
Love, where enemies gather,

الحب حيث المعشر الأعداء

1. Love, where enemies gather,
And patience, where the lonely wilderness lies,

١. الحِبّ حيثُ المعشرُ الأعداءُ
والصبر حيثُ الكِلّةُ السِّيَراءُ

2. As if compelled by separation and enmity
Are the skills of the brave survivors.

٢. ما للمَهارى الناجياتِ كأنّها
حتمٌ عليها البَينُ والعُدَواءُ

3. It's no wonder the youths compete
With passion's madness ringing in their ears.

٣. ليس العجيبُ بأن يُبارِينَ الصَّبا
والعذلُ في أسماعِهِنّ حُداءُ

4. She extends her hand in the noonday sun
Its radiance dimmed by the overcast sky.

٤. تدْنو منَالَ يدِ المحِبّ وفوقها
شمسُ الظهيرة خِدرُها الجوزاءُ

5. She bid farewell, a final goodbye,
On the day we parted, with a fleeting glance.

٥. بانتْ مُوَدِّعةً فجيدٌ مُعْرِضٌ
يومَ الوداع ونظرةٌ شزْراءُ

6. And she became forbidden, as if she were
The only chaste one among the tents.

٦. وغدتْ مُمنَّعةَ القِباب كأنها
بين الحِجالِ فريدةٌ عصماء

7. She was veiled, and her image veiled, as if
They were her guardians, watching her every moment.

٧. حُجبَتْ ويُحجَبُ طيفُها فكأنما
منهم على لحظاتِها رُقباء

8. The hills of the valley did not bend
Except for her, the graceful brunette.

٨. ما باَنةُ الوادي تَثَنّى خُوطُها
لكنّها اليَزَنيّةُ السّمْراء

9. No naked sword but came
Without her, and every sword, naked.

٩. لم يبْقَ طِرْفٌ أجْرَدٌ إلاّ أتى
من دونها وطِمِرّةٌ جرداء

10. A muffled band, and a cursed troop,
Bewildered, and a grey Popinjays.

١٠. ومُفاضَةٌ مسرودةٌ وكتيبةٌ
مَلمومَةٌ وعَجاجَةٌ شهباء

11. Why ask about her camps' songs
When my heart is full and they are empty?

١١. ماذا أُسائِلُ عن مغَاني أهلِها
وضميريَ المأهولُ وهي خَلاء

12. To God a lonely ostrich, and to God
A bellowing camel, neither wholesome nor sated.

١٢. للّه إحدى الدّوحِ فاردةً ولا
للّهِ مَحنِيَةٌ ولا جَرْعاء

13. She seemed to bend, though no winds shook her,
Beyond me, nor my panting breath.

١٣. بانَتْ تَثَنّى لا الرّياحُ تَهُزُّهَا
دوني ولا أنْفاسيَ الصُّعَداء

14. As if she remembered you all
And swayed gently in her ample robes.

١٤. فكأنّما كانتْ تَذكَّرُ بيْنَكم
فتميدُ في أعطافِها البُرَحاء

15. Everything excites your passion, whether
A verdant grove or a leafy, green tree,

١٥. كلٌّ يَهيجُ هواكَ إمّا أيْكَةٌ
خَضراءُ أو أيكيّةٌ وَرقاء

16. So look! Is it fires lit for enemies, or lightning
Flashing, or a red banner unfurled?

١٦. فانْظُرْ أنارٌ باللّوى أم بارِقٌ
مُتَألّقٌ أم رايةٌ حَمْراء

17. At times she hides in the dust, and a turban covers her,
At times under the cover of night a wrapping hides her.

١٧. بالغَوْرِ تَخْبو تارَةً ويَشُبُّها
تحتَ الدُّجُنّةِ مَنْدَلٌ وكِباء

18. Cursed be the nights after ours, which passed
Like curses of farewells upon reunions!

١٨. ذُمَّ اللياليَ بعدَ ليلتِنا التي
سَلَفَتْ كما ذمَ الفراقَ لقاء

19. She dressed in the whiteness of dawn, till I saw her
In it like a Abyssinian in a striped gown,

١٩. لبِستْ بياضَ الصّبْح حتى خلتُها
فيه نجاشيّاً عليه قَباء

20. Till she appeared, and the full moon in its robe,
As if she were a breast-baring gazelle,

٢٠. حتى بدَتْ والبدرُ في سِرْبالِها
فكأنّها خَيْفَانةٌ صَدراء

21. Then the blistering heat overcame her, and she turned
And became like a fox in a den.

٢١. ثمّ انتحى فيها الصّديعُ فأدبَرَتْ
فكأنّها وَحْشِيّةٌ عَفْراء

22. Days were folded over me, despite the schemes
Not folded over me by enemies.

٢٢. طُوِيتْ ليَ الأيامُ فوقَ مَكايدٍ
ما تَنْطوي لي فوقَها الأعداء

23. Nothing was better than her hands, which
Turn you away, except that she is beautiful.

٢٣. ما كانَ أحسنَ منْ أياديها التّي
تُولِيكَ إلاّ أنّها حَسْناء

24. The world does not make its bliss last,
It is the maker, and its palm is torn.

٢٤. ما تُحسِنُ الدنيا تُديمُ نعيمَها
فهي الصَّناعُ وكفُّها الخَرْقاء

25. It wants me to defeat me through its guile,
A dragon, its color dun.

٢٥. تشأى النّجازَ عليّ وهْيَ بفتكِها
ضِرْغامَةٌ وبِلوْنِها حِرْباء

26. The generous were an advancing army
That swept as if they were a flood.

٢٦. إنّ المكارِمَ كنّ سرْباً رائداً
حتى كنَسْنَ كأنّهُنّ ظِباء

27. And I asked about the one in the bridal litter
And people are ignorant, lacking insight,

٢٧. وطفِقْتُ أسألُ عن أغرَّ محَجَّلٍ
فإذا الأنامُ جِبِلّةٌ دَهماء

28. Until I turned to the Caliph, arbiter,
And knew the seekers of office desire rule.

٢٨. حتى دُفعتُ إلى المعزّ خليفةً
فعلمتُ أنّ المَطلَبَ الخُلفاء

29. A generosity as if the oceans rush forth from it,
And as if the world upon it is flotsam.

٢٩. جودٌ كأنّ اليَمّ فيهِ نُفاثَةٌ
وكأنما الدّنْيا عليهِ غُثاء

30. A king, when his orators speak his praise,
The delegations are silenced and the orators confounded.

٣٠. ملِكٌ إذا نطقَتْ عُلاهُ بمدحِهِ
خرِسَ الوفودُ وأُفحمَ الخُطباء

31. He is the purpose of the world, and it was created for him,
And things exist only for purpose.

٣١. هُوَ عِلّةُ الدُّنيا ومن خُلقتْ له
ولِعِلّةٍ ما كانتِ الأشياء

32. Of the pure water of revelation, a turbulence,
From its pool the spring, and it is healing.

٣٢. من صفوِ ماء الوحي وهوَ مُجاجةٌ
من حَوضه الينبوع وهو شفاء

33. Of the tree of Paradise, where
Its fruits burst forth and the blessed rested.

٣٣. من أيكةِ الفرْدوْس حيثُ تفتقتْ
ثَمَراتُها وتفيّأ الأفياء

34. Of the flame of the candle lit for Moses,
Which bewildered even the gloomy.

٣٤. من شعلة القبَس التي عُرِضتْ على
موسى وقد حارَتْ به الظَّلماء

35. From the essence of holiness, a scion
Of the spirit of the heavens, and it is light.

٣٥. من معدِنِ التقديس وهْوَ سُلالةٌ
من جَوهرِ الملَكوتِ وهو ضياء

36. From where the day is lit for the seeing
And mysteries from it made clear.

٣٦. من حيثُ يُقتبَسُ النهارُ لمُبصِرٍ
وتُشَقُّ عن مَكنونها الأنْباء

37. So awake from neglect, and be warned,
The dawn does not hide from eyes.

٣٧. فتَيَقّظوا من غَفْلةٍ وتَنَبّهوا
ما بالصّباحِ عن العيونِ خفَاء

38. The sky you see is not God's sky,
But an earth holding a heaven.

٣٨. ليستْ سماءُ اللّهِ ما تَرْأونَها
لكنّ أرضاً تحتويهِ سَماء

39. Its planets are humbled before Him,
Bowing in secret though waving openly.

٣٩. أمّا كواكِبُها له فخَواضِعٌ
تُخفي السجودَ ويَظهرُ الإيماء

40. The sun veils its blaze from His brilliance,
As if it were a despondent, spurned gazelle.

٤٠. والشمسُ تَرجعُ عن سَناه جفونُها
فكأنّها مَطرُوفةٌ مَرْهَاء

41. This intercessor for a nation he will bring,
And his generosity to their ancestors, interceding.

٤١. هذا الشّفيعُ لأمّةٍ يأتي بها
وجُدُودُهُ لجدُودِها شُفعاء

42. He is God's trustee among His servants,
And His lands, if the trusted are counted.

٤٢. هذا أمينُ اللّهِ بَينَ عِبادِهِ
وبلادهِ إنْ عُدَّتِ الأمناء

43. To him Mecca turned in kindness,
Its mountain passes, the Shrine, and the valley.

٤٣. هذا الّذي عطفَتْ عليهِ مكّةٌ
وشِعابُها والرُّكْنُ والبَطحاء

44. The noble sermon wherein is wisdom,
Unsullied, wherein the proof is white.

٤٤. هذا الأغَرُّ الأزْهَرُ المتألّقُ ال
متَدَفِّقُ المُتَبَلِّجُ الوَضّاء

45. People agreed on preferring him,
The vile and the noble were equal.

٤٥. فعَليهِ من سِيما النبيّ دَلالَةٌ
وعليهِ من نورِ الإلهِ بَهاء

46. And the family, the eloquent, the remote, the near,
The disputants, the witnesses were equal.

٤٦. وَرِثَ المُقيمَ بيثرِبٍ فالمِنبرُ ال
أعْلى له والتُّرعَةُ العَلياء

47. Vanquisher of the heads of the Byzantines, avenging,
While their necks bear the weight of his generosity.

٤٧. والخطبةُ الزّهراء فيها الحكمة ال
غَرّاءُ فيها الحجّةُ البَيضاء

48. His hands, which rule them, flow between the blood
As if the blood among blood is blood.

٤٨. للنّاس إجماعٌ على تفْضِيلهِ
حتى استَوَى اللُّؤماءُ والكُرَماء

49. If not for the sword's flash as it descends upon them,
His favors would have killed them.

٤٩. واللُّكْنُ والفُصَحاء والبُعَداء وال
قُرَباءُ والخُصَماءُ والشُّهداء

50. The kings of the non-Arabs had been proud
But the Owner of Time humbled them.

٥٠. ضرّابُ هامِ الرّومِ منتَقماً وفي
أعناقهمْ منْ جودِهِ أعباء

51. The great are not belittled in their rule
Except when the great come to them.

٥١. تجري أياديه التي أَولاهُمُ
فكأنّها بَينَ الدّماءِ دماء

52. The Patriots were ignorant that he is the King
Whose counsel instructed the sons to obey their fathers.

٥٢. لولا انبعاثُ السيف وهو مسلَّطٌ
في قتْلهمْ قَتَلَتْهُمُ النَّعْماء

53. Until their ignorant ones saw his resolve
As unfamiliar as the scholars had witnessed.

٥٣. كانتْ ملوكُ الأعجمَينِ أعزّةً
فأذلّها ذو العِزّةِ الأبّاء

54. So they fell short, after anarchy ruled
And warnings passed, and madness stirred.

٥٤. لنْ تصْغُرَ العُظماءُ في سُلطانهم
إلاّ إذا دلفَتْ لها العُظَماء

55. The torrent does not divert from its course,
Nor is the arrow misshot deliberately.

٥٥. جهِلَ البطارِقُ أنّه الملِكُ الذي
أوصى البَنِينَ بسِلمِهِ الآباء

56. They did not associate any with him as the best of creation,
Though they made the one in the wilderness his partner.

٥٦. حتى رأى جُهَّالُهم مِن عزْمهِ
غِبَّ الذي شهِدتْ به العُلماء

57. And when the idolators acknowledged his superiority by force,
How can you know the monotheists' state?

٥٧. فتقاصَروا من بعد ما حكمَ الردى
ومضَى الوَعيدُ وشُبّتِ الهيجاء

58. In God his generosity and armies flow,
And his numbers, resolve, and opinions.

٥٨. والسيْلُ ليسَ يحيدُ عن مُستنّهِ
والسّهمُ لا يُدْلى به غُلَواء

59. Do you not see the states of kings obey him
As if they are his servants and bondmaids?

٥٩. لم يُشرِكوا في أنّهُ خَيرُ الوَرَى
ولِذي البَريّةِ عندهُمْ شُركاء

60. The angels of heaven came to his aid
And the dawn and dusk obeyed him.

٦٠. وإذا أقرّ المشرِكونَ بفَضْلِهِ
قَسْراً فما أدراكَ ما الحُنفاء

61. The ships and the revolving spheres, and in his luck
Were raids in the darkness and darkness!

٦١. في اللّهِ يسري جودُهُ وجنُودُهُ
وعَديدُهُ والعزْمُ والآراءُ

62. And fate and days in their sequence
And people, greens, and wastelands!

٦٢. أوَما ترَى دُوَلَ الملوكِ تُطيعه
فكأنّها خَوَلٌ لهُ وإماء

63. Where can one flee, and no escape for a fugitive,
To you belong the two lands, earth and water.

٦٣. نَزَلَتْ ملائكةُ السماءِ بنصرِهِ
وأطاعَهُ الإصْباحُ والإمساء

64. To you belong the sculpted virgins,
Flowing at your command, while the winds are still.

٦٤. والفُلْكُ والفَلَكُ المُدارُ وسعدُهُ
والغَزْوُ في الدّأماءِ والدّأماء

65. The carriers, all carried,
The producers, all virgin.

٦٥. والدهرُ والأيّامُ في تصريفِها
والناسُ والخضراءُ والغبراء

66. The bent, that if raced, win the race,
And the racers, though sprinting, are outrun.

٦٦. أينَ المَفَرُّ ولا مَفَرَّ لهارِبٍ
ولكَ البسيطانِ الثّرى والماء

67. The soaring, gliding, outpacing, surviving birds,
That obey when spurred to victory.

٦٧. ولكَ الجواري المُنشَآتُ مواخِراً
تَجري بأمركَ والرّياحُ رُخَاء

68. Fearsome in the clash of battle are their darkness,
And theirs are pride and disdain.

٦٨. والحامِلات وكلّها محمولَةٌ
والنّاتِجات وكلّها عذراء

69. They do not expose their necks on the day of strife
Except as modesty dyes the cheeks red.

٦٩. والأعوجيّات التي إن سُوبقَتْ
سَبقَتْ وجَرْيُ المذكيات غِلاء

70. Those who sniff the heights and haughty, they smile
Beneath the helmets, then darken and shine.

٧٠. الطائرات السّابحات السّابقا
ت الناجيات إذا استُحِثّ نَجاء

71. They wore the iron upon the iron defiantly
Until the armors and coats of mail were equal.

٧١. فالبأس في حَمْس الوغى لكُماتها
والكبرياءُ لهُنّ والخُيلاء

72. They wrapped themselves in steel until their sabers
Show no distinction from the unworked ingots.

٧٢. لا يُصْدرونَ نحورَها يومَ الوغى
إلاّ كما صَبَغَ الخدودَ حياء

73. As if above the palms were fritillaries
And above the bodies a glow.

٧٣. شمُّ العَوالي والأنوفِ تَبَسّموا
تحت القُنوس فأظلموا وأضاءوا

74. Above each coat of mail is a jerkin
Polished, upon it a gleam.

٧٤. لبسوا الحديدَ على الحديدِ مُظاهَراً
حتى اليَلامِقُ والدروعُ سَواء

75. They came together until their coats of mail
Were interlinked, and their whiteness sated.

٧٥. وتقنّعوا الفولاذَ حتى المقلةُ ال
نجلاءُ فيها المقلةُ الخوصاء

76. You strengthened the religion of God, O son of His prophet,
So today in it are writhing and refusal.

٧٦. فكأنّما فوقَ الأكُفّ بَوراقٌ
وكأنّما فوقَ المُتونِ إضاء

77. The least fortune of the Arabs from you is happiness,
And the least fortune of the Byzantines, anguish.

٧٧. من كلّ مسرودِ الدَّخارِص فوقَه
حُبُكٌ ومَصْقولٍ عليهِ هَباء

78. When you dispatch the army, it is a host,
And when you offer counsel, it is destiny.

٧٨. وتَعانَقوا حتى رُدَيْنيّاتُهُم
عطْشَى وبِيضُهُمُ الرقاقُ رِواء

79. Your open hand makes the garden bloom before its time,
And the worthless fled from you.

٧٩. أعْزَزْتَ دينَ اللّهِ يا ابنَ نبيّه
فاليومَ فيهِ تخمُّطٌ وإباء

80. The attributes of your being take from you,
So in all noble traits, they are names.

٨٠. فأقلُّ حظّ العُرْبِ منكَ سعادةٌ
وأقلُّ حظّ الرّومِ منكَ شقاء

81. Thoughts have wandered in you, striking
Notions of you, so the miracles gathered.

٨١. فإذا بعثْتَ الجيشَ فهوَ منيّةٌ
وإذا رأيتَ الرأيَ فهوَ قَضاء

82. Eyes have turned to you and fates submitted to you,
And clouds were too shy for you.

٨٢. يكسو نَداكَ الروْضَ قبل أوانهِ
وتَحيدُ عنكَ اللَّزْبَةُ الّلأواء

83. Hearts gathered upon satisfaction with you
And passions became devoted to loving you.

٨٣. وصِفات ذاتك منكَ يأخذها الورى
في المكرُماتِ فكلّها أسماء

84. You who concluded the speech, and by you
Were the praises of you judged, O poets.

٨٤. قد جالتِ الأوهام فيك فدقّتِ ال
أفكارُ عنكَ فجَلّتِ الآلاء

85. A specific, lofty position for poets
In its like are placed the wise.

٨٥. فعنَتْ لكَ الأبصارُ وانقادتْ لك ال
أقدارُ واستحيَتْ لكَ الأنواء

86. They took speech, much and little,
In two divisions: one disease, one cure.

٨٦. وتجمّعتْ فيك القلوبُ على الرّضى
وتشيّعتْ في حُبّكَ الأهواء

87. They professed that praising you is obedience,
An ordained duty, so they owe you no payment.

٨٧. أنتَ الذي فصَلَ الخطابَ وإنّما
بك حُكّمتْ في مدحِكَ الشُّعراء

88. So be safe if an event stirs the wilderness,
And live on as souls pass away.

٨٨. وأخصُّ منزِلةً من الشُّعراء في
أمثالِها المضروبةِ الحُكمَاء

89. Our month of fasting and vigil redeems you,
Then the months will redeem that with ransom.

٨٩. أخذوا الكلامَ كثيرَه وقليلَه
قِسمَينِ ذا داءٌ وذاكَ دواء

90. In it descends each revealed text,
So for the Prophet's family are praises in it.

٩٠. دانوا بأنّ مديحَهُمْ لكَ طاعةٌ
فَرْضٌ فليسَ لهم عليك جَزاء

91. In it extend the palms of Muhammad's family,
And voices are raised in it, clear and pure.

٩١. فاسلَمْ إذا رابَ البريّةَ حادثٌ
واخْلُدْ إذا عَمّ النفوسَ فَناء

92. You always fulfill its duty, before and after,
While admirers and lovers come to you.

٩٢. يفْديكَ شهْرُ صِيامِنا وقِيامنا
ثمّ الشُّهورُ له بذاك فِداء

93. Your praise in it is sufficient wealth, it
Equals worship for the worshipers.

٩٣. فيه تنزّلَ كلُّ وَحيٍ مُنْزَلٍ
فلأهلِ بَيتِ الوحي فيه ثَناء

94. Alas! We cannot thank what you bestow, even if
Tongues and limbs gave thanks before you.

٩٤. فتطولُ فيه أكفُّ آلِ محَمدٍ
وتُغَلُّ فيه عن النّدى الطُّلَقاء

95. And God speaks truest of your sublimity,
As if the words of all speakers are nonsense.

٩٥. ما زلْتَ تَقضي فَرضَه وأمامَه
ووراءَه لكَ نائلٌ وحِباء

96. Do not ask about times, for around your
Comfort they turn however you wish.

٩٦. حَسْبي بمدحك فيه ذُخْراً إنّه
للنُّسْكِ عند الناسكين كِفاء

٩٧. هيهات منّا شكرُ ما تُولي ولو
شكَرَتك قبلَ الألسُنِ الأعضاء

٩٨. واللهُ في علياك أصدق قائل
فكأنّ قولَ القائلين هُذاء

٩٩. لا تسألنّ عن الزّمانِ فإنّهُ
في رَاحتَيْكَ يدورُ كيفَ تشاء