
You were imprisoned, so time was imprisoned for your sake

حبست فاحتبست من أجلك الديم

1. You were imprisoned, so time was imprisoned for your sake,
And non-existence persisted in shunning your company.

١. حُبِستَ فَاِحتَبَسَت مِن أَجلِكَ الدِيَمُ
وَلَم يَزَل نابِياً عَن صَحبِكَ العَدَمُ

2. O son of Al-Musayyab, say something true, not lies,
For if not for you, virtue and nobility would not be known.

٢. يابنَ المُسَيَّبِ قَولاً غَيرَ ما كَذِبٍ
لَولاكَ لَم يُدرَ ما المَعروفُ وَالكَرَمُ

3. You have granted me great bounties that made me eminent,
So it is fitting that my gratitude be as eminent as the bounties.

٣. جَلَّلتَني نِعَماً جَلَّت وَأَحرِ بِأَن
يَحِلَّ شُكرِيَ إِذ جَلَّت لِيَ النِعَمُ

4. O you, at whose assembly people neglect
To seek glory, prompted by aspiration through you.

٤. يا مَن إِذا قَعَدَت بِالقَومِ هِمَّتُهُم
عَنِ اِكتِسابِ العُلى قامَت بِهِ الهِمَمُ

5. I saw your spear made of a smooth-barked wood
With no flaws or blemishes on its sides.

٥. رَأَيتُ عودَكَ مِن نَبعٍ أَرومَتُهُ
ما في جَوانِبِهِ لينٌ وَلا وَصَمُ

6. You are the heir, so unsheathe the sword triumphantly
To defend the sanctity of poetry when covenants were violated.

٦. أَنتَ السَليلُ فَسُلَّ السَيفُ مُنتَصِراً
لِذِمَّةِ الشِعرِ إِذ ضاعَت لَهُ الذِمَمُ

7. You have surpassed the glory of Qais in the land as a flag
That puzzles the land, and glory through you is exalted.

٧. عَلَوتَ مِن مَجدِ قَيسٍ في الوَرى عَلَماً
أَعيا الوَرى وَعَلا مَجداً بِكَ العَلَمُ