاً لَم تَنَلهُ كهولُ

5. If excellence were counted which existed in you, and one boasted
Then an enumerator lives as long as you live, though it is little.

٥. إِذا عُدَّ فَضلٌ كانَ فيكَ وَمَفخَر
فَمُستَكثرٌ ما عِشتَ وَهوَ قَليلُ

6. And one who finds your qualities fair, the eyes have seen of you
And the minds have seen of you what is more beautiful than it.

٦. وَمُستَحسِنٌ ما أَبصَرت مِنكَ أَعيُنٌ
وَأَحسَن مِنهُ ما رَأَتهُ عُقولُ

7. When did fate make me see that it dedicated its strength
To your good fortune, and the world leant favourably towards me?

٧. أَحينَ أراني الدَهر قَد شدَّ ساعِدي
بِسَعدِكَ وَالدُنيا إِلَيَّ تَميلُ

8. I gained from your days foundations for the heights-
Branches grew from them for the heights, and foundations.

٨. أصول عَلى الأَيّامِ مِنكَ بِواحِدٍ
نَمَتهُ فُروعٌ لِلعُلا وَأُصولُ

9. It hit me with the arrow of the eye, so my instrument fell down
And in the early morning there was debris left of me.

٩. رَماني بِسَهمِ العَينِ فَاِندَقَّ عامِلي
وَأَصبَحَ مِنّي في الغرارِ فلولُ

10. I have been thirsty for the encounter, and we will meet in Paradise,
So my wish, what way to you is there?

١٠. ظَمِئتُ إِلى اللُقيا وَفي الحَشرِ نَلتَقي
فَيا سَلسَبيلي ما إِلَيكَ سَبيلُ

11. My day is spent by the rivers and the garden is desolate
Without you, and as for my night- it is barren.

١١. نَهاري عَلى الأَنهارِ وَالرَوضُ وحشَة
إِلَيكَ وَأَمّا لَيلَتي فَأَليلُ

12. And my soul melts away with my breath from the heat
So from where will the hot agony be soothed with tears?

١٢. وَنَفسي بِأَنفاسي تَذوبُ حَرارَةً
فَمِن أَينَ يشفى بِالدُموعِ غَليلُ

13. I try to console myself, but who consoles me when
Those who console have passed away, the foundations have been named?

١٣. أعزى وَمَن لي بِالعَزاءِ وَقَد خَلَت
أَعِزّاءُ أَسمو بِاِسمِهِم وَأصولُ

14. I knew the world to be a deceiver, completely misleading
And they were deceivers who had delusions.

١٤. عَهدتُ الدّنا غَرّا مُحجّلَةً مَعا
وَهُم غُرَرٌ كانَت لَها وَحُجولُ

15. And it is not good that I see every master
Whom a grave hides while the wilderness is beautiful.

١٥. وَغَير جَميلٍ أَن أَرى كُلَّ سَيِّدٍ
يُواريهِ قَبر وَالعَراءُ جَميلُ

16. I pretended to be patient, but tears exposed me
As did white hair expose the inner darkness of the head.

١٦. تَجَلَّدَت لكِنَّ الدُموعَ فَضَحنَني
كَما فَضَحَ الشَيب الخَصيُ نُصولُ

17. I have faced from the days every great one
Which throws soil on the lion and assaults him.

١٧. لَقيت مِنَ الأَيّامِ كُلَّ عَظيمَةٍ
تهيلُ عَلى الأُسدِ الثَرى وَتَهولُ

18. They say he had a family and shelter- your son
And he was like the sincere ones among the deceivers.

١٨. يَقولونَ كانَ الأَهلُ وَالسَكَنُ اِبنَه
وَكانَ مِنَ الخِلّانِ فيهِ بَديلُ

19. So today he meets no-one but enemies
Indeed, the stranger has no friend.

١٩. فَلَيسَ يُلاقي اليَومَ إِلّا عَدُوَّهُ
وَقَد صَدَقوا ما لِلغَريبِ خَليلُ

20. I lost the beloved of my soul, and I longed for him
Is there any way for me to reach the beloved?

٢٠. فَقَدتُ حَبيبَ النَفسِ وَاِشتَقتُ نَحوه
فَهَل لي إلى وَصلِ الحَبيبِ وُصولُ

21. Do you not know that I courted enemies
And that a light person does not like a heavy one?

٢١. أَلَم تَعلَمي أَنّي تَوَدَّدتُ لِلعِدا
وَأَنَّ خَفيفاً لا يُحِبُّ ثَقيلُ

22. And I was gentle towards them, while they were hard
It is all the same to them, whether it is soft or rigid.

٢٢. وَرِفتُ عَلَيهِم سَجسَجا وَهُم الصَفا
سَواء عَلَيهِم حَرجَفٌ وَبَليلُ

23. So when they let go and questioned without hands
I lifted my hand from them, so it was said- flexible!

٢٣. فَلَمّا أَدلوا وَاِستَدَلّوا بِلا يَدٍ
رَفَعتُ يَدي عَنهُم فَقيلَ مَلولُ

24. And if they were fair, they would say we envied him
So we did not carry his load though it was portable.

٢٤. وَلَو أَنصَفوا قالوا وَمَن لي بِمُنصِفٍ
حسدنا فَلَم نَحمِلهُ وَهوَ حَمولُ

25. And from the wonders of the world- a stranger is liked
And from the miseries of the world- an ignorant fool.

٢٥. وَمِن عَجَبِ الدُنيا غَيربٌ مُحَبَّبٌ
وَمِن نَكَدِ الدُنيا أَلَدَّ جَهولُ

26. I was true to my promise while the nights are fleeting
And I struggled with myself while the time is stingy.

٢٦. وَفيتُ بِعَهدي وَاللَيالي غَوادِرٌ
وَجُدتُ بِنَفسي وَالزَمانُ بَخيلُ

27. And I chose my religion and was content with what suffices me
And I lived honourably while the stranger is disgraced.

٢٧. وَآثَرتُ ديني وَاِقتَنَعتُ بِما كَفى
وَعِشتُ عَزيزاً وَالغَريبُ ذَليلُ

28. And I do not hope that people will recognize my value
And excellence to them, and redundancies are equal.

٢٨. وَما طَمَعي أَن يَعرِفَ القَومُ قيمَتي
وَسيّانَ فَضلٌ عِندَهُم وَفُضولُ

29. The days gathered against me until they defeated me
Regarding the One, though the news regarding Him is great.

٢٩. تَظافَرَتِ الأَيّامُ حَتّى غَلَبنَني
عَلى واحِدي وَالخَطبُ فيهِ جَليلُ

30. His blood flowed until his own soul flowed in it
And my assumption has sworn that he is killed.

٣٠. جَرى دمهُ حَتّى جَرَت فيهِ نَفسُهُ
وَأَقسَمَ ظَنّي أَنَّهُ لَقَتيلُ

31. And his brain is like my brain, so let my tears
Decide which of the two brains will flow.

٣١. وَمُهجَتُهُ مِن مُهجَتي فَمَدامِعي
سلوهُنَّ أَيُّ المُهجَتَينِ تَسيلُ

32. A dear one flowed in the pure pearl until when he disappeared
The attributes of the crescent moon disappeared at the sunset.

٣٢. عَقيقٌ جَرى في الدرَّ حَتّى إِذا مَحا
مَحاسِنهُ عاقَ الهِلال أفولُ

33. And two tearful eyes were not enough to cry
Until the flowing tears flowed.

٣٣. وَقَد جَحَظَت مُزوَرَّتانِ وَما كَفى
جحوظُهُما حَتّى أَسيلَ أَسيلُ

34. Inflicting in him wounds just as
The Indian sword is nicked and it is polished.

٣٤. مُؤَثِّرَةً فيهِ الجِراحَةُ مِثلَما
يُفَلَّلُ سَيفُ الهِندِ وَهوَ صَقيلُ

35. So how can I gain victory while death is an adversary?
And how can I seek vengeance while the killed one is buried?

٣٥. فَكَيفَ اِنتِصاري وَالمَنايا قَواتِلٌ
وَكَيفَ اِثِّئاري وَالقَتيلُ قَبيلُ

36. I lower my gaze for it and overlook the offense
And I am not angry- my duty is pleasure and acceptance.

٣٦. أَغُضّ لَها طَرفي وَأغضي عَلى القَذا
وَلا سَخطٌ حَسبي رِضاً وَقَبولُ

37. And pleasures, if the right side held them
The left side held the adversities, equal to the right.

٣٧. وَنَشوانُ إِن كانَت بيُمناهُ أَكِلة
كَأَعلاهُ كانَت بِالشمالِ شَمولُ

38. I asked so he misled with arrogance, and led me
To a reason for death in which there is evidence.

٣٨. سألتُ فَدَلّى بِالغرورِ وَدَلَّني
عَلى سَبَبٍ لِلمَوتِ فيهِ دَليلُ

39. And he doubted- but he did not express his doubt
Rather, he increased his sickness. And how can the sick

٣٩. وَشَكَّ فَما أَشكاهُ بَل زادَ عِلَّة
وَكَيفَ بِمَعلولٍ يُبَلُّ عَليلُ

40. Be afflicted with an illness? Be kind to the ill!
I hoped for integrity- I did not attain it from his talk

٤٠. رجوت نقوهاً ما نَقَهتُ حَديثهُ
وَإِن رابَني مِنهُ ضَنىً وَنحولُ

41. And if he agreed with me in it, he was weak and thin.
So I lost my mind due to his mixing up his tongue

٤١. فَقَد زالَ عَقلي لِاِختِبالِ لِسانِهِ
وَخُيِّلَ لي أَنَّ الجِبالَ تَزولُ

42. And it seemed to me that mountains could disappear.
And nothing returned me to sanity until his movements stopped

٤٢. وَما هَدَّني حَتّى هَدَت حَرَكاتهُ
وَقامَ عَلَيهِ مأتَمٌ وَعَويلُ

43. And a funeral was held over him and there was wailing.
And he was enshrouded in the cloth of dignity and praise

٤٣. وَكُفِّن في ثَوبِ الكَرامَةِ وَالثَنا
عَلَيهِ حَنوطٌ وَالدُموعُ غَسولُ

44. Upon him was perfume and tears were the washing.
And when they went with his bier towards the prayer ground

٤٤. وَلَمّا غَدَوا نَحوَ المُصَلّى بِنَعشِهِ
تَقاصَرَ باعُ المَجدِ وَهوَ طَويلُ

45. The outstretched hand of glory was shortened as it is long.
And the songs of Fahras were silent, as for its springtime

٤٥. وَأَمسَت مَغاني فهر أَمّا رَبيعها
فَيَبسٌ وَأَمّا ربعُها فَمَحيلُ

46. It withered, and its pleasant garden dried out.
And his grave illuminated my surroundings in the open air

٤٦. وَنَوَّر حَولي قَبره الصَيف في الصَفا
وَطابَ بِرَيّاهُ ضُحىً وَأَصيلُ

47. And it was sweetened by his scent in the morn and evening.
In him I found the softness of life, and its heart,

٤٧. وَجَدتُ بِهِ لينَ الحَياةِ وَقَلبهُ
فَلَمّا اِهتَدى قَلبي إِذا هُوَ نيلُ

48. So when I came to my senses, it turned out to be the Nile!
And I compared it to softness, but when I turned it

٤٨. وَشَبَّهتهُ لينا فَلَمّا قَلبتهُ
إِذا هُوَ فَوقَ الفَرقَدَينِ أنيلُ

49. It was above the two breasts- a canal!
And they said "Do you love the full moon?" I said "Yes indeed!

٤٩. وَقالوا أَتَهوى البَدر قُلتُ لَهُم أَجَل
سَميٌّ لَهُ يهوى فَكَيفَ مَثيلُ

50. It has a namesake that loves it, so how about its equal?"
The one I love most in the world is its namesake

٥٠. أَحبُّ بَني الدُنيا إِلَيَّ سَمِيُّهُ
أحابيهِ حُبّاً لِاِسمِهِ وَأثيلُ

51. I loved his companions due to his name and roots.
You worshipped the Rich, and chose the house of dignity

٥١. أَعبد الغَنيّ اِختَرتَ دارَ كَرامَةٍ
نَزَلت بِها حَيثُ الكِرام نزولُ

52. You settled in it where the generous settle.
You pitched your tent close to God, safely

٥٢. حَطَطتَ جِوارَ اللَهِ رَحلَك آمِناً
وَشقت المعزّى هَل إِلَيكِ رَحيلُ

53. And endured the passage - is there any way to you?
Give me the eternal Kawthar to drink and let me drink

٥٣. ردِ الكَوثَرُ الخلدِيَّ فَاِشرَب وَسَقّني
إِذا لَم يَرِف ظِلٌّ عَلَيَّ ظَليلُ

54. When no shade stretches upon me, shady.
And join my womb, and ask God for mercy for me

٥٤. وَصل رَحمي وَاِسأَل ليَ اللَه رَحمَةً
يُقل عَثَراتي إِنَّهُ لَمقيلُ

55. He will reduce my stumbling, He is most Just.
And I am but the sword whose sharpness you were

٥٥. وَما أَنا إِلّا السَيف كُنت مضاءَهُ
فَأَصبَح لَمّا مُتَّ وَهوَ كَليلُ

56. So I became blunt when you died and I am worn out.
A lantern and a luminous one were extinguished with your loss

٥٦. خَبا مِنكَ مِصباحٌ وَجَفَّ مُنوّرٌ
خَميلَتُهُ لِلحاسِدينَ خمولُ

57. Its bend for the envious ones became bent.
So no bone except the great ones weakened it

٥٧. فَلا عَظمَ إِلّا أَوهَنتهُ عَظائِمٌ
وَلا حَبل إِلّا قَطَّعَتهُ حُبولُ

58. And no rope except the ropes cut it.
And you were, as I loved, righteous and blessed

٥٨. وَكُنت كَما أحبَبتُ بَرّاً مُبارَكاً
تُصَدِّقُكَ الأَقيالُ حينَ تَقولُ

59. The heavy scales will believe you when you say:
"When I was absent, people said 'Where is your son

٥٩. إِذا غِبتَ قالَ الناسُ أَينَ اِبنكَ الَّذي
تَطولُ بِهِ أَسيافيا وَنَطولُ

60. Through whom your swords are long, and we are long?'
So if I smile, they say 'O height, direct for us

٦٠. فَإِن لحت قالوا يا عُلاهُ سَلى لَنا
أَلِلقَمَرَينِ النَيِّرَينِ سَليلُ

61. To the two brilliant shining moons a ray.'"
It is forbidden for him to allow love

٦١. حَرامٌ عَلَيهِ أن يحلَّ لَهُ حُباً
وَإِن كانَ طِفلاً أَو تُجَرُّ ذُيولُ

62. Even if he is a child or drags his tail.
So there is no frivolity in him, and he is the son of twenty frivolous ones

٦٢. فَلا طيشَ فيهِ وَاِبن عِشرينَ طائِش
وَلا عجل وَالآدَمي عَجولُ

63. And no hastiness, while man is hasty.
And if the young foal contained the spirit of an adult

٦٣. وَلَو كانَ يَحوي اِبنَ المخاضِ نَجابَة
حَواها لِراعِ البُزلِ وَهوَ فَصيلُ

64. It would contain it in spite of the calf being a foal.
He returned hostility with my words with the impact of his speech

٦٤. أَعادَ العدا كَلمي بِوَقعِ كَلامِهِ
فَقالوا نِبالٌ راشَهُنَّ نَبيلُ

65. So they said "Arrows polished by a noble one."
And the literary person has never wronged him with ignorance

٦٥. وَما ضامَهُ قَطّ الأَديبُ بِصَولَةٍ
وَلا جاءَ يَشكوهُ إِليّ رَسولُ

66. Nor has a messenger come to complain to me about him.
Be comfortable, O servant of the Rich One, my son Al-Ridha’

٦٦. ليَهنَكَ يا عَبد الغَنيّ اِبني الرِضا
مَحَلٌّ بِطوبى طابَ فيهِ حُلولُ

67. An abode of good fortune where comfort settles.
I have benefited from love of remembrance- youth did not prefer over it

٦٧. نُفِعتُ بِحُبِّ الذِكرِ لَم تُؤثر الصبا
عَلَيهِ وَلَم يَهنَئكَ عَنهُ مَقيلُ