1. We wrote on a piece of parchment
And made the treatise incorrect
١. قد كَتبنا في قطعةٍ من جِرابِ
وجعَلنا المَقالَ غيرَ صَوابِ
2. We called you not to reunite
And sent the son of D'aiya with the book
٢. ودَعَوْناكَ لا لتجمعَ شَملاً
وبَعَثْنا ابنَ دأيةٍ بالكِتابِ
3. So when you come to us, come with a boon companion
And listening, and a sitting, and drink
٣. فإذا جِئتَنَا فجىءْ بنَديمٍ
وسَماعٍ ومجلِسٍ وشَرابِ