
When our night-companion sent us a drink and laughingly we drank,

أليلتنا إذ أرسلت واردا وحفا

1. When our night-companion sent us a drink and laughingly we drank,
we spent the night seeing Pleiades on its ear as earrings.

١. أليلَتَنا إذ أرْسَلَتْ وارداً وَحْفَا
وبتنا نرى الجوزْاءَ في أُذنِها شَنفا

2. A leg stood for us on the dew
with a candle of a star that doesn't dim or go out.

٢. وباتَ لنَا ساقٍ يقومُ على الدّجَى
بشمعةِ نجمٍ لا تُقَطُّ ولا تُطْفى

3. A croaking voice softened its gentle song
and the buzzing mosquito made its eyelids droop.

٣. أغَنُّ غضيضٌ خفّفَ اللّينُ قَدَّهُ
وثقّلَتِ الصّهباءُ أجفانَهُ الوُطْفا

4. The shaking of the wine no longer left it a hand,
nor did the bending of the drunkard leave it a side.

٤. ولم يُبْقِ إرعاشُ المُدامِ لَهُ يَداً
ولم يُبْقِ إعناتُ التثنّي له عِطفا

5. It was bleeding, felled by drunkenness, shaking only
when the belly stopped carrying it and the back took over.

٥. نَزيفٌ قضاهُ السِّكْرُ إلاّ ارتجاجَهُ
إذا كَلَّ عنه الخصْرُ حمَّله الرِّدفا

6. They say it's a wineskin with a spout on top -
do they not recognize the spout and the wineskin?

٦. يقولون حِقْفٌ فوقه خَيْزُرانَةٌ
أما يعرِفونَ الخَيْزُرانَةَ والحِقفا

7. We made our sleeves our drinking-companions' robes
and the darkness tailored cloaks for us from its skin.

٧. جعلنا حشايانا ثيابَ مُدامِنَا
وقدَّتْ لنا الظلماءُ من جِلدِها لُحفا

8. Mouth to mouth it whispered secrets,
bosom pressed close to adoring bosom.

٨. فمن كَبِدٍ تُدْني إلى كَبِدٍ هوىً
ومن شَفَةٍ تُوحي إلى شَفَةٍ رَشْفا

9. With your life revive his cup and eyelids -
the flask was already revived after it dozed off.

٩. بعيشك نَبِّهْ كأسَه وجُفونَهُ
فقد نُبِّهَ الإبريقُ من بعدِ ما أغْفى

10. The darkness has turned to follow its stars
and the army of dawn has lined up against the night.

١٠. وقد وَلّتِ الظّلماءُ تقفو نجومَها
وقد قام جيشُ الفجرِ للّيل واصْطفّا

11. Stars set out for Pleiades as if
they were rings appearing on a hiding hand.

١١. وولّتْ نجُومٌ للثُّرَيّا كأنّهَا
خواتيمُ تَبْدو في بَنان يدٍ تَخْفى

12. Their pursuers passed over their tracks
like the owner of a cloak whose horses were concealed behind him.

١٢. ومَرّ على آثارِهَا دَبَرَانُهَا
كصاحبِ رِدءٍ كُمِّنتْ خيلُه خَلفا

13. Capella came leaping high, her bundle slung from a staff,
evading the gaze of Bootes as he trailed behind her.

١٣. وأقبَلَتِ الشِّعرى العَبورُ مُكِبّةً
بمِرْزَمِها اليَعبوبِ تَجنُبُهُ طِرْفا

14. Her sister rushed out from behind
to rip through the seam of the Milky Way.

١٤. وقد بادَرَتْها أُخْتُها منْ ورائِها
لتَخْرُقَ من ثِنيَيْ مَجرَّتها سِجفا

15. She fears the roar of the lion pouncing,
Leo shredding her to bits in the dark.

١٥. تخافُ زَئيرَ الليثِ يَقدُمُ نَثرَةً
وبَرْبَرَ في الظلماء يَنسِفها نَسْفا

16. As if the two Bears who flank the axis
were guarding it, guaranteeing its preservation.

١٦. كأنّ السِّماكَينِ اللّذينِ تَظاهَرا
على لِبْدَتَيْهِ ضامِنانِ له حَتْفا

17. One poles his spear, thrusting its blade;
the other, unarmed, has bared his claws in ferocity.

١٧. فذا رامحٌ يُهوي إليه سِنانَهُ
وذا أعزَلٌ قد عَضَّ أنمُلَهُ لَهْفا

18. As if the watchman of the star moves stealthily,
rustling his feathers under the night.

١٨. كأنّ رقيبَ النجمِ أجدَلُ مَرْقَبٍ
يُقلِّبُ تحتَ الليل في ريشه طَرفا

19. As if the Bier's pallbearers have lost their way
in bewilderment, the shroud fluttering open.

١٩. كأنّ بني نَعشٍ ونعشاً مَطافِلٌ
بوَجرةَ قد أضْللنَ في مَهمَهٍ خِشفا

20. As if Suhail, on the horizon,
is leaving friends it will never see again.

٢٠. كأنّ سُهَيْلاً في مطالِعِ أُفقهِ
مُفارِقُ إلْفٍ لم يَجِدْ بعدَه إلفا

21. As if Suhail is a lover glimpsed at times
and at others hidden from view.

٢١. كأنّ سُهاها عاشِقٌ بين عُوَّدٍ
فآوِنَةً يَبدو وآونَةً يَخْفى

22. As if its highest star is a knight who flaunts
two banners he's raised, disdaining to march.

٢٢. كأنّ مُعلَّى قُطبِها فارسٌ لَهُ
لِواءانِ مركوزانِ قد كرِه الزحفا

23. As if Al Nesr's vanguards and rearguards clashed
and though they were equally matched, the scales didn't tip.

٢٣. كأنّ قُدامَى النَّسرِ والنَّسرُ واقعٌ
قُصِصْنَ فلم تَسْمُ الخَوافي به ضعفا

24. As if its brother, when it flew continually,
came before halfway through the night and seized the second half.

٢٤. كأنّ أخاه حينَ دَوّمَ طائِراً
أتى دون نصفِ البدر فاختطفَ النصفا

25. As if the White Ostrich's coloring
is the brocade robe of Khusraw, richly embroidered.

٢٥. كأنّ الهَزيعَ الآبنُوسيَّ لونُهُ
سَرَى بالنسيج الخُسرُوانيِّ مُلتفّا

26. As if the night's darkness, leaning over,
lies prostrate, drinking up the wine.

٢٦. كأنّ ظلامَ الليلِ إذ مالَ مَيْلَةً
صريعُ مُدامٍ باتَ يشرَبُها صِرفا

27. As if the pillar of dawn is a sovereign Turk
who called out the hour then hid from sight.

٢٧. كأنّ عمودَ الفجرِ خاقانُ عسكرٍ
من التركِ نادى بالنجاشيّ فاستخفى

28. As if the banner of the sun is Ja'far's glorious mantle
which, seeing battle, doubled in radiance.

٢٨. كأنّ لِواءَ الشمسِ غُرَّةُ جعْفَرٍ
رأى القِرْنَ فازدادتْ طلاقته ضِعفا

29. The shields glimmered white, flashing swords,
deadly spears, and coats of mail woven like baskets.

٢٩. وقد جاشَتِ الدأماءُ بِيضاً صَوارِماً
ومارنَةً سُمْراً وفَضْفاضَةً زَغْفا

30. Their steeds came pounding up as if
their ears traced letters for him on their forelocks.

٣٠. وجاءتْ عِتاقُ الخيل تَردي كأنّها
تَخُطُّ له أقلامُ آذانها صُحْفا

31. There Ja'far encountered one unlike himself,
though formerly she'd been gentle with him.

٣١. هنالك تلقى جعفراً غيرَ جَعْفَرٍ
وقد بُدِّلَتْ يُمْناهُ من رِفْقها عنفا

32. Yet you'd see him in hardship keeping
his resolve like lightning, his attack like snatching.

٣٢. وكائِنْ تَراهُ في الكريهةِ جاعِلاً
عزيمتَهُ بَرْقاً وصولتَه خَطْفا

33. See him in prosperity making his presence
inspiration itself, his words pearls.

٣٣. وكائِنْ تراه في المقامةِ جاعلاً
مَشاهدَه فَصْلاً وخطبتَه حَرْفا

34. His gifts come in numbers to match his soldiers,
never decreasing in kind or increasing.

٣٤. وتأتي عطاياهُ عِدادَ جُنُودِهِ
فما افترقتْ صِنفاً ولا اجتمعتْ صِنفا

35. An eloquent poet and orator are exhausted by what he gives,
though they exceed bounds and indulge in description.

٣٥. ويَعْيَا بما يأتي خطيبٌ وشاعِرٌ
وإن جاوز الإطناب واستغرق الوصفا

36. It is fate, yet I do not see it grant,
beyond those it has favored, boons or bounty.

٣٦. هوَ الدهرُ إلاّ أنّني لا أرى له
على غير من ناواه خَطباً ولا صَرْفا

37. When passionate zeal is witnessed, it extends a hand to him
as if it wore a bracelet that dripped his blood.

٣٧. إذا شَهِدَ الهيجاءَ مَدّتْ لهُ يداً
كأنّ عليها دُمْلُجاً منْهُ أو وقْفا

38. It meets him wrathfully, as if to take vengeance
for the blood his heights have spilled, seeking recompense.

٣٨. وصالَ بها غضبانَ لو يستقي الذي
تُريقُ عواليه من الدّم ما استَشفى

39. His palm distributes generosity and care
even as it has fought off thousands and granted thousands.

٣٩. جزيلُ الندى والباس تصدُرُ كفُّه
وقد نازلَتْ ألفاً وقد وهبَتْ ألفا

40. A hand that initiates generosity along with care
and on the day of battle exudes a noble scent.

٤٠. يدٌ يستهلُّ الجود فيها معَ النّدى
ويعبَقُ منها الموتُ يومَ الوغى عَرفا

41. The kingdoms were not held together before Ja'far
and none denied or knew blessings as he did.

٤١. وما سُدّدَ الأملاكُ من قبل جعفَرٍ
ولا أنكرُوا نُكراً ولا عرفوا عُرفا

42. They wrangled with him, yet kindness is his essence.
They persisted but did not succeed; they were equitable but not fair.

٤٢. هُمُ ساجَلوه والسَّماحُ لأهْلِهِ
فأكدَوا وما أكدى وأصْفَوا وما أصفى

43. When they were harsh he was gentle, when hasty he was deliberate,
when they were stingy he gave, when treacherous he was faithful.

٤٣. إذا أصْلدوا أورى وإن عجِلوا ارتأى
وإن بخِلوا أعطى وإن غَدروا أوفى

44. To glory belongs what remains, to generosity what is gained,
to people what is revealed, to God what is hidden.

٤٤. فللمجدِ ما أبقَى وللجودِ ما اقتَنى
وللناسِ ما أبدى وللّهِ ما أخفى

45. Suspicion surges though bounty overflows
and the sea's tide rises though the sea is calm.

٤٥. يغولُ ظُنونَ المُزْنِ والمُزْنُ وافِرٌ
ويُغرِق موْجَ البحرِ والبحرُ قد شَفّا

46. If I compared him to a fecund sea,
I'd fear that praising the like of him was an affront.

٤٦. فلو أنّني شَبّهْتُهُ البحرَ زاخِراً
خَشيتُ بكونِ المدحِ في مثله قذْفا

47. No gifts compare to the least of his boons -
how then could anything match a suit of armor and sword?

٤٧. وما تَعْدِلُ الأنواءُ صُغرى بَنانِهِ
فكيْفَ بشْيءٍ يعدِلُ الزَّند والكفّا

48. Master of men's necks, possessor of their love,
so let a people be purified whom he has purified.

٤٨. مليكُ رقابِ الناسِ مالِكُ وُدِّهم
كذلك فليستَصْفِ قوماً من استصْفى

49. A youth whom the world drags pridefully along
though at times it strains its glance and at others preens.

٤٩. فتىً تَسْحَبُ الدّنيا بهِ خُيَلاءَهَا
وقد طمَحتْ طَرفاً وقد شَمختْ أنفا

50. Calamities ask but half of him for relief
when before him they were barren, bearing no fruit.

٥٠. وتسْألُهُ النّصْفَ الحوادثُ هَونةً
وكانتْ لقَاحاً لم تسَلْ قبله النصفا

51. The sky above its pillars until this day
has not dropped a star upon anyone as righteous or faithful.

٥١. وكانتْ سماءُ اللّهِ فوْقَ عِمادِهَا
إلى اليْوم لم تُسقِطْ على أحَدٍ كِسفا

52. Though filled with shooting stars, when they rebelled
the enemies of truth launched them like flung pebbles.

٥٢. وقد مُلِئَتْ شُهْباً فلمّا تمرّدَتْ
حَوالَيْه أعداءُ الهدى أحدثتْ قَذفا

53. My friends, mix the wine's cup with his memory,
for you will find no sweeter or purer blend.

٥٣. ألا فامزِجوا كأسَ المُدامِ بذكْرِهِ
فلن تجِدُوا مَزْجاً أرَقَّ ولا أصْفى

54. It dispels sorrow until I see it
exhaling the meadow's breeze as it's sipped.

٥٤. تَبَغْددَ منْهُ الزّابُ حتى رأيْتُهُ
يهبّ نسيمُ الروض فيهِ فيُستَجفى

55. The knots of melodies almost overwhelm it
with opulence, while the air steals its gentleness.

٥٥. تكادُ عقودُ الغانياتِ تَؤودُهُ
رَفاهِيَةً والجوُّ يَسْرِقُه لُطْفا

56. Father Time wraps his wing around me for him
while Mother Sun suckles me from behind.

٥٦. بحيْثُ أبو الأيّامِ يَلحَفُني لهُ
جَناحاً وأُمُّ الشمس تُرضِعُني خِلفا

57. No wretched halt where my she-camel kneels,
no tangled knot or jolting litter or saddle girth.

٥٧. فلا منزِلاً ضَنكاً تَحُلُّ ركائبي
ولا عَقَداً وَعْثاً ولا سَبْسَباً قُفّا

58. The rhymes - their courses are doctrines - weave their threads,
then proceed, though they're dedicated to your glory.

٥٨. تسيرُ القوافي المذهَباتُ أحوكُها
فتمضي وإن كانتْ على مجدكم وقفا

59. My camel rises in the morning with an initial laam,
and if inspiration led I'd place it in front.

٥٩. منَ اللاء تغدو وهي في السلم مركبي
ولو كانتِ الهيجاءُ قدَّمتُها صَفّا

60. Yemeni in its tune, Azdi in its articulation,
I arrange it in verse and consolidate in prosody.

٦٠. يمانِيّةٌ في نَجْرِها أزدِيّةٌ
أُفصّلُها نَظماً وأُحْكِمُها رَصْفا

61. I direct the steed of poetry only toward you -
in you, for I cannot direct it anywhere but to you.

٦١. صرفتُ عِنانَ الشعر إلاّ إليكُمُ
وفيكم فإني ما استطعتُ لكم صَرفا

62. I was no panegyrist but one inspired,
who answers when called and halts when told enough.

٦٢. وما كنْتُ مَدّاحاً ولكنْ مُفَوَّهاً
يُلبّى إذا نادى ويُكفى إذا استكفى

63. Abu Ahmad, there were shelters on this earth,
yet I wanted no pillar but you, no cave but you.

٦٣. أبا أحمدٍ قد كان في الأرض مَوئِلٌ
فلم أبغِ لي ركْناً سواكَ ولا كهفا

64. You whom God did not reveal his sun upon
anyone more righteous or faithful than you.

٦٤. وأنتَ الذي لم يُطلِع اللّهُ شَمسَهُ
على أحَدٍ منْهُ أبَرَّ ولا أوفى

65. The sun does not cover everything with its rays
more generously than your help and bounty.

٦٥. وما الشمس تكسو كلَّ شيء شُعاعَها
بأسبغَ عندي من نَداك ولا أضفى

66. You took me by the forelock while dire straits loomed,
making my whole life thereafter easy and smooth.

٦٦. أخذتَ بضَبعي والخطوبُ رَوَاغِمٌ
فسُمتَ زماني كلّهُ خُطّةً خَسفا

67. When you were ill, breasts were torn with anguish,
ears deafened, eyes blinded, sides rent.

٦٧. فمن كَبِدٍ لمّا اعتلَلتَ تقطَّعَتْ
ومن أُذُنٍ صَمّتْ ومن ناظرٍ كُفّا

68. My heart, which had been a fiery coal for you,
became ashes; my livelihood, once plentiful, grew scarce.

٦٨. وقد كان لي قلْبٌ فغودرَ جَمْرَةً
عليك وعيشٌ سجسجٌ فغدا رَضفا

69. I saw nothing like the union with my loved one
as a cure - but your well-being was the greatest remedy.

٦٩. ولم أرَ شيئاً مثلَ وصْلِ أحِبّتي
شِفاءً ولكن كان بُرؤكَ لي أشفى

70. How could separation from you leave me happy and content
when you left no compassion for my people or care for me?

٧٠. وكيفَ اتّراكي فيك بَشّاً ولوعَةً
ولم تتّرِك رُحماً لقومي ولا عطفا

71. I felt safe with you from frightening fate,
and if you held eternity, you'd secure me from doom.

٧١. أمنْتُ بكَ الأيّامَ وهي مخوفَةٌ
ولو بيديكَ الخُلدُ أمّنْتَني الحَتْفا