
Ahmad, indeed the envious are many

أأحمد إن الحاسدين كثير

1. Ahmad, indeed the envious are many
And what is it to you if the generous are few

١. أَأَحمَدُ إِنَّ الحاسِدينَ كَثيرُ
وَما لَكَ إِن عُدَّ الكِرامُ نَظيرُ

2. You have attained a virtuous, eminent status
Of old glory and pride, magnificent

٢. حَلَلتَ مَحَلّاً فاضِلاً مُتَقَدِّماً
مِنَ المَجدِ وَالفَخرُ القَديمُ فَخورُ

3. So every strong or rich man, indeed he
Is in need of you, even if he attained the heavens, destitute

٣. فَكُلُّ قَوِيٍّ أَو غَنِيٍّ فَإِنَّهُ
إِلَيكَ وَلَو نالَ السَماءَ فَقيرُ

4. To you ultimate glory leads from every direction
To become whatever you become when you become

٤. إِلَيكَ تَناهى المَجدُ مِن كُلِّ وُجهَةٍ
يَصيرُ فَما يَعدوكَ حينَ تَصيرُ

5. And the full moon of Eyaad, you are, they do not deny
Thus Eyaad for people, full moons

٥. وَبَدرُ إِيادٍ أَنتَ لا يُنكِرونَهُ
كَذاكَ إِيادٌ لِلأَنامِ بُدورُ

6. So there is no dew, except its place is to you
Nor any fellowship, except it moves toward you

٦. فَما مِن نَدىً إِلّا إِلَيكَ مَحَلُّهُ
وَلا رُفقَةٌ إِلّا إِلَيكَ تَسيرُ

7. You avoided being called the prince humbly
And you are, for whomever is called prince, prince

٧. تَجَنَّبتَ أَن تُدعى الأَميرَ تَواضُعاً
وَأَنتَ لِمَن يُدعى الأَميرَ أَميرُ