1. Send your greetings among the people, Muhammad,
Their sins have grown great and the guide has become dear.
١. أرسل سلامك في الانام محمدُ
عظمت مآثمهم وعزّ المرشدُ
2. They have returned as if you had never been the light of guidance
For all the worlds, and your time had not yet come.
٢. عادوا كأنك لم تكن نورَ الهدى
للعالمين ولم يحن لك موعَد
3. And they have taken on again the spirit of the Age of Ignorance
In every land it grows wanton and roams at large.
٣. وغدوا وروح الجاهلية روحهم
في كل أرض يزدهي ويعربد
4. Part of the ignorance of their age is their ignorance
And their unbelief part of the make-up of the obstinate.
٤. الجاهلية بعض جهل زمانهم
والكفُر بعض خلاقة المتوطد
5. They denied the majesty of al-Nasiri, and that he
Is one of God's blessings which cannot be denied.
٥. جحدوا جلال الناصريّ وانه
من انعم الله التي لا تجحد
6. And they penetrated so far into error that they quaked
At what you have promised and at what you intend.
٦. وتوغّلوا في الغي حتى ارجفوا
في ما وعدت به وفي ما تقصد
7. They set up, out of their blind reason, lamps
And made it a lord to be rewarded and worshipped.
٧. نصبوا من العقل الضرير منائراً
وجعلوه رباً يستثاب ويُعبد
8. So they themselves are temples of apostasy,
Raving, exporting misery and importing it.
٨. فهُمُ لأنفسهم هياكلُ ردة
هوجاء تُصدرُ للشقاء وتُورد
9. Al-Lat - what they reckoned! And Uzza - what they desired!
God is greatest! Where is your sword that reaps?
٩. فاللاتُ ما حسبو وعُزىّ ما بغوا
الله اكبر أين فأسك تحصد
10. God - from the night that He singled out by His perception
And stopped time in its tracks and turned the stars upside down,
١٠. الله من ليل تفرّد حسهُ
وقف الزمان به ورد الفربد
11. The sky drew near as if the secret of its existence
Was on earth, intent on revealing itself and lying in wait.
١١. دنت السماء كأن سرّ وجودها
في الأرض همّت تجتليه وترصد
12. And the lights called out - unimagined things -
The purest and most ardent, beyond all price.
١٢. وتنادت الأضواء لم يُحلم بها
اصفى وهام فلا يشام الاثمد
13. And things asked about the wonder that was in them
And awoke and their frozen perception melted.
١٣. وتساءلت عما بها الاشياء
وانتبهت وامرعَ حسُّها المتجمد
14. And there crept a tingling so there was nothing left
But ecstasy, submerging itself in glory and praise.
١٤. وسرى الحبُور فليس غيرُ حشاشة
ترجو وتغرق في البهاء وتحمد
15. The laws of nature were overcome and violated,
Obedient to the Awesome One - they rise and sit at His command!
١٥. غُلِبتَ نواميسُ الطبيعة واغتدت
طوع المهيب بها تقوم وتقعد
16. What astonishment! And this His night!
This travail, and this birth!
١٦. ماذا أمن عجب وهذا ليله
هذا المخاض به وهذا المولد
17. And the babe - a handful in the dust endowed
With clairvoyance, and an eye surveying the horizon.
١٧. والطفل كفٌ في التراب تسومه
خسفاً وعين في الجواء تُصعّدُ
18. And the universe acclaims the new-born child, blossoms,
And is refreshed in its veins because of Him, and extols Him.
١٨. والكون يهتف بالوليد ويزدهي
ويطيب اعراقاً به ويمجّد
19. O you who are sent as nothing but love
And an expression of never-ending love,
١٩. يا مرسلاً ما أنت غير محبة
وعبارة لمحبة لا تنفد
20. This book and everything called a saying in it
Is about you - and that inimitable eloquence!
٢٠. هذا الكتاب وكل قولٍ قوله
فيه وهذاك البيان المفرد
21. If someone recites it and intones a verse from it
Would he have done so, were it not for you?
٢١. من كان يحفظه ويتلو آية
لولاك أو يشدو به ويجوّد
22. Or chants it melodiously and with emotion -
If I am excessive in my yearning after you, reprove me!
٢٢. أنا إن غلوت تشاوفا بك فاتئد
ما أنت دياني ولا أنا ملحد
23. You are not my religion, nor am I an unbeliever.
You grasped the essence of unity, so became transcendent;
٢٣. أدركتَ جوهر وحدة فتنزّهت
وصفت وأشرق سرهاً المتوقد
24. You described, and its mystery shone forth, burning bright.
And you instilled it in men, a gift of the Creator
٢٤. وبثثتها في الناس منحة خالق
تهديهِمِ وتعزذهم وتخلّد
25. To guide them, strengthen them, and make them immortal.
And in its name the tribes of one community came together,
٢٥. وعلى اسمها اجتمعت قبائل أمة
عقدت خناصرها عليك وتعقد
26. Embracing you, committed to you.
They existed - did they exist? - then you came and they became
٢٦. كانت وهل كانت وجئت فاصبحت
سمع الزمان بها يضجّ ويرعد
27. A blast that made the age quake and thunder!
And if they had heard your call in its entirety
٢٧. وَلَوَ انها سمعت نداءك كله
لاستعربت آزالة والسرمد
28. They would have been startled out of their wits and transfixed!
They would have united every inhabitant of the desert
٢٨. وحدّت حتى كل أهل برية
بالله اخوان وبالتقوى يد
29. As brothers in God, and brothers in piety.
They would have united - mankind has one innate character -
٢٩. وحدذت فالإنسان كنه واحد
وانا وكوني عيسوياً اشهد
30. And I, though a Christian, bear witness to this.
They would have set forth until no code remained
٣٠. وشرعت حتى ليس بعد شريعة
إلا وأنت معينها والمورد
31. But you as its aid and refuge.
And you would have established their state with infinite scope
٣١. وأقمتَ دولتهم لها سعة المدى
في الأرض يرحب ما يضيق ويبعد
32. On earth - however constricted, you would have expanded it!
It is a state whose system is your love of heaven
٣٢. هي دولة حَبك السماء نظامها
أمن الضعيف بها ولان السيد
33. Where the weak are safe and the masters humble.
It has a law by which people are not domineering
٣٣. شرعٌ لديها الناس لا مستكبر
عات ولا متحكمون وأعبد
34. Or lorded over, and slaves are free.
And love awakens the relationships between them
٣٤. والحب يستقضي العلائق بينهم
لا صارم صافي الحسام مهنّد
35. With no sword, sharp and ready to slay.
Now we remember, while ordeal camps
٣٥. إنا لنذكر والبلاء مخيّم
في جيرة الاقصى يصول ويوعد
36. At the fence of the Noble Sanctuary, raging and threatening destruction,
And venom surges in the dust, poisoning it,
٣٦. والحقد تعتور التراب سمومه
فيجفّ عرق الخصب فيه ويجمد
37. So the sap of fertility in it dries up and freezes.
And the land is the prey of robbers who wish, if
٣٧. والأرض نهب الناهبين تودّ لو
عدم يُلم بها ويَنساها غد
38. Annihilation would gather it up and make it forgotten tomorrow!
And death slashes lives with curved swords
٣٨. والموت تعصف بالنفوس اكفه
وتذل آمال الرجال وتخمد
39. And humiliates men's hopes and extinguishes them.
My anxiety - and what is my anxiety? Those hordes of them
٣٩. لهفي وما لهفي وتلك جموعهم
موتى من الاحياء لمّا يلحدوا
40. Are dead among the living - if only they were shrouded!
They were strewn about by the swords and those who escaped
٤٠. نثروا على حد السيوف ومن نجوا
نهشوا بانياب الشقاء وشرّدوا
41. Were mangled by the fangs of misery and scattered.
They cry out to the pitiless universe
٤١. يستصرخون الكون وهو مظالمٌ
ويد مضرّجة وعقل موصد
42. With hands bloodied by atrocity and minds locked shut.
In misery over there and in sorrow over here
٤٢. سيان في البلوى هناك وفي الأسى
لا اسم المسيح ولا اسم احمد ينجد
43. It's all one - neither the name of Christ nor Ahmad saves them.
O you who are sent, bird of Canopus, be our champion
٤٣. يا مرسلاً طيراً ابابيلَ انتصف
للخير كاد اجل شأنك يفقد
44. For the good - your majesty was almost eclipsed!
Where are those rocks whose torrents
٤٤. أين الحجارة تلك ان سيولها
الهطلات تعمي من تصيب وتقعد
45. Rained destruction on those they struck, laying them low?
Send them - for those not guided by the Most High Light-
٤٥. ارسل فمن لم يهده النور العلى
أشفاه منهمراً عليه الجلمد
46. Mouthfuls pouring down on them like frigid stone!
Send your greetings among the people, Muhammad,
٤٦. ارسل سلامك في الأنام محمد
عظمت مآثمهم وعزّ المرشد