
I did not complain of the spear, the sword, or the arrow;

شكا ما شكوت الرمح والنصل والسهم

1. I did not complain of the spear, the sword, or the arrow;
Your weapons altogether compose a system.

١. شكا ما شكوتُ الرُّمحُ والنصلُ والسهمُ
سلاحُكَ مجموعاً يُؤلفُهُ نظمُ

2. Your brother whose ribs ache for you
And who has no knowledge, as you know, of knowledge,

٢. أخوكَ الذي تحنُو عليكَ ضُلُوعُهُ
وما عِندَهُ ممَّا علمتَ لهُ علمُ

3. Except that he felt what was in your soul in his own,
While between you lies the desolate wilderness and the lofty mountains.

٣. سوى أن أحسسَّت ما بنفسكَ نفسُهُ
ودُونَكُما البيداءُ والأجبلُ الشُّمُّ

4. Lo, thus the thorn bushes defend their thorn bushes,
So one chief is summoned and another chief wounds.

٤. ألا هكذا فيسعدِ الصنوُ صِنوَهُ
فذا سيِّدٌ ندبٌ وذا سيدٌ قَرمُ

5. And this one did not complain until that one complained before him,
And this returned to what had caused that one sickness.

٥. ولم يشكُ ذا حتى شكا ذاكَ قبلَهُ
وعاودَ ذا ممَّا تطرَّقَ ذا سُقمُ

6. Lo, observe how the things contend with each other
And how the understanding and the guess miss them.

٦. ألا انظر إلى الأشياءِ كيفَ تنازَعَت
وكيفَ يدقُّ الفهمُ عنهنَّ والوهمُ

7. And they did not separate until it was said they resembled each other,
Rather, the composition, blood, and flesh mingled.

٧. وما افترقا حتَّى يُقالَ تشابَهَا
بلِ امتزَجَ التركيبُ والدَّمُ واللحمُ

8. It is nothing but a compartment of you if he complained;
You complained about this - destiny's course is compulsory.

٨. وما هو إلا شقَّةٌ منكَ إن شكا
شكوتَ على هذا جرى القدرُ الحتمُ

9. And it is no wonder that this one agrees with him,
For both your spirits are one spirit and both your bodies one body.

٩. ولا عجبٌ من كونِ ذا واتفاقهِ
فروحاكما رُوحٌ وجسماكُمَا جِسمُ

10. When you seek glory, he seeks it and perfects it,
And the like of you, when he rises, no destruction makes him collapse.

١٠. إذا شِدتَ مَجداً شادَهُ وأتَمَّهُ
وَمِثلُكَ بانٍ لَيسَ يَخلِفُهُ هَدمُ

11. Lo, through you noble deeds rise to the heights,
And you are the system of the kingdom since the star rose.

١١. ألا بِكُمُ يَسمُو إلى العُلو من سما
وأنتُم نظامُ المُلكِ ما طَلَعَ النجمُ

12. Through you consolation is sought in the heights, and to you
Appeal is made, and through you firmness and resolve are taken.

١٢. بكم يُتأسَّى في العُلا وإليكُمُ
يُشَارُ وعنكُم يُؤخَذُ العَزمُ والحَزمُ

13. So the hands of misfortunes have not flashed between you,
Nor has the world with its ruling had power over your rule.

١٣. فلا بَرَقَت أيدي الحوادثِ بَينَكُم
ولا جازَ للدُّنيا على حُكمِكُم حَكمُ