
Behold, how time makes us decay

ألا ترى كيف يبلينا الجديدان

1. Behold, how time makes us decay,
And how openly and secretly we play.

١. أَلا تَرى كَيفَ يُبلينا الجَديدانِ
وَكَيفَ نَلعَبُ في سِرٍّ وَإِعلانِ

2. Lean not upon this world and its ornaments;
Its homelands are no true homelands.

٢. لا تَركَنَنَّ إِلى الدُنيا وَزُخرُفِها
فَإِنَّ أَوطانَها لَيسَت بِأَوطانِ

3. And prepare for yourself before death comes;
Let not the company of friends and brothers beguile you.

٣. وَاِمهَد لِنَفسِكَ مِن قَبلِ المَماتِ وَلا
يَغرُركَ كَثرَةُ أَصحابٍ وَإِخوانِ

4. If they could avail mankind because of their love,
They would have driven death away from Lady Ma'dan's realm.

٤. لَو أَنَّهُم نَفَعوا خَلقاً لِحُرمَتِهِ
لَدافَعوا المَوتَ عَن إِمراةِ مَعدانِ