
When does the longing lover complain of the one he loves?

متى يشتكي المشتاق ممن يحبه

1. When does the longing lover complain of the one he loves?
And does complaining to other than a sympathizer help?

١. مَتى يَشتَكي المُشتاقُ مِمَّن يُحِبُّهُ
وَهَل تَنفَعُ الشَكوى إِلى غَيرِ راحِمِ

2. His death is more suited to him than his life,
If complaining of love is a necessary blow.

٢. مَنِيَّتُهُ أَولى بِهِ مِن حَياتِهِ
إِذا كانَ شَكوى الحبِّ ضَربَة لازِمِ

3. I was denied the coming together of water and fire in the valley,
So I moaned, breaking my fast like one who fasts.

٣. مُنِعتُ وُرودَ الماءِ وَالنار في الحَشا
فَحَتّامَ أَصدى مُفطراً مِثلَ صائِمِ

4. The waters of the valleys and streams are all stopped up,
Yet I am more inclined to them than to the pouring tears.

٤. مِياهُ الغَوادي وَالجَداوِلُ جَمَّةٌ
وَأَرغَبُ عَنها بِالدُموعِ السَواجِمِ

5. Your dwellings are most tempting to the starving refugee,
Even if they are made hoary by the inscriptions of time.

٥. مَواردُكُم أَشهى إِلى الحائِمِ الصَدي
وَلَو أَنَّها شيبَت بِسمِّ الأَراقِمِ

6. You bestowed favor on us once by your company,
Then bade farewell, while time remains pitiless.

٦. مننتُم عَلَينا مَرَّةً بِوِصالِكُم
وَسالَمتُمُ وَالدَهرُ غَيرُ مُسالِمِ

7. You erased a tablet on which reproach was writ,
And the hand of approval was extended to my structure of acceptance.

٧. مَحَوتُم كِتاباً لِلعِتابِ خَطَطتُهُ
وَمُدَّ لِمَبنِيِّ الرِضا كَفُّ هادِمِ

8. The landmarks of my life in which love's victim was revived,
And I was vindicated by those tyrannical eyes.

٨. مَعالِمُ أَحيا الحبّ فيها قتيلَهُ
وَأَنصف مِن تِلكَ العُيونِ الظِوالِمِ

9. They possessed me, and when they turned away, my vindication
Was in those delicate cheeks and soft skin.

٩. مَلَكنَ فَلَمّا جُرنَ كانَ اِنتِصافُنا
بِتِلكَ الثَنايا وَالخُدودِ النَواعِمِ

10. I blame the days that have passed over my intent,
And I apologize for my advancing youth.

١٠. مَلاماً لِأَيّامٍ مَضَينَ عَلى النَوى
وَمَعذِرَةً لي في الصِبا المُتَقادِمِ