1. I stayed up the nights after you
As if embers were my bed
١. سَهِرتُ مِن بَعدِكَ اللَيالي
كَأَنَّما الجَمرُ لي فِراشُ
2. I shone with tears, my fluid overflowed
With it, and its pourer was thirst
٢. شَرِقتُ بِالدَمعِ رُمتُ ريّي
بِهِ وَشُرّابُهُ عِطاشُ
3. I drank the pure heat from it
Is there any rain for me, a sprinkler?
٣. شَرِبتُ مِنهُ الحَميمَ صِرفاً
فَهَل مِنَ الغَيثِ لي رشاشُ
4. I grew old, and they said I trembled in weakness
So I said, in the keen there is trembling
٤. شِبتُ فَقالوا اِرتَعَشتُ ضعفاً
فَقُلتُ في الصارِمِ اِرتِعاشُ
5. I became withered, and if his glance passed me
It wouldn’t mean that he is a reviver
٥. شختُ وَلَو مَرَّ طَرفهُ بي
لَم يَعنِهِ أَنَّهُ حُشاشُ
6. Embers of fire without copper
I and my enemies are the bedfellows
٦. شُواظُ نارٍ بِلا نُحاسٍ
أَنا وَأَعدائي الفراشُ
7. With you, my arm was strengthened, then I strived
So no exhaustion, no violence
٧. شُدَّت بِكَ العضدُ ثُمَّ جُدت
فَلا طِعانٌ وَلا بِطاشُ
8. My hand was slackened, rather, it was taken from me
And it is right for the weak to shrink
٨. شُلَّت يَدي بَل سَلَبتنيها
وَحُقَّ لِلأَخذَمِ اِنكِماشُ
9. I split my heart like a bereaved woman
Yet they did not spare me
٩. شَقَقتُ قَلبي كَمِثلِ ثكلى
فَفَنّدوني وَلَم يُحاشوا
10. The evilest lovers are a folk who
Their loved ones intended, so they lived
١٠. شَرُّ المُحِبّينَ مَعشَرٌ قَد
أَزمَعَ أَحبابُهُم فَعاشوا
11. A meteoric glory and an arrow of intellect
I knew them in pilgrimage to be sprinklers
١١. شِهابُ مَجدٍ وَسَهمُ فَهم
عَهِدتُهُ بِالحِجا يُراشُ
12. I witnessed astonishing things and endured from them
If the enemies witnessed them, they would have erupted
١٢. شَهِدتُ دَهيا بَطَشتُ مِنها
لَو شَهِدَتها العِدى لَطاشوا
13. His panting, and the forehead dewing
And the soul from his beauty rests
١٣. شَهيقهُ وَالجَبينُ يندى
وَالنَفسُ مِن حسنِهِ تناسُ
14. The severity of distress, and no sins
No reckoning, and no dispute
١٤. شِدَّةُ كَربٍ وَلا ذُنوبٌ
وَلا حِسابٌ وَلا نِقاشُ
15. I sensed the scent of eternity, so I felt safe
yes, grieved, and the turbulent calmed
١٥. شَمَمت روحَ الخُلودِ فَأَمن
بُلَّ ضَنىً وَاِستَراحَ جاشُ