1. Their homes are watered by my copious tears
Though my morn returns after them destroyed
١. قِرى دارِهِم مِنّي الدُموعُ السَوافِكُ
وَإِن عادَ صُبحي بَعدَهُم وَهوَ حالِكُ
2. And though I rose early amid their resting places and tombs
The places of our loved ones are adorned
٢. وَإِن بَكَرَت في ظُعنِهِم وَحُدوجِهِم
زَيانِبُ مِن أَحبابِنا وَعَواتِكُ
3. It watered their meadows, nay it watered their last abode
With latter rains from the clouds bursting with showers
٣. سَقَت رَبعَهُم لا بَل سَقَت مُنتَواهُمُ
مِنَ الأَرضِ أَخلافُ السَحابِ الحَواشِكُ
4. And clothed them in the finery of spring and adorned them
With the soft drops of dew dripping from the meadows
٤. وَأَلبَسَهُم عَصبَ الرَبيعِ وَوَشيَهُ
وَيُمنَتَهُ نَبتُ النَدى المُتَلاحِكُ
5. When the meadows court the roe-deer, they are bedecked
With carpets amidst their resting places and circling streams
٥. إِذا غازَلَ الرَوضُ الغَزالَةَ نُشِّرَت
زَرابِيُّ في أَكنافِهِم وَدَرانِكُ
6. When the rain dons its garment, you would think
That an epoch has passed, keeping watch over it while it weaves
٦. إِذا الغَيثُ سَدّى نَسجَهُ خِلتَ أَنَّهُ
مَضَت حِقبَةٌ حَرسٌ لَهُ وَهوَ حائِكُ
7. Guide me to the quarters of the lovely sparrow
For from that bird of good omen lucky stars are guided
٧. أَلِكني إِلى حَيِّ الأَراقِمِ إِنَّهُ
مِنَ الطائِرِ الأَحشاءِ تُهدى المَآلِكُ
8. Consume patience while still fresh and drink it in
For you have saddled the camel of darkness and darkness is blessed
٨. كُلوا الصَبرَ غَضّاً وَأَشرَبوهُ فَإِنَّكُم
أَثَرتُم بَعيرَ الظُلمِ وَالظُلمُ بارِكُ
9. The lion cub of the thicket has come to you with his sword
Its sharp edge ready in the darkness of night to attack
٩. أَتاكُم سَليلُ الغابِ في صَدرِ سَيفِهِ
سَناً لِدُجى الإِظلامِ وَالظُلمُ هاتِكُ
10. When the torrent is unleashed the excuses dry up
And when resolved, the roads are not closed off to him
١٠. إِذا سيلَ سُدَّ العُذرُ عَن صُلبِ مالِهِ
وَإِن هَمَّ لَم تُسدَر عَلَيهِ المَسالِكُ
11. You persisted and fate brought together
Two disputants in passionate debate, one stubborn the other persistent
١١. أَلَحَّ وَماحَكتُم وَلِلقَدَرِ اِلتَقى
غَريمانِ في الهَيجا مُلِحٌّ وَماحِكُ
12. He who weeps for Bujair even if brought near
Is like Zuhair and Malik in his compassion
١٢. هُوَ الحارِثُ الناعي بُجَيراً وَإِن يُدَن
لَهُ فَهوَ إِشفاقاً زُهَيرٌ وَمالِكُ
13. A battle-hardened warrior who has often seen
The battalions wavering on a day of clamor as they surge
١٣. رَقاحِيُّ حَربٍ طالَما اِنقَلَبَت لَهُ
قَساطِلُ يَومِ الرَوعِ وَهيَ سَبائِكُ
14. And one who extracts every day from the rich
Booty watered by the spear and arrows
١٤. وَمُستَنبِطٌ في كُلِّ يَومٍ مِنَ الغِنى
قَليباً رِشاآها القَنا وَالسَنابِكُ
15. One who gazes at fate until it seems he
Shares in dispensing doom among souls
١٥. مُطِلٌّ عَلى الآجالِ حَتّى كَأَنَّهُ
لِصَرفِ المَنايا في النُفوسِ مُشارِكُ
16. For time does not spare one who takes
Nor does time vanquish one who desists
١٦. فَما تَترُكُ الأَيّامُ مَن هُوَ آخِذٌ
وَلا تَأخُذُ الأَيّامُ مَن هُوَ تارِكُ
17. Clement, when clemency does not soften his sternness
And one who wards off death blows with a splitting coat of mail
١٧. صَفوحٌ إِذا لَم يَثلِمِ الصَفحُ حَزمَهُ
وَذو تُدرَإٍ بِالفاتِكِ الخِرقِ فاتِكُ
18. A lord's foster-son nurtured at her breast
And one whose hearing was trained by mighty warriors
١٨. رَبيبُ مُلوكٍ أَرضَعَتهُ ثُدِيَّها
وَسِمعٌ تَرَبَّتهُ الرِجالُ الصَعالِكُ
19. Else their horses beneath the riders' weights
Would have shredded the hides of war
١٩. وَلَو لَم يُكَفكِف خَيلَهُ عَرَكَتكُمُ
بِأَثقالِها عَركَ الأَديمِ المُعارِكُ
20. And were it not for Him protecting their flank
They would have returned ripped to pieces
٢٠. وَلَولا تُقاهُ عادَ قَيضاً مُفَلَّقاً
بِأُدحِيِّهِ بَيضُ الخُدورِ التَرائِكُ
21. By the white feathers of the whizzing arrows
And the choice herds would have been left neglected
٢١. وَلَاِصطُفِيَت شَولٌ فَظَلَّت شَوارِداً
قُرومُ عِشارٍ ما لَهُنَّ مَبارِكُ
22. Else you would have worn the shame of an age as though
Its nights amongst nights were disgraceful
٢٢. إِذاً لَلَبِستُم عارَ دَهرٍ كَأَنَّما
لَياليهِ مِن بَينِ اللَيالي عَوارِكُ
23. And furnishings of safety would have been pulled out from beneath you
The example of soft furnishings and couches
٢٣. وَلَاِجتُذِبَت فُرشٌ مِنَ الأَمنِ تَحتَكُم
هِيَ المُثلُ في لينٍ بِها وَالأَرائِكُ
24. But He refused to allow your authority in your people to be violated
While it remains intact and perfect
٢٤. وَلَكِن أَبى أَن يُستَباحَ بِكَفِّهِ
سَنامُكُمُ في قَومِكُم وَهوَ تامِكُ
25. And that you wake under shade while you
Are the protectors of my quarters and environs
٢٥. وَأَن تُصبِحوا تَحتَ الأَظَلِّ وَأَنتُمُ
غَوارِبُ حَيَّي تَغلِبٍ وَالحَوارِكُ
26. Then relationships would split though clinging together
And kinship ties would snap though intertwined
٢٦. فَتَنجَذِمَ الأَسبابُ وَهيَ مُغارَةٌ
وَتَنقَطِعَ الأَرحامُ وَهيَ شَوابِكُ
27. Do not then deny favors to the Silent One Muhammad
Whose hands will compensate with intercession
٢٧. فَلا تَكفُرُنَّ الصامِتِيَّ مُحَمَّداً
آيادِيَ شَفعاً سَيبُها مُتَدارِكُ
28. He brought you the sweet breezes as tailwinds
And ease, while they were headwinds causing adversity
٢٨. أَهَبَّ لَكُم ريحَ الصَفاءِ جَنائِباً
رُخاءً وَكانَت وَهيَ نُكبٌ سَواهِكُ
29. So he turned away the thirst of the spear points from you and sheathed
The sharp blades of the swords
٢٩. فَرَدَّ القَنا ظَمآنَ عَنكُم وَأُغمِدَت
عَلى حَرِّها بيضُ السُيوفِ الفَواتِكُ
30. And time moved into the realm of auspicious destiny
The freedman of good fortune and the intimate friend of blessings
٣٠. وَآبَ عَلى سَعدِ السُعودِ بِرَحلِهِ
عِتاقُ المَذاكي وَالقِلاصُ الرَواتِكُ
31. As though the morn emerged today from his beautiful face
Gleaming between white and white, smiling
٣١. غَدا وَكَأَنَّ اليَومَ مِن حُسنِ وَجهِهِ
وَقَد لاحَ بَينَ البيضِ وَالبَيضِ ضاحِكُ
32. While you live life is short
And when you go loss for life is imminent
٣٢. حَياتُكَ لِلدُنيا حَياةٌ ظَليلَةٌ
وَفَقدُكَ لِلدُنيا فَناءٌ مُواشِكُ
33. Whenever fate comes to you, leave not as one perished
But time itself will pass as one destroyed in your stead
٣٣. مَتى يَأتِكَ المِقدارُ لا تُدعَ هالِكاً
وَلَكِن زَمانٌ غالَ مِثلَكَ هالِكُ