
Time weeps when it laughs,

هو الدهر يبكي إذا أضحكا

1. Time weeps when it laughs,
So why do you laugh at one who weeps?

١. هُوَ الدَهرُ يُبكي إِذا أَضحَكا
فَما لَكَ تَضحَكُ مِمَّن بَكى

2. Do you gloat at a man's lament today?
Perhaps tomorrow you will lament what he laments.

٢. أَيشمتُكَ اليَومَ شَكوى اِمرئٍ
لَعَلَّكَ تَشكو غَداً ما شَكا

3. I saw my enemies perish, and was glad,
Saying: thus do I wish the doomed to perish!

٣. رَأَيت العِدا هَلَكوا فَاِكتَرَث
ثُ وَقُلتُ كَذا أَرِدُ المَهلَكا

4. Yet life held no joy for me without my foes,
For death will overtake whomever it misses.

٤. وَما سَرَّني العَيشُ بَعدَ العِدا
إِذ المَوت مَن فاتَهُ أَدرَكا

5. When death is recalled, let one be moved to piety,
And hold back from all but righteousness.

٥. إِذا ذكرَ المَوت ذا عبرَةٍ
وَهَمَّ بِغَيرِ التُقى أَمسَكا

6. The honorable man makes night his day,
His halt his lodging, and his book his ark.

٦. أَخو العِزِّ مُتَّخِذٌ لَيلَهُ
نَهاراً وَمَنزِلَهُ منسَكا

7. Worse than death is a life of degradation,
Better than autonomy, a pious servant.

٧. فَشَرّ مِنَ المَوتِ عَيشٌ أَذَلّ
وَخَيرٌ مِنَ الحُرِّ عَبدٌ زَكا

8. Who kept faith and who betrayed are revealed,
One you call foe, the other friend.

٨. تَبيّنُ مَن خانَ مِمَّن وَفى
فَهذا عداهُ وَهذا حَكى

9. How masters flourished, then grew insolent
When none reigned over them but upstarts!

٩. وَربّ موالٍ زَكوا فَاِغتَدوا
لِمَن راحَ يَملِكُهُم مُلَّكا

10. Piety and probity have led the world,
Unlocking fettered necks thereby.

١٠. فَقادَ الوَرى الجدُّ وَهوَ التقى
لِعِزِّ الرِقابِ الَّتي فَكَّكا

11. Soon he who mounted by impiety
Will fall, or nearly fall.

١١. وَيوشِكُ أَن يَسقُطَ المُعتَلي
بِغَيرِ تُقى اللَهِ أَو أَوشَكا

12. He whose aim was not his ancestor's rectitude
Will stray into the wastes his sins created.

١٢. وَمَن لَم يَكُن حَدّهُ جَدُّه
دَهَتهُ الَّتي اِستَأصَلَت بَرمَكا

13. Take custom, leave innovation;
Observe to take or leave.

١٣. خُذ العُرفَ وَاِتَّرك المُنكرا
تِ وَاِنظُر لِتَأخُذَ أَو تَترُكا

14. Exert yourself in quest of knowledge,
To gain glory and a noble line.

١٤. وَرُح وَاِغدُ لِلعِلمِ دَأباً تَرِث
بِهِ العِزَّ وَالنَسَبَ الأَبرَكا

15. Wealth lies only in the scholar's wisdom,
Poverty only in the fool's conceit.

١٥. فَما الكَنزُ إِلّا هُدى عالَمٍ
وَلا الفَقرُ إِلّا غِنى أَنوَكا

16. God is He, so know this certainty
And leave uncertainty to the deviants.

١٦. هُوَ اللَهُ فَاِعتَقدَنَّ اليَقينَ
وَخَلّ الزَنادِقَة الأُفَّكا

17. Ask them: does any but God
Give life or death, move or keep still?

١٧. وَسَلهُم بِمَن ماتَ أَو عاشَ هَل
سوى اللَه سَكَّن أَو حَرَّكا

18. Can God be doubted? High exalted is His Name!
Wretched the man of insight who doubts!

١٨. أَفي اللَه شَكٌّ تَعالى اِسمُهُ
لَقَد خابَ ذو خِبرَةٍ شَكَّكا

19. Recalling, man finds his Lord
With enlightened heart and mind.

١٩. وَمَن يَتَذَكَّر يَجِد رَبَّهُ
بِقَلبٍ أَنارَ وَفَهمِ ذَكا

20. Of no use is a man's faith
If his heart associates others with God.

٢٠. وَما يَنفَعُ المَرءَ إيمانُهُ
بِفيهِ إِذا قَلبُهُ أَشرَكا

21. Glory to Him who veils the detractors,
Though if He wished, He could expose them.

٢١. فَسُبحانَ مَن يَستُرُ المُبطِلين
وَلَو شاءَ هَتكَهُمُ هَتَّكا

22. When an envious man or I seize aught,
Good or ill, it is the holding that hurts.

٢٢. صهٍ حاسِدي أَنا مِن طَيِّبينَ
إِذا مسك اِيّهما مَسَّكا

23. I am the pure gold, how long will burning
In the hellfire of cares refine me?

٢٣. أَنا اِبنُ الألى يَنحَرونَ السِمان
يَقولونَ ودك لِمَن وَدَّكا

24. How long will contention wound me,
My children and I ever at war?

٢٤. مُشَبَّكَةٌ من عَلَينا القَنا
فَيا طَعنُ شَبَّكَ مَن شَبَّكا

25. Would that on the day one who bears grudges
Against me has to repay them,

٢٥. وَلكِن إِذا ما وَفى الدَهرُ خان
فَشَتّت أَهلَكَ أَو أَهلَكا

26. He could dissolve some of my agonies,
Not multiply them!

٢٦. أَنا الذَهَبُ المَحضُ كَم ذا العَذاب
بِنارِ الهُمومِ لِكَي أسبَكا

27. I was a full moon, now am waning
As the nights of tribulation advance.

٢٧. وَكَم ذا العِراكُ أَلَم يَكفِني
مُصابي في وَلَدي مَعرَكا

28. As if between us had never been his face
To illuminate the dark when it descends.

٢٨. جَوىً بي لَو حَلَّ يَومَ الجَواءِ
بِبَعضِ مَكاكِيِّهِ ما مَكا

29. As if his words were never a sharp sword
To repel the blades of the enemy horde.

٢٩. عَلى قَمَرٍ في البلى آفِلٍ
إِذا ما أبلَّت قُروحي نَكا

30. He brought his parents joy in joyousness,
So he was Ibn Badr's moon among stars.

٣٠. كَأَن لَم يَكُن بَينَنا وَجهُهُ
يُضيءُ الظَلامَ إِذا اِحلَولَكا

31. I used to say: he will help me
Possess my days, if days can be possessed.

٣١. وَلَم يَكُ بِالمقولِ العَضبِ مِنه
يفلُّ سُيوفَ العِدا البُتَّكا

32. But when he reached his prime, flourishing,
I was veiled from him by fate's curtain.

٣٢. حَلى أَبَوَيهِ سَنىً في سَناءِ
فَكانَ اِبن بَدرِ الدُجى مِن ذُكا

33. He fell ill, and loss restored him;
He bequeathed me wounds that pierce.

٣٣. وَكُنتُ أَقولُ سُروراً بِهِ
سَأَملِكُ دَهري إِن أَملكا

34. He left me among the piercing thorns,
Else, were it not for piety, I would be them.

٣٤. فَلَمّا نَما وَسَما يافِعاً
وَرُعتُ بِهِ الصمَم الفُتَّكا

35. I seek refuge only in my enemies,
I find rest only in weeping.

٣٥. شَكا عِلَّةً فَشَفاهُ الرَدى
وَأَورَثَني العِلَل النُهَّكا

36. If misfortunes have wasted me,
I have defied them since my beard first sprouted.

٣٦. وَغادَرَني بَينَ شَوكِ القَتادِ
وَإِن كُنتَ لَولا التقى أَشوَكا

37. What vengeance, if I meet my enemies
While he meets God and the angels!

٣٧. فَما أَستَجيرُ بِغَيرِ العِدا
وَلا أَستَريحُ لِغَيرِ البُكا

38. The houris will kiss his eyelids
While his blood was spilled profusely.

٣٨. وَإِن عَلَّلَتني الغَواني فَقَد
أَراهُنَّ مُذ شبتُ لي فُرَّكا

39. Who will convey to him from his father
The greeting of either sorrow or solace?

٣٩. فَكَم بَينَنا إِن لَقيتُ العِدا
وَإِذ لَقي اللَه وَالمَلأَكا

40. Since he left, I have abandoned glory
And my path has been blocked, my route erased.

٤٠. وَقَبَّلت الحورُ أَجفانهُ
وَإِذ أَهدَرَت دَمَهُ سُفَّكا

41. I worship the Rich: intercede for me tomorrow
To reunite us, God willing, in the Abode of Peace

٤١. فَمَن ذا يُبَلِّغُهُ عَن أَبيهِ
تَحِيَّةَ ثَكلانَ أَو مَألَكا

42. On the Viridarium beneath which rivers flow,
That gives us maidens with large, dark eyes.

٤٢. قَعَدتُ عَنِ المَجدِ مِن بَعدِهِ
وَسُدَّت سَبيلي وَلا مَسلَكا

43. Your father who threaded phrases' pearls,
Had you lived, you would have outdone him.

٤٣. أعبد الغنيّ اِشفَعَن لي غَداً
لِيَجمَعَنا اللَهُ في مُتَّكا

44. Around him poets split hairs,
But none threaded as he threaded.

٤٤. عَلى الرَفرَفِ الخضرِ في جَنَّةٍ
تَزِفُّ لَنا العُرُبَ الفلكا

45. Peace upon you from one who laments, suffering
Separation from you - if lament could avail the lamenter!

٤٥. أَبوكَ الَّذي حاكَ طَرزَ القَريض
وَلَو عِشتَ كُنتَ لَها أَحوَكا

٤٦. تحكَّكَ مِن حَولِهِ شاعِرٌ
وَما حاكَ في ساعَةٍ حَكَّكا

٤٧. عَلَيكَ سَلامُ الشَجي المُشتَكي
فُراقكَ لَو نَفَعَ المُشتَكى