
If you knew of a promise, however trivial

إن عهدا لو تعلمان ذميما

1. If you knew of a promise, however trivial,
To let me sleep one night or make me drowsy,

١. إِنَّ عَهداً لَو تَعلَمانِ ذَميما
أَن تَناما عَن لَيلَتي أَو تُنيما

2. I would tend flocks till, when they left me,
I tended the stars at nightfall.

٢. كُنتُ أَرعى البُدورَ حَتّى إِذا ما
فارَقوني أَمسَيتُ أَرعى النُجوما

3. We passed by the abode, now empty,
And wept for its vestiges and graven marks,

٣. قَد مَرَرنا بِالدارِ وَهيَ خَلاءٌ
وَبَكَينا طُلولَها وَالرُسوما

4. And asked of its pastures, turning away
Sickened, nor asked of a wise man.

٤. وَسَأَلنا رُبوعَها فَاِنصَرَفنا
بِسَقامٍ وَما سَأَلنا حَكيما

5. The meadow of youth lies broken,
Its zephyr is now but poisonous fumes;

٥. أَصبَحَت رَوضَةُ الشَبابِ هَشيماً
وَغَدَت ريحُهُ البَليلُ سَموما

6. A flame in parting was entrusted in the core
Of my heart with a burning, searing grief.

٦. شُعلَةٌ في المَفارِقِ اِستَودَعَتني
في صَميمِ الفُؤادِ ثُكلاً صَميما

7. Cares arouse what they harbored of themselves-
Ascents-and they arouse cares.

٧. تَستَثيرُ الهُمومُ ما اِكتَنَّ مِنها
صُعُداً وَهيَ تَستَثيرُ الهُموما

8. Deluded, foolish soul! Truly, you were only
A fool in the days you were ignorant.

٨. غُرَّةٌ بُهمَةٌ أَلا إِنَّما كُن
تُ أَغَرّاً أَيّامَ كُنتُ بَهيما

9. A subtlety in life called majesty
As the vicious is named virtuous.

٩. دِقَّةٌ في الحَياةِ تُدعى جَلالاً
مِثلَما سُمِّيَ اللَديغُ سَليما

10. You claimed that I was forebearing, and I see
Myself before that forebearance patient.

١٠. حَلَّمَتني زَعَمتُم وَأَراني
قَبلَ هَذا التَحليمِ كُنتُ حَليما

11. One who saw lightning stride silent
Across the plateau of Najd and its sand hills,

١١. مَن رَأى بارِقاً سَرى صامِتِيّاً
جادَ نَجداً سُهولَها وَالحُزوما

12. One Joseph, one Muhammad, one vigilant
With the outcast vile, compassionate, tender,

١٢. يوسُفِيّاً مُحَمَّدِيّاً حَفِيّاً
بِذَليلِ الثَرى رَؤوفاً رَحيما

13. Who gave drink to Tay, to Kalb, to Dowd,
To Na and Qais and Wail and Temim,

١٣. فَسَقى طَيِّئاً وَكَلباً وَدودا
نَ وَقَيساً وَوائِلاً وَتَميما

14. None attains glory, especially of youths
Unless his help embraces all.

١٤. لَن يَنالَ العُلى خُصوصاً مِنَ الفِت
يانِ مَن لَم يَكُن نَداهُ عُموما

15. From his right hand blows issued
Which it was not theirs to be clouds,

١٥. نَشَأَت مِن يَمينِهِ نَفَحاتٌ
ما عَلَيها أَلّا تَكونَ غُيوما

16. Clothing Najd in the skilled work, not coarse
Filigree nor embroidered gowns;

١٦. أَلبَسَت نَجداً الصَنائِعَ لا شي
حاً وَلا جَنبَةً وَلا قَيصوما

17. Who spared his rest in wars
When toward the clouds their temper was mean:

١٧. كَرُمَت راحَتاهُ في أَزَماتٍ
كانَ صَوبُ الغَمامِ فيها لَئيما

18. We enjoyed him not so much as when he shook
And his palm sweated and he honored tents;

١٨. لا رُزَيناهُ ما أَلَذَّ إِذا هُزَّ
وَأَندى كَفّاً وَأَكرَمَ خيما

19. He turned Jesus,-and Jesus unto God-
So he became as fragments of potsherds;

١٩. وَجَّهَ العيسَ وَهيَ عيسٌ إِلى اللَ
هِ فَآلَت مِثلَ القِسِيِّ حَطيم

20. The most entitled of men to settle the debt
Then, towering over it, lasting;

٢٠. وَأَحَقُّ الأَقوامِ أَن يَقضِيَ الدَي
نَ ثُمَّ لَمّا عَلاهُ صارَ أَديما

21. His soul spoke not of Mecca till his steeds
And archers pierced the cave and Raqim;

٢١. لَم يُحَدِّث نَفساً بِمَكَّةَ حَتّى
جازَتِ الكَهفَ خَيلُهُ وَالرَقيما

22. The sanctuary after the Din was intact
Left not for unbelief or misguidance inviolate;

٢٢. حَرَمُ الدينِ زارَهُ بَعدَ أَن لَم
يُبقِ لِلكُفرِ وَالضَلالِ حَريما

23. When he pardoned the place of Iblis the accursed
With horses he made the place of Abraham sublime;

٢٣. حينَ عَفّى مَقامَ إِبليسَ سامَي
بِالمَطايا مَقامَ إِبراهيما

24. He broke idolatry with a breaking that reminded him
In the darkness of night of Zamzam and the rubble;

٢٤. حَطَمَ الشِركَ حَطمَةً ذَكَّرَتهُ
في دُجى اللَيلِ زَمزَماً وَالحَطيما

25. So the grace of the Giver overflowed till the swords
From his bounty were patterned.

٢٥. فاضَ فَيضَ الأَتِيِّ حَتّى غَدا المَو
سِمُ مِن فَضلِ سَيبِهِ مَوسوما

26. We made trial of Abu Sa'id recent
And made trial of Abu Sa'id of old,

٢٦. قَد بَلَونا أَبا سَعيدٍ حَديثاً
وَبَلَونا أَبا سَعيدٍ قَديما

27. And we knew him barren and fertile
And knew him friendly and ungracious

٢٧. وَوَرَدناهُ ساحِلاً وَقَليباً
وَرَعَيناهُ بارِضاً وَجَميما

28. So we knew that only by the rending of selves
Is one named generous made generous

٢٨. فَعَلِمنا أَن لَيسَ إِلّا بِشِقِّ الن
نَفسِ صارَ الكَريمُ يُدعى كَريما

29. Seeking glory leaves one confused
And with cares that fracture the mind;

٢٩. طَلَبُ المَجدِ يورِثُ المَرءَ خَبلاً
وَهُموماً تُقَضقِضُ الحَيزوما

30. You see him sound yet fractured
And see him well yet ill

٣٠. فَتَراهُ وَهوَ الخَلِيُّ شَجِيّاً
وَتَراهُ وَهوَ الصَحيحُ سَقيما

31. You find glory in the wilderness like
Scattered clouds and receive it by him patterned

٣١. تَجِدُ المَجدَ في البَرِيَّةِ مَنثو
راً وَتَلقاهُ عِندَهُ مَنظوما

32. The sublime cloaked him so he counts not misery
Misery nor comfort comfort

٣٢. تَيَّمَتهُ العُلى فَلَيسَ يَعُدُّ ال
بُؤسَ بُؤساً وَلا النَعيمَ نَعيما

33. The dew of bounty shows generosity solitary
In most places blamed

٣٣. وَتُؤامُ النَدى يُري الكَرَمَ الفا
رِدَ في أَكثَرِ المَواطِنِ لوما

34. Whenever I visited him I found by him
A pedigree decayed and lasting glory

٣٤. كُلَّما زُرتُهُ وَجَدتُ لَدَيهِ
نَسَباً ظاعِناً وَمَجداً مُقيما

35. Most deserving are men seen destitute;
Never can he be seen wronged

٣٥. أَجدَرُ الناسِ أَن يُرى وَهوَ مَغبو
نٌ وَهَيهاتَ أَن يُرى مَظلوما

36. Every state you meet him in, only
He cannot be met in a state condemned

٣٦. كُلُّ حالٍ تَلقاهُ فيها وَلَكِن
لَيسَ يُلقى في حالَةٍ مَذموما

37. And if the encounter of death was inclining
To vile infidelity, it bolted disordered

٣٧. وَإِذا كانَ عارِضُ المَوتِ سَحّاً
خَضِلاً بِالرَدى أَجَشَّ هَزيما

38. In the fray and fires, you'd think the atmosphere
Gloomy from both care and smoke

٣٨. في ضِرامٍ مِنَ الوَغى وَاِشتِعالٍ
تَحسَبُ الجَوَّ مِنهُما مَهموما

39. The withers of chargers anointed with wars
Soaked the raiment of valor with blood and pus

٣٩. وَاِكتَسَت ضُمَّرُ الجِيادِ المَذاكي
مِن لِباسِ الهَيجا دَماً وَحَميما

40. In stratagems the war there chewed them
And it chewed the shoulders' bone

٤٠. في مَكَرٍّ تَلوكُها الحَربُ فيهِ
وَهيَ مُقَوَّرَةٌ تَلوكُ الشَكيما

41. You rose in it by the authority of God when
You made the swords disputing you adversaries

٤١. قُمتَ فيها بِحُجَّةِ اللَهِ لَمّا
أَن جَعَلتَ السُيوفَ عَنكَ خُصوما

42. God opened victory in the banner for you
On Monday an opening sublime

٤٢. فَتَحَ اللَهُ في اللِواءَ لَكَ الخا
فِقِ يَومَ الإِثنَينِ فَتحاً عَظيما

43. The south wind besieged it, and the falcon's prey
Shall not be underestimated till it swoops down;

٤٣. حَوَّمَتهُ ريحُ الجَنوبِ وَلَن يُح
مَدَ صَيدُ الشاهينَ حَتّى يَحوما

44. In a punishment flogged that had in it
The freshness of meadow for clouds a boon friend

٤٤. في عَذاةٍ مَهضوبَةٍ كانَ فيها
ناضِرُ الرَوضِ لِلسَحابِ نَديما

45. Its roughness was softened so it was pliant
And its wind subsided so it was gentle

٤٥. لُيِّنَت مُزنُها فَكانَت رِهاماً
وَسَجَت ريحُها فَكانَت نَسيما

46. God's blessing upon you-I ask not God
For blessings other than it should endure

٤٦. نِعمَةُ اللَهِ فيكَ لا أَسأَلُ اللَ
هَ إِلَيها نُعمى سِوى أَن تَدوما

47. Had I done so I would be like one asking Him
Standing to stand

٤٧. وَلَو أَنّي فَعَلتُ كُنتُ كَمَن يَس
أَلُهُ وَهوَ قائِمٌ أَن يَقوما