1. The arrows of eyes have struck you, by Allah's decree,
And you were seized before fulfilling any purpose.
١. رَمَتكَ سِهامُ العَينِ وَاللَهُ أَنفَذا
وَما أَخَذتَ حَتّى قَضى فيكَ مَأخَذا
2. So pass away praising God, as a compassionate one says,
Protecting you with His beautiful names, caring and guarding.
٢. فَمُتَّ وَقالَ الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ مُشفِقٌ
بِأَسمائِهِ الحُسنى رَقاكَ وَعَوَّذا
3. If He wished, He would have healed your beautiful face,
That became inflamed until I feared it would fester.
٣. وَلَو شاءَ عافى وَجهَكَ الحَسنَ الَّذي
تَوَرَّمَ حَتّى خِفتُ أَن يَتَخَذَّذَا
4. But He recompensed you with Paradise, feeding you
From the eternal garden foods that nourished you.
٤. وَلكِنَّهُ جازاكَ بِالجَنَّةِ الَّتي
غَذاكَ بِها مِن جَنَّةِ الخُلدِ ما غَذا
5. I hoped for you, my son, while time was against me,
I strove to protect you, while it strove to seize you.
٥. رَجوتُكَ يا اِبني وَالزَمانُ محالِفي
سَعيتُ لِتَوقي وَهوَ يَسعى لِتوقَذا
6. When Allah took whom I had placed hope in,
And spared whom I complain of, hurting and wounding me.
٦. وَلَمّا تَوَفّى اللَهُ مَن كُنتُ أَرتَجي
وَعاشَ الَّذي يشكى الأَذى مِنهُ وَالقَذى
7. I embraced the son of animosity, having often
Interceded for him, that he not be rejected and abandoned.
٧. نَبَذتُ وَضمتُ اِبنَ البِغيّ وَطالَما
شَفعتُ لَهُ أَن لا يُضامَ وَينبذا
8. I wrenched my heart from the sorrows of his ribs,
And the earth only pulled you to be wrenched away.
٨. جَبَذتُ فُؤادي مِن حَنايا ضُلوعِهِ
وَما جَبَذَتكَ الأَرضُ إِلّا لِتُجبَذا
9. One devoid of guidance flashed a bare smile, and they said "Lo! Guidance!"
So I said "Nay! Begone!" and let my tears flow.
٩. لَحى في البُكا لاحٍ فَقالوا أَلا هُدى
فَقُلتُ وَأسبَلتُ الدُموعَ أَلا اِنبذا
10. Those who call upon me to sorrow for you
Make the loss of you in my heart more painful than burns.
١٠. يَصيّرُني الداعونَ فيكَ إِلى الأَسى
وَثُكلكَ في قَلبي أَحَرُّ مِنَ الحَذا
11. My heart refused to be cut up with sorrow
And to protect upon the fire my blistered chest.
١١. أَبى القَلبُ إِلّا أَن يُقَطَّعَ حَسرَةً
وَيحمي عَلى النارِ الضُلوعَ مُحَبِّذا
12. I have lost one young, venerable in years,
The core of the core, the noblest entertainment, snatched away.
١٢. وترت صَغيرَ السِنِّ مُستَعظمَ السّنا
جَنِيَّ المحيّا قلب القَلب جَهبَذا
13. His manners refine, his nature gently inspired,
And his customs, until it is said "he took on dignity".
١٣. تَرِقّ حَواشيهِ وَيَظرُفُ طَبعُهُ
وَآدابُهُ حَتّى يُقال تَبَغدَذا
14. Glory bows to him for what elevated him,
And prominence yields to him from what gave him distinction.
١٤. وَيَحنو عَلَيهِ المَجدُ مِمّا سَما لَهُ
وَيَعنو لَهُ الضّرغامُ مِمّا تَنَجَّذا
15. Was he not the pride of Fahr bin Malik's clan?
Seeing their glory in the cup of glory, he emulated it.
١٥. وَهَل كانَ إِلّا فَخرَ فهر بنِ مالِكٍ
رأى حَذوهُم في صيصَةِ المَجدِ فَاِحتَذى
16. The enemies' poison dissolves at his mention,
Their skins crawl until you see the lion shudder.
١٦. وَصُمُّ الأَعادي تَقشعرُّ لِذِكرِهِ
جُلودهُمُ حَتّى تَرى اللَيثَ قُنفُذا
17. My eyes draw near him when heated with anger at them,
And burn when I am burned while they are the burning.
١٧. تَقرّ بهِ عَيني إِذا سَخِنَت بِهِم
وَتُقذى إِذا ما أقذيَت وَهُمُ القَذى
18. I kiss the ruby cheek of the polished one,
If he had lived I would have kissed his downy cheek too.
١٨. أُقَبِّلُ ياقوتَ المحيّا بِخَدِّهِ
وَلَو عاشَ لي قَبّلتُ مِنهُ الزُمُرُّذا
19. It was misery to me in life, he who had brought me joy,
And he who rescued me drowned me in tears.
١٩. لَقَد ساءَني في الدَهرِ مَن كانَ سَرَّني
وَأَغرَقَني في الدَمعِ مَن كانَ أَنقَذا
20. He passed away, upon him no sin was recorded,
How could he, when he wished no transgression or passing fancy?
٢٠. مَضى وَهوَ لَم تُكتَب عَلَيهِ خَطيئَةٌ
وَكَيفَ وَما أَمنى بُلوغاً وَلا مَذى
21. Never did he harm a Muslim, neither with his tongue
Nor his hands, but bore harm patiently.
٢١. وَلا قَطّ آذى مُسلِماً بِلِسانِهِ
وَلا بِيَدَيهِ بَل هُوَ اِحتَمَلَ الأَذى
22. He saddened my eye, and made tears flow,
Leaving only his sweet memory behind.
٢٢. فَأَرَّقَ عَيني وَالدُموع أَراقَها
وَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا ذِكرُهُ مُتَلَذِّذا
23. The light hastened around his coffin and his possessions,
Saying "Purified is he whose scene was thus".
٢٣. سَعى النورُ حَولي نَعشهُ وَعِداتهُ
تَقولُ زَكا مَن كانَ مَشهَدُهُ كَذا
24. And the Muslims prayed over him altogether,
Except for the jurist, the magician.
٢٤. وَصَلّى عَلَيهِ المُسلِمونَ بِأَسرِهِم
وَقاضي التقى إِلّا الفَقيهَ المَشعوذا
25. They wept for him and said "What righteousness and clemency!
We found him to be the most righteous and gentle".
٢٥. بَكَوهُ وَقالوا أَيَّ برٍّ وَفالِذٍ
وَجَدناهُ مِن كُلٍّ أَبرّ وَأَفلَذا
26. So they watered the earth around his pure, fragrant grave,
Circling his tomb, crying profusely.
٢٦. فَغاثوا بِهِ الأَرضَ رَيّا مِنَ البُكا
وَطافوا بَرِيّا قَبره الطَيِّبَ الشَذا
27. If the star of glory could feel his coffin,
It would resemble my heart, cracked with grief.
٢٧. شِهابُ العُلا لَو كانَ يعقلُ نَعشهُ
لَأَشبَهَ قَلبي حَسرَةً فَتَفَلَّذا
28. Sublimity says, whenever I am amazed by him,
"For the likes of you the Arabs say 'Blessed and congratulated!'"
٢٨. تَقولُ المَعالي كُلَّما أعجبت بِهِ
لِمِثلِكَ قالَ العربُ نعمى وَحَبَّذا
29. He had an intellect that did not err,
Its polish the practice of deep thought and focus.
٢٩. لَهُ فَهَمٌ ما كلَّ قَطُّ غرارُهُ
فَمصقَله إِعمالُ فِكرٍ وَشَحَّذا
30. He discerned the difference in meaning between "if" and "that",
And distinguished "dignity" from "when".
٣٠. تَبَيَّنَ مَعنى الفَرق ما بَينَ إِن وَأَن
وَمَيَّزَ إِذ قيلَ التَأَدُّبِ من إِذا
31. He saw the writers as the apple of his eye,
When the young students filled him with joy.
٣١. وَكانَ يَرى الكُتّابَ قُرَّةَ عَينِهِ
إِذا صِبيةُ الكتّابِ مَلّوهُ لُوَّذا
32. He swore if ninefold more came to him,
He would gratify every teacher who taught him.
٣٢. وَأَقسَمَ لَو أَوفى عَلى التِسعِ مِثلُها
عَنا كُلَّ أَستاذِ لَهُ فَتَتَلمَذا
33. O my son, you were unique in your nobility,
And the noble have remained like you, singular.
٣٣. أَعبدُ الغنيّ اِبني شَذَذتَ نَجابَةً
وَما زالَت الأنجابُ مِثلكَ شُذَّذا
34. You humiliated the foolish old men with wisdom and calm,
Thus we knew Fahr among the people, most singular.
٣٤. بَذَذتَ الكُهولَ الغرّ حِلماً وَسُؤدُداً
كَذاكَ عَهدنا فهر لِلنّاسِ بُذَّذا
35. It is as if you recite the remembrance, learning from it,
Chanting it slowly while people chant it hastily.
٣٥. كَأَنَّكَ تَتلو الذِكرَ مُتَّعِظاً بِهِ
تُرتِّلُهُ وَالناسُ يَتلونَ هُذَّذا
36. Shall I be bereft of meaning though I am but one,
When the people have lost your manners and uniqueness?
٣٦. أَأَحسب لي مَعنى وَإِن كُنتُ واحِداً
شَأى القَومَ في آدابِهِ وَتَفَذَّذا
37. After you I no longer enjoy any garden,
My eye finds no outlet on earth.
٣٧. وَبَعدَكَ لا أَرتادُ في الرَوضِ مَربَعاً
لِعَيني وَلا أَسطيعُ في الأَرضِ مَنفَذا