
Cure me of both my diseases, so they may escape from them, oh refuge!

داووك من علتيك حتى

1. Cure me of both my diseases, so they may escape from them, oh refuge!
I have tasted sorrow and tasted bereavement, pleasures became unlawful after you.

١. داووكَ مِن عِلَّتَيك حَتّى
تَسَلَّلوا مِنهُما لِواذا

2. Leave me be, for I have made my sadness a habit, not having chosen it.
Death, in his hands are arrows, neither missing their mark, nor blunted.

٢. ذُقتُ حماماً وَذُقتُ ثكلاً
حرَّم مِن بَعدِكَ اللّذاذا

3. Remind with it, do you see, did incantations protect from it, when it came as a refuge?
I was distracted from seeking help, as if my bereavement counts the wipings - oh refuge!

٣. ذَرني فَإِنّي اِتَّخَذتُ حُزني
إِلفاً وَلَم أَبغِهِ اِتِّخاذا

4. My flowing hair has grown white from my worries - what do the generous suffer, oh refuge!
You faded, oh garden of wishes, so there is no comfort or refuge.

٤. ذا المَوتُ في كَفِّهِ سِهامٌ
لا التُركَ أَخطَت وَلا قُباذا

5. You took from me all resolve, that was undoing the twisting of strands.
My body melted into sickness for you, when you left the thickets, oh refuge!

٥. ذكِّر بِهِ هَل ترى أَعاذَت
مِنهُ الرُقى إِذ أَتى مُعاذا

6. My tears poured and my patience waned, complaining - no gentle rain.
My pride and pride of a loving heart, delight of my eye - do you not regard me?

٦. ذهِلتُ عَن إِسوَةٍ كَأَنّي
ثكلي تعدُّ المسوحُ لاذا

7. Intellect and the full moon vanished from you, so I see neither this nor that.
My life blamed me, died doing good, and he who hurt and wronged me lived.

٧. ذَوائِبي شبنَ مِن هُمومي
ماذا يُقاسي الكِرامُ ماذا

8. My sin is great, and my request is that God make you a refuge for me.

٨. ذَويتِ يا رَوضَةَ الأَماني
فَلا مَلَذٌّ وَلا مَلاذا

٩. ذَهَبت مِنّي بِكُلِّ عَزمٍ
كانَ يَفُلُّ الظُبى نَفاذا

١٠. ذابَ سقاماً عَلَيكَ جِسمي
لَمّا تَرَكتَ الحَشا جُذاذا

١١. ذَلَّت دُموعي وَعَزَّ صَبري
قَوائِلاً فُضنَ لا رِذاذا

١٢. ذُخري فَخري حَبيب قَلبٍ
قُرَّةَ عَيني أَما تُحاذى

١٣. ذُكاءُ وَالبَدرُ مِنكَ غابا
فَلا أَرى هذِهِ وَلا ذا

١٤. ذمَّت حَياتي أَمُتَّ برّاً
وَعاشَ مَن عَقَّني وَآذى

١٥. ذَنبي عَظيمٌ وَسالَتي أن
يَجعَلَكَ اللَهُ لي معاذا