1. Love and affection complained of us, yet love itself was unjust
Is there between two wrongs a judge and arbiter?
١. تَظَلّمَ مِنّا الحِبٌّ والحُبُّ ظالِمُ
فهل بينَ ظَلاّمَينِ قاضٍ وحاكمُ
2. And in separation there was a letter I read
On her cheek, if only I were safe from it
٢. وفي البَينِ حَرْفٌ مُعجَمٌ قد قرأتُهُ
على خدّهَا لو أنّني منه سالم
3. It was evidence over what musk had influenced
A guide behind the mourning women's veils
٣. وقد كانَ فيما أثّر المِسكُ فوقَهُ
دلِيلٌ ومن خَلْفِ الحِدادِ المآتم
4. Nights I take no refuge but in yearning
For your separation, everything becomes doves
٤. لَياليَ لا آوي إلى غَيرِ ساجِعٍ
ببَينِكِ حتى كلُّ شيءٍ حَمائم
5. When our glances and trysts met
And the secret of love revealed what secrets hide
٥. ولمّا التَقَتْ ألحاظُنا ووُشاتُنا
وأعلَنَ سِرُّ الوَشيِ ما الوَشيُ كاتم
6. A human wailed from numbness
While a beast rejoiced from lotus fragrance
٦. تأوّهَ إنْسِيٌّ منَ الخِدْرِ ناشِجٌ
فأسْعَدَ وَحْشيٌّ من السِّدْرِ باغم
7. And she said, like a passing wild cat I heard its rustle
So I said, the hearts of lovers are doves
٧. وقالت قَطاً سارٍ سمعتُ حَفيفَهُ
فقلتُ قلوبُ العاشِقينَ الحوائم
8. Ask the girls of the valley, are the girls of the valley drunk
From its drafts or grieving and accumulating?
٨. سَلُوا بانَةَ الوادي أأسماءُ بانَةٌ
بجَرعائِهِ أمْ عانِكٌ مُتَراكم
9. And only saliva is sweet for it
Kisses her without me though I resist
٩. وما عَذُبَ المِسواكُ إلاّ لأنّهُ
يُقبّلُهَا دُوني وإنّي لَراغِم
10. And I said describe to me the harvest of her down
So he silenced me with what he claimed
١٠. وقلتُ له صِفْ لي جَنى رَشَفاتِها
فألثَمَني فاها بما هو زاعم
11. When we are alone, we amuse ourselves with her memory
And if a house is empty, its milestones suffice us
١١. إذا خُلّةٌ بانَتْ لَهَوْنا بذِكْرِهَا
وإنْ أقفَرَتْ دارٌ كَفَتنا المَعالم
12. Sometimes longing awakens after its stubbornness
And exceeds the patient chains
١٢. وقد يَستفِيقُ الشوْقُ بعد لَجاجِهِ
وتَعْدَى على البُهم العِتاقِ الرواسم
13. My friend, oh come aid it against the darkness
Troops until the night is defeated
١٣. خليليّ هُبّا فانصُراها على الدّجى
كتائبَ حتى يَهزِمَ الليْلَ هازم
14. Until I see the Pleiades scatter its necklace
And rings fall from the hand of Aldebaran
١٤. وحتى أرى الجَوزاءَ تنثُر عِقدَهَا
وتَسقُطُ من كفّ الثريّا الخواتم
15. Delegations will come to John in the morning
As seasons came early to Umm Al-Hateem
١٥. وتغْدُو على يحيَى الوُفودُ ببابِهِ
كما ابْتَدَرَتْ أُمَّ الحَطيم المَواسم
16. The prince whom his opinion suffices from the sword
And intentions of armies suffice him from leading troops
١٦. فتى المُلْكِ يُغْنِيهِ عن السيْفِ رأيُهُ
ويَكفِيهِ من قَودِ الجيوش العَزائم
17. There is no generosity but in hopes of an aspirer
No pardon but to forgive crimes
١٧. فلا جُودَ إلاّ بالجَزيلِ لآمِلٍ
ولا عَفْوَ إلاّ أن تَجِلّ الجَرائم
18. The brother of war and son of war drew his sword
Against it though standards were not raised against him
١٨. أخو الحْربِ وابنُ الحرْبِ جرّ نجادَه
إليها وما قُدّتْ عليه التّمائم
19. I envision him in the eyes of others unlike my own
As if what I see of him is a dreamer's vision
١٩. أُمَثّلُهُ في ناظِرٍ غَيرِ ناظِري
كأنّيَ فيما قد أرى منه حالم
20. And death is not as they said, it is in his hands today
Drawn, not as its name implies
٢٠. وليس كما قالوا المنيّةُ كاسمِها
ولكنّها في كفّهِ اليومَ صارم
21. He judges the east and west of the country equally
Though he is unjust to blacks and whites alike
٢١. ويَعدِلُ في شَرْقِ البِلادِ وغَربها
على أنّهُ للبِيضِ والسُّمْرِ ظالم
22. They complained that they met prejudice from him
So where is one the lions meet as adversaries?
٢٢. تَشَكَّينَ أن لاقَينَ منه تَقَصُّداً
فأينَ الذي يَلقَى الليوثُ الضراغم
23. Had this mute creature been able to speak
The righteous would have prayed for you
٢٣. ولو أنّ هذا الأخرسَ الحيَّ ناطِقٌ
لَصَلّتْ عليكَ المُقْرَباتُ الصَّلادم
24. Those are not flashes though they appeared as such
But it is your smiles that hid them
٢٤. وما تِلكَ أوضاحٌ عليها وإن بَدَتْ
ولكنّما حَيّتْكَ عنها المَباسم
25. Walked freely in their skins, suns
Holding the banners of winds in their peaks
٢٥. تمشّتْ شموسٌ طَلْقَةٌ في جُلودهَا
وضَمّتْ على هُوجِ الرياح الشكائم
26. Exposing them to blame as if they have from their foe
Ribs and forearms to stab
٢٦. تُعرِّضُها للطّعْنِ حتى كأنّها
لها مِنْ عِداهَا أضلُعٌ وحَيازم
27. And when they stab, no longer chest or ire
As if you string necklaces of pearls
٢٧. وتطعنهم لم تَعْدُ نحراً ولَبّةً
كأنّكَ في عِقْدٍ من الدُّرّ ناظم
28. And how many hordes you've hit their rows
With lightning through which you pray and it burns
٢٨. وكم جَحفلٍ مَجْرٍ قرعتَ صَفاتَهُ
بصاعقَةٍ يَصْلى بها وهي جاحم
29. The lions came to you bellowing
So they fled from your sides terrified
٢٩. أتَتْكَ به الآسادُ تُبْدي زئيرَهَا
فطارَتْ به عن جانبَيكَ القشاعم
30. They came to you but did not bow down in prayer
Rather their skulls poured forth
٣٠. أتَوكَ فما خَرّوا إلى البِيض سُجّداً
ولكنّما كانَتْ تَخِرُّ الجماجم
31. And had the sun fought you without their meeting
An army of God would have defeated it swiftly
٣١. ولو حاربتْكَ الشمسُ دونَ لقائِهم
لأعْجَلَها جُنْدٌ من اللّهِ هازم
32. You preceded their deaths by striking their souls
As tribulations precede what is to come
٣٢. سبقْتَ المَنَايا واقعاً بنفوسِهِم
كما وقعَتْ قبلَ الخوافي القوادم
33. You lead the dense, learned ones to fury
For them over the clash of steel are battle cries
٣٣. تَقودُ الكُماةَ المُعْلِمينَ إلى الوَغَى
لهمْ فوقَ أصْواتِ الحديدِ هَماهم
34. Dressed in thick armor as if
Eyes dance over them and strike
٣٤. غَدَوْا في الدّروعِ السابغاتِ كأنّما
تُديرُ عُيوناً فوقهُنّ الأراقم
35. They only have blood for drink
Only souls for food
٣٥. فليسَ لهم إلاّ الدّماءَ مَشَارِبٌ
وليسَ لهمْ إلاّ النفوسَ مطاعم
36. They wish that from their sheaths
Those bare swords could be forged
٣٦. يَوَدّونَ لوْ صِيغتْ لهم من حِفاظهمْ
وإقدامهم تلكَ السّيوفُ الصّوارِمُ
37. If only their palms would stab before the spears
If only the wrists would slash before the shields
٣٧. ولوْ طَعَنَتْ قبلَ الرّماحِ أكُفُّهُمْ
ولوْ سَبَقَتْ قبل الأكفّ المَعاصمُ
38. The lion of the forest saw how his confusion
Was from the red saliva and the bite dark
٣٨. رأى بكَ ليثُ الغابِ كيفَ اختضابُه
من العَلَقِ المُحمَرِّ والنّقعُ قاتِمُ
39. You made him a small cub bold against prey
Does he thank you today as he grows fierce?
٣٩. وجرّأتَهُ شِبْلاً صغيراً على الطُّلَى
فهل يشكرَنّ اليوْمَ وهوَ ضُبارِمُ
40. You taught him until when his teeth sharpened
You said go, for you are learned
٤٠. وعلّمتَهُ حتى إذا ما تمَهّرَتْ
بهِ السِّنُّ قلْتَ اذهبْ فإنّك عالم
41. He will pride that fate is from those you train
That people's lives are what you oversee
٤١. ستَفخَرُ أنّ الدّهْرَ ممّنْ أجَرْتَهُ
وأنّ حَيَاةَ الخلْقِ ممّا تُسالم
42. That you defend the right of succession
That you smile at the border of the caliphate
٤٢. وأنّكَ عن حَقّ الخلافةِ ذائدٌ
وأنّك عن ثَغْرِ الخلافَةِ باسم
43. That you unlocked what the predecessors sealed
As if your efforts in the market of men guided them
٤٣. وأنّكَ فُتَّ السابقينَ كأنّما
مَساعِيك في سُوقِ الرّجالِ أداهم
44. You saw a conflict of ascent and descent
As if you divide lifespans and provisions
٤٤. مَرَيْتَ سِجالاً من عِقابٍ ونائلٍ
كأنّكَ للأعمارِ والرّزقِ قاسم
45. You secured the ways of the destitute
So noses that resist submitted to you
٤٥. وأمّنْتَ من سُبْلِ العُفاةِ فجدَّعتْ
إليك أُنوفَ البِيدِ وهي رواغم
46. And you lowered them by permission until
The sword strides toward you and the sword remains sheathed
٤٦. وأدْنَيْتَها بالإذْنِ حتى كأنّمَا
تَخَطّتْ إليكَ السيْفَ والسيْفُ قائم
47. They look up, where are their delegations from you?
As if on the day of riding, you race the lightning
٤٧. وتنْظُرُ عُلْواً أينَ منكَ وُفودُها
كأنّكَ يومَ الركْبِ للبرقِ شائِم
48. So do not neglect the shining full moon by which
They journeyed, for it has a right to your permanence
٤٨. فلا تَخذُلِ البَدْرَ المُنيرَ الّذي بهِ
سَرَوا فله حَقٌّ على الجودِ لازم
49. Does dawn seize it while dawn shines?
Does night establish while night is oblique?
٤٩. أيأخُذُ منه الفَجرُ والفَجرُ ساطِعٌ
ويثبُتُ فيهِ الليلُ والليلُ فاحم
50. You rose so were it not for the crown above you
Tameem bin Murr would doubt you destroy
٥٠. علوتَ فلولا التاجُ فوقك شكَّكتْ
تميمُ بنُ مُرٍّ فيكَ أنّك دارم
51. You excel so were it not for Tayy honoring you
Some might say you are the last seal
٥١. وجُدْتَ فلوْلا أنْ تَشَرّفَ طَيّءٌ
لقد قال بعضُ القوم إنّكَ حاتم
52. To you belongs the house of pride, you are its pillar
It has no pillars but spears
٥٢. لك البيتُ بيتُ الفخرِ أنْتَ عَمودُهُ
وليس له إلاّ الرّماحَ دعائِم
53. It prides that none above you reaches
It leans on that none behind you destroys
٥٣. أنافَ به أنْ ليس فوقكَ بالِغٌ
وشيّدَهُ أنْ ليسَ خلفَكَ هادم
54. The world would not contain its people
But you in it are the deep seas
٥٤. وما كانتِ الدّنْيا لتحمِلَ أهلَهَا
ولكنّكُم فيها البحورُ الخَضارم
55. Enough! You have silenced us as if
Your making is Arabic while we are foreign
٥٥. فمَهْلاً فقد أخرستمُونَا كأنّما
صَنائعُكُمْ عُرْبٌ ونحنُ أعاجِم
56. Still a source of glory pours unto you
Still a curtain of honor shields you
٥٦. فلا زالَ مُنهَلٌّ من المجدِ ساكبٌ
عليكَ ومُرفَضٌّ من العزّ ساجِمُ
57. There is a time like impetuous youth
There are nights like gentle cradles
٥٧. فثَمّ زَمانٌ كالشّبيبَةِ مُذْهَبٌ
وثَمّ لَيالٍ كالقدودِ نواعِمُ
58. By God, separation is precious. Were it not for a caliph
Who parted me from you and a lasting covenant
٥٨. وللّهِ دَرُّ البَينِ لولا خليفَةٌ
تخلّفني عنكم وحَبْلٌ مُداوِمُ
59. Precious are the white palaces whose rule
The kings of the world inhabit, and they are generous
٥٩. ودَرُّ القُصورِ البِيضِ يَعمُرُ مُلكَها
ملوكُ بني الدّنيا وهنّ الكَرائِمُ
60. You are among them, so repel the greeting of some of us
When clouds kiss your hands on our behalf
٦٠. وأنتَ بها فارْدُدْ تحيّةَ بعضنا
إذا قَبّلتْ كَفّيكَ عنّا الغمائمُ
61. And if I were in a grave and you called me
The cold bones would sacrifice themselves for you
٦١. ولوْ أنّني في مُلْحَدٍ ودَعَوتَني
لقامَتْ تُفَدّيكَ العِظامُ الرمائم
62. You carried hopes when traveling
And brought favors when arriving
٦٢. تحَمّلْتَ بالآمالِ إذ أنتَ راحِلٌ
وأقْبَلْتَ بالآلاءِ إذ أنْتَ قادم
63. You extended a hand to caress the rain from above
Is there for you a sea above it, storming?
٦٣. مَددتَ يداً تَهمي على المُزنِ مِن عَلٍ
فهل لك بحرٌ فوقها مُتلاطِم
64. It is the basin, the basin of God, who comes to it?
The pouring rains have certainly flowed from it
٦٤. هو الحوضُ حوض اللّهِ من يكُ وارداً
لقد صَدَرتْ عنهُ الغيوثُ السّواجم
65. If this is the work of your hands, by God
Blessings upon you have certainly become binding
٦٥. فإن كان هذا فِعْلُ كفّيكَ باللُّهى
لقد أصْبَحَتْ كَلاًّ عليكَ المكارم