1. Say to the royal son of kings, the hunter,
Words that close his wide net,
١. قُلْ للمليكِ ابنِ الملوكِ الصِّيدِ
قوْلاً يسدُّ عليه عَرْضَ البيدِ
2. I yearn for you - don't you care for the exalted?
Or is there a heart of iron between your wings?
٢. لَهفي عليكَ أما ترِقُّ على العُلى
أم بينَ جانِحتَيكَ قلبُ حديد
3. It is not right for your hand to be extended to a prey,
After the shaking of the bent spear,
٣. ما حَقُّ كفِّكَ أن تُمَدَّ لمِبضَعٍ
من بعد زَعزعةِ القَنا الأملود
4. That was not its reward in its sanctuary,
Between dew and the deep wound.
٤. ما كان ذاك جزاؤها بمجالِهَا
بينَ النَّدى والطعنةِ الأخدود
5. If it turned away from it, other game would be caught -
I would have protected its wrist with my arteries.
٥. لو نابَ عنها فصدُ شيءٍ غيرِهَا
لوَقيْتُ مِعصَمَها بحبل وريدي
6. So return its bleeding carcass to me, if
The carcass can be returned after rigidity.
٦. فارْدُدْ إليك نجيعَها المُهْراق إنْ
كان النجيعُ يُرَدُّ بعدَ جُمود
7. Or let me drink its blood, for I am more deserving of it
Than it being shed on earth and land.
٧. أو فاسقِنِيه فإنّني أولى به
من أن يُرَاقَ على ثَرىً وصَعيد
8. And if it flowed from silver vessels in a gown,
Without the thunder-like shooter knowing.
٨. ولئِنْ جرى من فضَّةٍ في عسجدٍ
فبغَيرِ علم الفاصدِ الرِّعْديد
9. So your hands missed it, though they knew not,
If only it knew the next day after the witnessed event.
٩. فصَدتْكَ كفّاهُ وما دَرَتَا ولو
يَدْري غَداةَ المشهد المشهود
10. It would have let its organs flow naturally,
Flowing correctly, smoothly.
١٠. أجْرى مباضِعَهُ على عاداتها
فجَرَتْ على نهجٍ من التّسديد
11. And desperation, which liberates from your conquering blow,
Would have freed it from your obedient spear.
١١. واعْتاقَهُ عن مَلكِها الجزَعُ الذي
يعتاقُ بطشةَ قِرنِكَ المِرّيد
12. I said your mercy would return to the anguished,
For you have appealed to the heart of every loving soul.
١٢. قد قلتُ للآسي حنانَك عائِداً
فلقَد قَرَعْتَ صَفاةَ كلِّ ودود
13. Or did you not fear Allah regarding the member which
All the resolute heroes would sacrifice themselves for?
١٣. أوَما اتَّقَيْتَ اللّه في العضْوِ الذي
يَفديه أجمعُ مُهجةِ الصِّنديد
14. Or were you not afraid of the blades around it
Which shake with intense anger at you?
١٤. أوَما خشيتَ من الصّوارمِ حولَه
تهتزُّ من حَنَقٍ عليك شديد
15. Or were you not awed by the forearm of the lion
Dyed with the blood of lions?
١٥. أوَلم تُهَلْ من ساعدِ الأسَدِ الذي
فيه خِضابٌ من دماءِ أُسود
16. And when did you dare to touch its noble palm
Unless you were one of the brave hunters?
١٦. ولمَا اجترأتَ على مَجَسَّة كفِّه
إلاَّ وأنتَ من الكُماة الصِّيد
17. And why would you hunt one whose hand flowed
Like the sea, generous for an extended time?
١٧. وعلامَ تفْصِدُ مَن جرَى من كفِّه
في الجود مثلُ البحرِ عامَ مُدود
18. It is enough what they wanted to spend
In glory - the soul of the exhausted striver.
١٨. فبحسبه ممّا أرادوا بذلَهُ
في المجدِ نفسُ المُتعَب المجهود
19. They said "We seek a cure" - so I told them:
"The illness is not for its like with conviction."
١٩. قالوا دَواءً نبتغي فأجبتُهُمْ
ليسَ السَّقامُ لمثلِهِ بعَقيدِ
20. "Why does he not cure himself with his generosity,
He who can cure with generosity?"
٢٠. لِمَ لا يُداوي نفسَه من جودهِ
مَن كان يمكنُه دواءُ الجود
21. "His illness is nothing but extravagance
Which persists, and extravagance is not praiseworthy."
٢١. ما داؤهُ شيءٌ سوى السرف الذي
يُمضي وما الإسرافُ بالمحمودِ
22. "He loved benevolence, and that is his sign, and the guide
Of an adorer is not hidden."
٢٢. عَشِقَ السَّماحَ وذاك سيماهُ وما
يَخفى دليلُ متَيَّمٍ معمود
23. "Indeed it is his time that is sick, not his body,
For the like of him is not afflicted."
٢٣. إنَّ السقيمَ زمانُهُ لا جسمُهُ
إذ لا يجيءُ لمثله بنديد
24. "The times fell short of virtues and loftiness,
Indeed evil times are not rightly guided."
٢٤. قَعَدَ الزّمانُ عن المكارم والعُلى
إنَّ الزّمان السَّوءَ غيرُ رشيد
25. "It is enough for me what hopes extend, O Yahya,
For he is the safety of the frightened, and protection of the sought."
٢٥. حسبي مدى الآمال يحيَى إنّهُ
أمْنُ المَرُوعِ وعصْمةُ المنجود
26. "Tyranny prevailed while glory was atop its throne
And rain was beneath its extended canopy."
٢٦. لقد اغتدَى والمجدُ فوق سريره
والغيثُ تحت رِواقِهِ الممدود
27. "You made us lonely in a single day
And prolonged the yearning of ardent lovers."
٢٧. أوحَشتَنا في صدرِ يوْمٍ واحِدٍ
وأطَلتَ شوقَ الصافناتِ القود
28. "Less than it is what makes my affliction blaze
And comes between patience and endurance."
٢٨. وأقلُّ منه ما يُضرِّمُ لوعتي
ويحولُ بين الصَّبرِ والمجلود
29. "Why not, when you clothed me in favors
Leaving none but the envious among people for me?"
٢٩. لِمَ لا وقد ألبَستَني النِّعَمَ التي
لم تُبقِ لي في الناس غيرَ حسود
30. "You burdened me with what I cannot bear to carry
Except with Allah's help and support."
٣٠. حمّلتَني ما لا أنُوءُ بحَمْلِهِ
إلاّ بعَوْنِ اللّهِ والتَّأييد
31. "If not for your life I would not delight in a livelihood
Even if I lived as long as Labid."
٣١. لولا حياتُكَ ما اغتبطتُ بعيشةٍ
ولوَ انّني عُمِّرْتُ عُمْرَ لَبيد
32. "Greetings of peace to you, greetings, but
The life of a lover is the safety of the loved one."
٣٢. أهدى السلامُ لك السلامَ وإنّما
عَيشُ الوَدود سلامَةُ المَودود
33. "Do you not see that if lives were distributed
According to virtues you would gain eternity?"
٣٣. أوَما ترى الأعمارَ لو قُسمتْ على
قَدْرِ الكِرام لَفُزْتَ بالتَّخليد
34. "You are the one - as long as you live
Among the rulers there is no nation or support."
٣٤. أنتَ الذي ما دام حيّاً لم يكُنْ
في المُلكِ من أمْتٍ ولا تأويد
35. "There is nothing for arrows, nor pigeons, nor what
You spend on resolves that can be matched."
٣٥. ما للسِّهامِ ولا الحِمامِ ولا لِمَا
تُمضيه في العزَماتِ من مرْدود
36. "You have been sufficient, so you were a sword with no equal
And a pillar not to be demolished."
٣٦. ولقد كفيتَ فكنتَ سيفاً ليس بال
نابي ورُكْناً ليسَ بالمهدود
37. "And if you looked at the tongues with a look
War would be humbled before you."
٣٧. وإذا نظرتَ إلى الأسنّة نظرةً
ألقَتْ إليكَ الحرْبُ بالإقليد
38. "And if you curled a finger toward the caliphate
You would fulfill the truth of annulment and confirmation."
٣٨. وإذا ثنَيْتَ إلى الخلافة أصبعاً
وفّيتَ حقَّ النقض والتوكيد
39. "And if you examined affairs with deliberation
You would be given success and guidance."
٣٩. وإذا تصَفَّحتَ الأمورَ تَدَبُّراً
خُيّرْتَ في التوفيق والتسديد
40. "And if you desire, through approximation you attain what
The wise cannot attain through abstraction."
٤٠. وإذا تشاءُ بلغت بالتقريبِ ما
لا يبْلُغُ الحكماءُ بالتبعيد
41. "You grasped the souls of enemies and spread them
Between softening and hardening."
٤١. وقبضتَ أرواحَ العِدى وبسَطْتَها
ما بينَ تَلْيينٍ إلى تَشْديد
42. "You were distant from attributes and their truth
Yet you were near, not far."
٤٢. ولقد بعُدْتَ عن الصِّفاتِ وكنهِها
ولقد قربتَ فكنتَ غيرَ بعيد
43. "It is as if you are Predestination - the world knows you
Without qualification or definition."
٤٣. فكأنّكَ المقدارُ يعرفُه الورى
من غيرِ تكييفٍ ولا تحديد
44. "All testimony can be denied
Except by your might and highness and generosity."
٤٤. كلُّ الشهادة ممكنٌ تكذيبُها
إلاّ ببأسِكَ والعُلى والجُود
45. "Every hope is misguidance unless it is
In Allah or in your praised opinion."
٤٥. كلُّ الرجاءِ ضلالةٌ ما لم يكن
في اللّهِ أو في رأيكَ المحمود
46. "No transmitted wisdom unless it is
In revelation or your flowing praise."
٤٦. لا حكمةٌ مأثورةٌ ما لم تكُنْ
في الوحي أو في مدحك المسرود
47. "He did not spare you grand praise, he who
Fulfilled his goal with effort."
٤٧. لم يَدَّخرْ عنك المديحَ الجَزْلَ مَن
وَفّاكَ غايتَهُ من المجهود
48. "And when I praised you, to increase your joy,
Is there room in your perfection for increase?"
٤٨. ولما مدحْتُكَ كي أزيدك سودداً
هل في كمالك موضعٌ لمزيد
49. "What is this to me, while increase to them
In the limit is a loss from the bounded."
٤٩. ما لي وذلك والزّيادة عندهم
في الحدِّ نقصانٌ من المحدود
50. "I praise you as witness to your loftiness
As my witness to Allah's oneness."
٥٠. أُثني عليك شهادةً لك بالعُلى
كشهادتي للّه بالتّوحِيد