1. I passed by flocks of your birds standing still,
So I sent my falcons to hunt them down.
١. مررتُ على أسرابِ طيركَ وقفاً
فأرسلتُ عقباني إليها تصيدُها
2. But their ranks did not avail them at the encounter,
Nor did their fleeing help them get away.
٢. فلم تُغنِ عنها في اللقاءِ صفوفُها
ولم تُغنِ عنها في البراز رُدُودُها
3. I resented their escaping as if I resented
Knights of war whom I drove away.
٣. أكُرُّ على ما فرّ منها كأنَّني
أكرُّ على فرسان حَربٍ أذُودُها
4. Then I recalled what a lover of Khillah said
When he saw her body shun him and avoid him:
٤. فأذكرتني ما قال عاشقُ خِلَّةٍ
بَرى جسمَه هجرانُها وصدودُها
5. "If what is left of me were hung
On a tamarisk's twigs, they would not bend under it."
٥. فلو أنَّ ما أبقيت مني مُعلَّقٌ
بعُودِ ثُمامٍ ما تأوَّدَ عُودُها