
The wings of passion have clipped my wings, so I cannot fly,

شفار الهوى قصت جناحي فلم أطر

1. The wings of passion have clipped my wings, so I cannot fly,
Though the clipped may hope again to flutter and to fly.

١. شِفارُ الهَوى قَصَّت جَناحي فَلَم أَطِر
وَقَد يَطمَعُ المَقصوصُ أَن يَتَرَيَّشا

2. My eyes rained tears in the empty quarter, and I called
To the quarter of intimates - how lonesome and shy!

٢. شَقَقتُ جُيوبَ الدَمعِ في الربعِ إِذ عفا
وَنادَيتُ ربعَ الأُنسِ ما لك موحِشا

3. Indeed we saw you were the rain of our eyes,
While that from which we drew rain left us dry.

٣. شَهِدنا لَقَد أَرواكَ غَيثُ عُيونِنا
وَأَمّا الَّذي اِستَمطَرت مِنهُ فَأَعطَشا

4. We drank it, and became more lovesick and confused,
Can two eyes quench what flared up in the soul?

٤. شَرِبناهُ فاِزدَدنا هُياماً وَغلَّةً
وَهَل يُطفئُ العينان ما شَبَّ في الحَشا

5. May God heal the livers of lovers from passion,
And stop the tongue of tears from them - how much it let fly!

٥. شَفى اللَهُ أَكبادَ المُحِبّينَ مِن جَوى
وَكَفَّ لِسانَ الدَمعِ عَنهُم فَكَم وَشى

6. They were martyred by chaste love, and if union revived them,
They'd have died again - union gives life to then die.

٦. شَقوا بِالهَوى العذرِيِّ لَو سَعِدوا بِهِ
وَماتوا وَلَو داواهُم الوَصل عَيَّشا

7. I'm passionate for one whose gait mimics the graceful deer,
And whose posture mimics the bending branches of trees.

٧. شُغِفتُ بِمَن يحكي الغَزالَ إِذا رَنا
وَيَحكي قَضيبَ الخَيزران إِذا مَشى

8. An intimate of beauty hunted my heart with his glance,
A peacock of beauty nested in my heart and took roost.

٨. شُوَيدنُ أُنسٍ صادَ قَلبي بِلَحظِهِ
وَطاووسُ حُسنٍ في فُؤادي عَشَّشا

9. I set out to be patient despite his radiant face,
But I cannot help but see him and feel amazed.

٩. شَرَعتُ بِقَلبي الصَبرَ عَن حرِّ وَجهِهِ
فَما هُوَ إِلّا أَن أَراهُ فَأدهَشا

10. Strong and patient was I, yet he tamed me.
It's sorrow enough that the lion was felled by the fly.

١٠. شَديد القُوى وَالصَبر كُنتُ فَهَدَّني
كَفى حزناً أَن يَصرَعَ الأَسد الرَشا