1. I recalled the days of union with her, in which I have
No solace, nor patience, nor delight
١. ذَكَرتُ زَمانَ الوَصلِ فيها فَلَيسَ لي
عَزاءٌ وَلا صَبرٌ وَلا مُتَلَذَّذُ
2. I left, though parting has sealed my paths
While my heart is pulled towards the beloved
٢. ذَهَبتُ وَقَد سَدَّ الفُراقُ مَذاهِبي
وَقَلبي إِلى نَحوِ الأَحِبَّةِ يُجبَذُ
3. Bewildered am I, not knowing where destiny
Has led me, a decree on man flowing, fulfilled
٣. ذهلتُ فَما أَدري إِلى أَينَ قادَني
قَضاءٌ عَلى الإِنسانِ يَجري فَيَنفذُ
4. I despaired my life, how can I praise it when
I left pleasures I once seized
٤. ذَمَمتُ حَياتي كَيفَ أَحمدُها وَقَد
تَرَكتُ مِنَ اللذّاتِ ما كُنتُ آخذُ
5. I weaned myself after suckling glory
And drowned myself where I have no savior
٥. ذَلَلتُ فطاماً بَعدَ عزٍّ رَضعتُهُ
وَأَغرَقتُ نَفسي حَيثُ ما لي مُنقِذُ
6. By my life, my sins have drowned me and destroyed me
Else, I stand firm, stout-hearted and unyielding
٦. ذُنوبي لَعَمري غَرَّقتني فَأَوبَقت
وَإِلّا فَإِنّي ثابِتُ القَلبِ جَهبَذُ
7. The reins of love, why did I not pasture them
And stay close to she who I seek refuge with
٧. ذِمامُ الهَوى يُرعى فَهَلّا رَعيتهُ
وَكُنت بِقُربى مَن نَوى أَتَعَوَّذُ
8. My promises have withered, once verdant
I rusted while my heart for the beloved sharpens
٨. ذَوَيتُ وَعودي بِالرضابِ اِخضِرارُهُ
صِدئتُ وَقَلبي بِالنَواصِلُ يُشحَذُ
9. Wit and full moon of perfection veil themselves
From the beauty that has captured my heart
٩. ذُكاءٌ وَبَدرُ التمِّ يَحتَجِبانِ مِن
مَحاسِن من قَلبي عَلَيهِ مُجَذَّذُ
10. His curling tresses are musk, his cheeks pearls
His cheeks myrrh, his moles ruby
١٠. ذَوائِبُهُ مِسكٌ ثَناياهُ لُؤلُؤٌ
وَخَدّاهُ تِبرٌ وَالعِذارُ زُمُرُّدُ