
Your undulations are alluring

وثناياك إنها إغريض

1. Your undulations are alluring
With lightning and glinting stars a-glowing

١. وَثَناياكِ إِنَّها إِغريضُ
وَلِآلٍ تومٌ وَبَرقٌ وَميضُ

2. And spangled glades in the morn breeze blowing
A lush, verdant garden there lies, mirth bringing.

٢. وَأَقاحٍ مُنَوَّرٌ في بِطاحٍ
هَزَّهُ في الصَباحِ رَوضٌ أَريضُ

3. In the languorous eye-glancing coyness showing
Are diverse charms; though to my eyes no joy is owing

٣. وَاِرتِكاضِ الكَرى بِعَينَيكِ في النَو
مِ فُنوناً وَما لِعَينَي غُموضُ

4. Billows of events overwhelm, each route fraught
With murk; unsure which path I next ought

٤. لَتَكاءَدنَني غِمارٌ مِنَ الأَح
داثِ لَم أَدرِ أَيَّهُنَّ أَخوضُ

5. To tread. Sternly the days eye me in their passing
And their glance to me was ever bitter, lashing

٥. أَتأَرَتنِيَ الأَيّامُ بِالنَظَرِ الشَز
رِ وَكانَت وَطَرفُها لي غَضيضُ

6. What aspiring spirit risks all, seeking the crest
When the wing toward the heights cannot wrest!

٦. كَيفَ يُضحي بِرَأسِ عَلياءَ مُضحٍ
وَجَناحُ السُمُوِّ مِنهُ مَهيضُ

7. A will that would gore the stars, and tradition
Wedded to baseness; thus its lot and mission.

٧. هِمَّةٌ تَنطَحُ النُجومَ وَجَدٌّ
آلِفٌ لِلحَضيضِ فَهوَ حَضيضُ

8. How many heros bowed before advancing days
Who'd helplessly yielded up all earthly ways!

٨. كَم فَتىً ذَلَّ لِلزَمانِ وَقَد أَل
قى مَقاليدَهُ إِلَيهِ القَبيضُ

9. The merits of Maʿrūf and partner neglecting
Qudāma's varied rhythms they are perfecting,

٩. لَوذَعِيٌّ يُهَلِّلُ المَشرَفِيُّ ال
عَضبُ عَنهُ وَالزاعِبيُّ النَحيضُ

10. While over the carpet they stridently tread,
Caparisoned steeds tossing their graceful head.

١٠. وَبِساطٍ كَأَنَّما الآلُ فيهِ
وَعَلَيهِ سَحلُ المُلاءِ الرَحيضُ

11. At daybreak, he of the revered white beard seems
Immobile there amidst them, trance serene.

١١. يُصبِحُ الداعِرِيُّ ذو المَيةِ المِر
جَمُ فيهِ كَأَنَّهُ مَأبوضُ

12. We've shed from their hands the seal of awe, but not
Every ring in the end will emerge unblot.

١٢. قَد فَضَضنا مِن بيدِهِ خاتَمَ الخَو
فِ وَما كُلُّ خاتَمٍ مَفضوضُ

13. With songstresses moving in rhythmic delight,
Their plaited forelocks softly sway left and right.

١٣. بِالمَهارى يَجُلنَ فيهِ وَقَد جا
لَت عَلى مُسنَماتِهِنَّ الغُروضُ

14. Dark beauties guide them, brightly pale of face,
Secured 'gainst all threats in your noble grace.

١٤. جازِعاتٍ سودَ المَروَراةِ تَه
ديها وُجوهٌ لِمَكرُماتِكَ بيضُ

15. Greyhounds spurred by the huntsmen race apace,
Vying in speed with the falcon flying through space.

١٥. سُعُمٌ حَثَّ رَكبَهُنَّ أَمانٍ
فيكَ تَترى حَثَّ القِداحِ المُفيضُ

16. Tirelessly working their jaws all the while
They gnaw their leashes; though fierce, they are docile.

١٦. فَاِشمَعَلّوا يُلَجلِجونَ دَؤوباً
مُضَغاً لِلكَلالِ فيها أَنيضُ

17. None can attain glory or high estate,
Whom covert suggestion cannot motivate.

١٧. لَن يَهُزَّ التَصريحُ لِلمَجدِ وَالسُ
ؤدَدِ مَن لَم يَهُزَّهُ التَعريضُ

18. Each day you spend has its own special quality,
Measured by verse--and more verse follows freely.

١٨. كُلَّ يَومٍ يُقَضّيهِ نَوعٌ
وَعَروضٌ يَتلوهُ فيكَ عَروضُ

19. Rhymes that echo within you, for words never lacked
To voice the vocative case or words underscored.

١٩. وَقَوافٍ قَد ضَجَّ مِنها لِما اِستُع
مِلَ فيها المَرفوعُ وَالمَخفوضُ

20. Lavish praise and thanks and thoughts speculative,
Censure that stings and spurs to deeds effective.

٢٠. المَديحُ الجَزيلُ وَالشُكرُ وَالفِك
رُ وَمُرُّ العِتابِ وَالتَحريضُ

21. For poetry is your openhanded munificence;
Should that diminish, so too would poetic licence.

٢١. وَحَياةُ القَريضِ إِحياؤُكَ الجو
دَ فَإِن ماتَ الجودُ ماتَ القَريضُ

22. Abundant be your fresh streaming charity;
I've gained naught from you but noble magnanimity.

٢٢. كُن طَويلَ النَدى عَريضاً فَما سادَ
ثَنائي فيكَ الطَويلُ العَريضُ

23. It's bountiful seas that have brought oceans repute--
The more they pour forth, still more pours forth their briny loot.

٢٣. إِنَّما صادَتِ البُحورُ بُحوراً
إِنَّها كُلَّما اِستُفيضَت تَفيضُ

24. O you who love kindness in an age when it
Has become despised! Say to the son of Grief, naught he owns,

٢٤. يا مُحِبَّ الإِحسانِ في زَمَنٍ أَص
بَحَ فيهِ الإِحسانُ وَهوَ بَغيضُ

25. No haven at all, save the shelter you provide.
Be not as folk who, when events them deride

٢٥. قُل لَعاً لِاِبنِ عَثرَةٍ ما لَهُ مِن
ها بِشَيءٍ سِوى نَداكَ نُهوضُ

26. And humble them, turn to aloofness, hiding
In their isolation, nursing wounds unabiding.

٢٦. لا تَكُن لي وَلَن تَكونَ كَقَومٍ
عودُهُم حينَ يُعجَمونَ رَفيضُ

27. A broad assembly of mortals, yet one that is wanting:
Healthy words and deeds while their lives are rotting!

٢٧. عِندَهُم مَحضَرٌ مِنَ البِشرِ مَبسو
طٌ لِعافٍ وَنائِلٌ مَقبوضُ

28. The least benefit deriving from existence
Is physical health when their spirits lie in sickness.

٢٨. وَأَقَلُّ الأَشياءِ مَحصولَ نَفعٍ
صِحَّةُ القَولِ وَالفَعالُ مَريضُ