
I have an appointment with you through the Chosen One

لي موعد فيك على المصطفى

1. I have an appointment with you through the Chosen One
So ask him to fulfill it for the anguished one

١. لي مَوعِدٌ فيكَ عَلى المُصطَفى
فَاِسأَلهُ لِلمَفجوعِ إِنجازَهُ

2. And take the path of God, then wait
For your father in Paradise, if he takes it

٢. وَجُز صِراطَ اللَهِ ثُمَّ اِنتَظِر
أَباكَ في الجَنَّةِ إِن جازَهُ