
Muhammad son of Sa'id, lend me an ear

محمد بن سعيد أرعني أذنا

1. Muhammad son of Sa'id, lend me an ear
For you are not deaf to virtuous deeds

١. مُحَمَّدَ بنَ سَعيدٍ أَرعِني أُذُناً
فَما بِأُذنِكَ عَن أُكرومَةٍ صَمَمُ

2. You have not yet quenched with love a thirst
Like the water of rhyming couplets that understanding gives you to drink

٢. لَم تُسقَ بَعدَ الهَوى ماءً عَلى ظَمَإٍ
كَماءِ قافِيَةٍ يَسقيكَها فَهِمُ

3. In every verse the meaning is almost grasped by the dead
For its beauty, envied by paper and pen

٣. مِن كُلِّ بَيتٍ يَكادُ المَيتُ يَفهَمُهُ
حُسناً وَيَحسُدُهُ القِرطاسُ وَالقَلَمُ

4. What resemblance is there between me and you when I recite it
Except Zuhayr who listened to it in his old age

٤. مالي وَمالَكَ شِبهٌ حينَ أُنشِدُهُ
إِلّا زُهَيرٌ وَقَد أَصغى لَهُ هَرِمُ

5. With every thought-path fully under control
As if perfectly guided or prevented from error

٥. بِكُلِّ سالِكَةٍ لِلفِكرِ مالِكَةٍ
كَأَنَّهُ مُستَهامٌ أَو بِهِ لَمَمُ

6. The family of Sahl, whenever called upon, act
With a generosity that ordinary people cannot match

٦. لآِلِ سَهلٍ أَكُفٌّ كُلَّما اِجتُدِيَت
فَعَلنَ في المَحلِ ما لا تَفعَلُ الدِيَمُ

7. They are a people you see jealous of their glory
As if eminence for them were inviolable territory

٧. قَومٌ تَراهُم غَيارى دونَ مَجدِهِمُ
حَتّى كَأَنَّ المَعالي عِندَهُم حُرَمُ

8. Time has indeed turned away from me in its sadness
And its breast of sorrow boils and blazes

٨. إِنَّ الزَمانَ اِنثَنى عَنّي بِغُمَّتِهِ
وَصَدرُ حَسرَتِهِ يَغلي وَيَضطَرِمُ

9. It has continued to submit to me since first you produced for me a few leaves
So what will it do if they were to bear fruit, blessings?

٩. ما زالَ يَخضَعُ مُذ أَورَقتَ لي عِدَةً
فَكَيفَ يَصنَعُ لَو قَد أَثمَرَت نَعَمُ

10. Awaken action to end the sleep of words
When evil suspicion relates that the forbearing are thus

١٠. فَأَيقِظِ الفِعلَ يَقضِ القَولُ نَومَتَهُ
وَقَد حَكى سوءُ ظَنٍّ أَنَّ ذا حُلُمُ

11. And do not say, when you are in need, that the noble spirit
Loathes solicitation - nobility is no encumbrance to the steps

١١. وَلا تَقُل قِدَمٌ أَزرى بِحاجَتِهِ
لَيسَ العُلا طَلَلاً يُزري بِهِ القِدَمُ