
A land where ruins of dwellings weep

دنف بكى آيات ربع مدنف

1. A land where ruins of dwellings weep
Were it not for the dust raised by the wind, they would not be recognized

١. دَنِفٌ بَكى آياتِ رَبعٍ مُدنَفِ
لَولا نَسيمُ تُرابِها لَم يُعرَفِ

2. It was trodden by feet and so its soil gave off
The fragrance of herbs together with tarragon

٢. طابَت لِأَقدامٍ وَطِئنَ تُرابَها
فَنَفَحنَ نَشرَ لَطيمَةٍ مَعَ قَرقَفِ

3. A place where loved ones stood in the soil
And tears like pearls were shed

٣. أَرَجٌ أَقامَ مِنَ الأَحِبَّةِ في الثَرى
وَصَرىً أُريقَت بِالدُموعِ الذُرَّفِ

4. Time has erased its landmarks and scattered them
At the hands of fate, in the faces of time

٤. أَخَذَ البِلى آياتِها فَرَمى بِها
بِيَدِ البَوارِحِ في وُجوهِ الصَفصَفِ

5. I stood, bereft of tears
My companions stopped with me for our guide

٥. وَحدي وَقَفتُ وَلَم أَقُل مِن عَبرَةٍ
وَقَفَت حَشايَ بِها لِحادينا قِفِ

6. I envied what ruins remained there
Suffering for them with a sad, fleeting glance

٦. وَحَسَدتُ ما غادَرتُ فيها مِن بِلىً
وَبَلَوتُها بِوَميضِ طَرفٍ موسَفِ

7. I persistently asked about its relics
But asking insistently leads to being deprived

٧. وَظَلِلتُ أُلحِفُ في السُؤالِ رُسومَها
وَالمَنعُ مِن تُحَفِ السُؤالِ المُلحِفِ

8. So let us perceive it in our hearts, with clear perception
Feeling longing and regret for the departed

٨. فَلِنُؤيِها في القَلبِ نُؤيٌ شَفَّهُ
وَلَهٌ بِظاعِنِها وَبِالمُتَخَلِّفِ

9. It is as though Muhammad beseeched rain for them
So their features have life in decoration

٩. وَكَأَنَّما اِستَسقى لَهُنَّ مُحَمَّدٌ
فَرُسومُهُنَّ مِنَ الحَيا في زُخرُفِ

10. He asked the clouds and they poured down their bounty
A glistening rain from them, gently streaming

١٠. سَأَلَ السِماكَ فَجادَها بِحَيائِهِ
مِنهُ بِوَبلٍ ذي وَميضٍ أَوطَفِ

11. Intertwining branches that the morning breeze unravels
And folds up like the fluttering of wings

١١. مُتَعانِقُ الحَوذانِ تَنشُرُهُ الصَبا
خَضِلاً وَتَطويهِ كَطَيِّ الرَفرَفِ

12. Spring has settled in it, undiminished
By the howling heat of a blazing summer

١٢. وَثَوى الرَبيعُ بِها فَلَيسَ يُقِلُّهُ
عَنها نَئيحُ سَمومِ قَيظٍ مُعصِفِ

13. My hopes carried me to you, O daughter of the garden
A proud one who was not mounted by a virile stud

١٣. حَمَلَت رَجايَ إِلَيكَ بِنتُ حَديقَةٍ
غَلباءُ لَم تُلقَح لِفَحلٍ مُقرِفِ

14. She conceived and carried the fertilized egg
And ovulated during her period of heat

١٤. نُتِجَت وَقَد حَوَتِ الهُنَيدَةَ وَاِبتَنَت
في شَطرِها وَتَبَوَّعَت في النَيِّفِ

15. Then she came to my abode while bearing her daughters
Striding awkwardly upon arthritic knees

١٥. فَأَتَت مَحَلّي وَهيَ حَملُ بَناتِها
تَسري بِقائِمَتَي خَريقٍ حرجَفِ

16. She was serviced by a knowledgeable one with his males
An excellent fit for her innate disposition

١٦. فَاِعتامَها ذو خِبرَةٍ بِفُحولِها
نَدَسٌ بِجِبلَةِ خَلقِها مُتَلَطِّفِ

17. Until when she was done, nothing of
What she reserved made him lose vigor

١٧. حَتّى إِذا تَمَّت فَلَم يُعجِزهُ مِن
أَشلائِها مَذخورَةُ المُتَلَهِّفِ

18. She came to me bleating, with elegant tread
Kicking with her hindlegs and waggy tail

١٨. صارَت إِلَيَّ بِجُؤجُؤٍ ذي مَيعَةٍ
قَدَمٍ تَدِفُّ بِهِ وَعَجزٍ مِصرَفِ

19. Slithering into hollows whose depths
Were decreed by the deeds of Muhammad’s time

١٩. تَنسَلُّ في لُجَجٍ حَكَت أَغمارُها
فِعلَ المُحَمَّدِ في الزَمانِ المُجحِفِ

20. Then she separated from me and I became her unborn
Lodged securely in the womb’s enclosure

٢٠. ثُمَّ اِجتَنَت شَلوي فَصِرتُ جَنينَها
مُتَمَكِّناً بِقَرارِ بَطنٍ مُسدِفِ

21. If you trip over the company, remember Him
So the dark night passes beneath me

٢١. فَمَتى تَعَثَّرَ بِالرِفاقِ ذَكَرتَهُ
فَيَمُرُّ تَحتي قِطعَ لَيلٍ أَغضَفِ

22. After her labor, her husband came to her
An old man with the stature of a young lad

٢٢. فَأَجاءَها بَعدَ المَخاضِ طُلوقُها
بِمُراهِقِ السِنَّينِ كَهلٍ أَهيَفِ

23. Crooked, yanking on the reins and shuffling
Crookedly, amusing even the fly whisk

٢٣. عَوجاءُ تَستَلِفُ الزِمامَ وَتَحتَذي
عوجاً يُجِدنَ لَها اِستِلابَ النَفنَفِ

24. She frisked with the vigor of life in her udders
And fell like a snake on smooth stone

٢٤. أَشِرَت بِطَيِّ الحَيِّ في أَثباجِها
فَهَوَت كَثُعبانِ الصَفا المُتَخَوَّفِ

25. May God protect you while the devil terrifies her shadow
She came to you, exceeding the dream of the best women

٢٥. أَمَّتكَ وَالشَيطانُ يَرهَبُ ظِلَّها
فَأَتَتكَ وَهيَ تَفوقُ حِلمَ الأَحنَفِ

26. Whoever intends sincere advice for her
Muhammad is best in advice, without excess

٢٦. مَن كانَ يَقصِدُ في نَصيحَتِهِ لَها
فَمُحَمَّدٌ في النُصحِ عَينُ المُسرِفِ

27. You have shown me mercy and splendor
So they blamed the tyrant, the transgressor

٢٧. أَورَيتَ زَندَي رَأفَةٍ وَتَأَلُّقٍ
فَتَقَصَّدا بِالنازِعِ المُتَعَسِّفِ

28. In God, He fulfils His promise and warning
To the blameworthy and the arrogant refractory one

٢٨. نالَ الرَدى وَحَوى الغِنى بِمُحَمَّدٍ
عِندَ الخَليفَةِ مُذنِبونَ وَمُعتَفِ

29. You have comforted the hearts of the flock
An intelligent heart, beyond a sharp tongue

٢٩. في اللَهِ يُنجِزُ وَعدَهُ وَوَعيدَهُ
لِلمُعتَفينَ وَلِلعَنودِ المُترَفِ

30. No pen can suffice to help him
A thousand polished and cultivated men

٣٠. سَكَّنتَ أَحشاءَ الرَعِيَّةِ في حَشا
قَلبٍ ذَكِيٍّ عَن لِسانٍ مُرهَفِ

31. With the palms of substitutions, if they lead aright
Acting by what is in the Book

٣١. لَم يَبلُغِ القَلَمَ الَّذي يُجدي بِهِ
في اللَهِ أَلفا مُرهَفٍ وَمُثَقَّفِ

32. Alluring eyes tempt with amorous glances
Harboring treachery, without coquetry

٣٢. بِأَكُفِّ أَبدالٍ إِذا أَمّوا بِها
مَلمومَةً عَمِلوا بِما في المُصحَفِ

٣٣. تَستَلُّ خائِنَةَ العُيونِ بِمُقلَةٍ
تَحوي ضَمائِرَها وَلَمّا تَطرِفِ