1. I bear witness, you have donned, O Abu Sa'id
Virtues that dazzle higher nobility
١. شَهِدتُ لَقَد لَبِستَ أَبا سَعيدٍ
مَكارِمَ تَبهَرُ الشَرَفَ الطُوالا
2. When hard times befall, your hands flow freely
Shading the world with your thick shadows
٢. إِذا حَرَّ الزَمانُ جَرَت أَيادي
نَداهُ فَغَشَّتِ الدُنيا ظِلالا
3. And the soul of a man whose insight we've tested
By the arena of your generosity, sublime glory
٣. وَإِن نَفسُ اِمرِئٍ دَقَّت رَأَينا
بِعَرصَةِ جودِهِ كَرَماً جُلالا
4. And slog saved you from folk who never extended
A right hand to act, nor a left hand at all
٤. وَقاكَ الخَطبَ قَومٌ لَم يَمُدّوا
يَميناً لِلفَعالِ وَلا شِمالا
5. My gaze you've raised, and my condition returned
To my far-reaching plains a new state
٥. أَحينَ رَفَعتَ مِن نَظَري وَعادَت
حُوَيلي في ذَراكَ الرَحبِ حالا
6. And tribes and far lands have encircled me
As my dependents, and I was their dependent
٦. وَحَفَّت بي العَشائِرُ وَالأَقاصي
عِيالاً لي وَكُنتُ لَهُم عِيالا
7. So I've become, greater than them in bounty
And before you, greater than them asking
٧. فَقَد أَصبَحتُ أَكثَرَهُم عَطاءً
وَقَبلَكَ كُنتُ أَكثَرَهُم سُؤالا
8. When they intercede with me, no shame they feel
From disgrace, or bare feet on the ground
٨. إِذا شَفَعوا إِلَيَّ فَلا خُدوداً
يَقونَ مِنَ الهَوانِ وَلا نِعالا
9. I clamber about needs, if lightly I went
To you with them or heavily I vent
٩. أُتَعتِعُ في الحَوائِجِ إِن خِفافاً
غَدَوتُ بِها عَلَيكَ وَإِن ثِقالا
10. If need sends forth its hands, you've made
Refusing it, for it, an impossibility
١٠. إِذا ما الحاجَةُ اِنبَعَثَت يَداها
جَعَلتَ المَنعَ مِنكَ لَها عِقالا
11. Where are poems for me about you that refuse
And disdain that I be disgraced or humiliated
١١. فَأَينَ قَصائِدٌ لي فيكَ تَأبى
وَتَأنَفُ أَن أُهانَ وَأَن أُذالا
12. Of the lawful magic to its conjurer
And I've never seen before it lawful magic
١٢. مِنَ السِحرِ الحَلالِ لِمُجتَنيهِ
وَلَم أَرَ قَبلَها سِحراً حَلالا
13. So your stream for me is never disturbed, for I
Extend to you hopes, long lasting
١٣. فَلا يَكدُر غَديرُكَ لي فَإِنّي
أَمُدُّ إِلَيكَ آمالاً طِوالا
14. And bestow on you my glory, for glory indeed
If one day absent, becomes but riches
١٤. وَفِر جاهي عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّ جاهاً
إِذا ما غَبَّ يَوماً صارَ مالا