
Stand to renew your covenant, if the two ears refuse the beseechings of one who implores, they bowed in their absence, as orphans bent with grief bow in their bereavement. They made for the guest of sorrow, after they had gone, encampments with a sweet whiff and revisiting spirits. Fate had given them drafts to drink and the poison of nights above the poison of the serpents with curved fangs. A malady for separation deafened the cures, which neither healed nor occasioned a visit from the physician. In the crimson meadow a jasmine flower walks among the phantoms of the tombs. Fortune cast it with a back turned after it had lived an age, it has two saddle bags in the bond of promises. It became the firings of wrathful fancies and commanded its apparitions with two keening white-flanked ostriches. Marriage destroys its form, they said, though many have married love and it is not corrupt. My heart is seared with the agony of passion to a frozen clot of despair's blood. The most beautiful casts no favor to the noblest, each casts his favor to a noble. He has the pride of one who buys and the felicity of one who sell; the charm of Bahram and the grace of Mercury; his hands invite every suitor, they resorted to him an obstruction in the path of praise. A youth, who in the day of battle never stood alone, who attained solely by giving every sitter his fill. The days did not grow stern, but he made them pliant, pressing hard on calamities because he was not stern. We tried him in them gloriously, with high moral qualities; doubt did not undermine the glory that was his. He set out one day seeking praise until misfortune struck aimlessly the seeker of glory. They envied his glory blamelessly, an envier does not envy the honored. May Allah unite me, Allah, to love until my gain from my attainment seems to have enriched my debtor. So time has come to honor my birth because of him and the compassion of a parent. It turns from the world when cares are shown to it even were it to appear in the raiment of a blooming maid. When a man does not spurn it though it dons for him its yellow robes then he is no ascetic. So be patient with heat and patient with dew for his days though they are not lasting. Alas, time knows no everlasting sojourner, time knows no immortal lodger. Muhammad! O Ibn al Haytham son of Shu'bah My father! Repeller of every assailant of glory, they occupied your day with valor and help and brought you a celebrated name forever undimmed. When the year is a destroying flood, restrain it, when the day has an excoriating warrior, assail it! When the market is flooded by noses and the arms of the fray's youths have raged in arms many are your drinking companions from you for death's partnership. The prosperity makes you swear by its wing's plumage; the one praised among you is no unit. For you is an emerald expanse wherever I alight in it tomorrow my breast in it has no first aversion; nor do I there entertain any first boon companion. Through your right hand life has melted for me after I had stood on rugged shards of stagnant living. The Thawbiya ode called me though I am no Thawbi and granted no exception but you as my prime maintainer. Nay, but they are in me everlasting traits; if I am not provoked, I do not attack. And many a paid wergild you drove on though it had impact on my engenderings no begetter. Not blood-money for blood unlawfully spilled; but money for the blood of poems. By Allah are rivers of people cleft by Him that every endowed and needy one might voyage in them. Spread tables of ample provision for worshippers and you are for them among the best tables. You have lavished blessing on Arabia's folk when witnessed it did not humble them in their assemblies. You made the essence of justice an umbrella you spread over those of its fold Muslim or People of the Scripture so, because of your custom to them, in morn they and every acknowledging and gainsaying soul agreed. I will strive until poetry attains in full its goal even if submissively I strive not. But if my enemy praises you not through me bowed down then know I do praise you not. In roaming that walks on without a driver and trails in horizons without a leader, icicles time's nights stride though for them seem intimations on the peaks of icicles. When they stray they don the raiment of a carper's venom and without ties return from hearts estranged. They favored a friend of a foe and deserted dear worldly kin of men remote. Likes yet they do not cease to see a new arrival toward each horizon but no arrival comes; and when they tread on hearing ears they issue only from a true oath and witness.

قفوا جددوا من عهدكم بالمعاهد

1. Stand to renew your covenant, if the two ears refuse the beseechings of one who implores, they bowed in their absence, as orphans bent with grief bow in their bereavement. They made for the guest of sorrow, after they had gone, encampments with a sweet whiff and revisiting spirits. Fate had given them drafts to drink and the poison of nights above the poison of the serpents with curved fangs. A malady for separation deafened the cures, which neither healed nor occasioned a visit from the physician. In the crimson meadow a jasmine flower walks among the phantoms of the tombs. Fortune cast it with a back turned after it had lived an age, it has two saddle bags in the bond of promises. It became the firings of wrathful fancies and commanded its apparitions with two keening white-flanked ostriches. Marriage destroys its form, they said, though many have married love and it is not corrupt. My heart is seared with the agony of passion to a frozen clot of despair's blood. The most beautiful casts no favor to the noblest, each casts his favor to a noble. He has the pride of one who buys and the felicity of one who sell; the charm of Bahram and the grace of Mercury; his hands invite every suitor, they resorted to him an obstruction in the path of praise. A youth, who in the day of battle never stood alone, who attained solely by giving every sitter his fill. The days did not grow stern, but he made them pliant, pressing hard on calamities because he was not stern. We tried him in them gloriously, with high moral qualities; doubt did not undermine the glory that was his. He set out one day seeking praise until misfortune struck aimlessly the seeker of glory. They envied his glory blamelessly, an envier does not envy the honored. May Allah unite me, Allah, to love until my gain from my attainment seems to have enriched my debtor. So time has come to honor my birth because of him and the compassion of a parent. It turns from the world when cares are shown to it even were it to appear in the raiment of a blooming maid. When a man does not spurn it though it dons for him its yellow robes then he is no ascetic. So be patient with heat and patient with dew for his days though they are not lasting. Alas, time knows no everlasting sojourner, time knows no immortal lodger. Muhammad! O Ibn al Haytham son of Shu'bah My father! Repeller of every assailant of glory, they occupied your day with valor and help and brought you a celebrated name forever undimmed. When the year is a destroying flood, restrain it, when the day has an excoriating warrior, assail it! When the market is flooded by noses and the arms of the fray's youths have raged in arms many are your drinking companions from you for death's partnership. The prosperity makes you swear by its wing's plumage; the one praised among you is no unit. For you is an emerald expanse wherever I alight in it tomorrow my breast in it has no first aversion; nor do I there entertain any first boon companion. Through your right hand life has melted for me after I had stood on rugged shards of stagnant living. The Thawbiya ode called me though I am no Thawbi and granted no exception but you as my prime maintainer. Nay, but they are in me everlasting traits; if I am not provoked, I do not attack. And many a paid wergild you drove on though it had impact on my engenderings no begetter. Not blood-money for blood unlawfully spilled; but money for the blood of poems. By Allah are rivers of people cleft by Him that every endowed and needy one might voyage in them. Spread tables of ample provision for worshippers and you are for them among the best tables. You have lavished blessing on Arabia's folk when witnessed it did not humble them in their assemblies. You made the essence of justice an umbrella you spread over those of its fold Muslim or People of the Scripture so, because of your custom to them, in morn they and every acknowledging and gainsaying soul agreed. I will strive until poetry attains in full its goal even if submissively I strive not. But if my enemy praises you not through me bowed down then know I do praise you not. In roaming that walks on without a driver and trails in horizons without a leader, icicles time's nights stride though for them seem intimations on the peaks of icicles. When they stray they don the raiment of a carper's venom and without ties return from hearts estranged. They favored a friend of a foe and deserted dear worldly kin of men remote. Likes yet they do not cease to see a new arrival toward each horizon but no arrival comes; and when they tread on hearing ears they issue only from a true oath and witness.

١. قِفوا جَدِّدوا مِن عَهدِكُم بِالمَعاهِدِ
وَإِن هِيَ لَم تَسمَع لِنَشدانِ ناشِدِ

٢. لَقَد أَطرَقَ الرَبعُ المُحيلُ لِفَقدِهِم
وَبَينِهِم إِطراقَ ثَكلانَ فاقِدِ

٣. وَأَبقَوا لِضَيفِ الحُزنِ مِنِّيَ بَعدَهُم
قِرىً مِن جَوىً سارٍ وَطَيفِ مُعاوِدِ

٤. سَقَتهُ ذُعافاً عادَةُ الدَهرِ فيهِمِ
وَسَمُّ اللَيالي فَوقَ سَمِّ الأَساوِدِ

٥. بِهِ عِلَّةٌ لِلبَينِ صَمّاءُ لَم تُصِخ
لِبُرءٍ وَلَم توجِب عِيادَةَ عائِدِ

٦. وَفي الكِلَّةِ الوَردِيَّةِ اللَونِ جُؤذُرٌ
مِنَ الإِنسِ يَمشي في رِقاقِ المَجاسِدِ

٧. رَمَتهُ بِخُلفٍ بَعدَ أَن عاشَ حِقبَةً
لَهُ رَسَفانٌ في قُيودِ المَواعِدِ

٨. غَدَت مُغتَدى الغَضبى وَأَوصَت خَيالَها
بِحَرّانَ نِضوِ العيسِ نِضوِ الخَرائِدِ

٩. وَقالَت نِكاحُ الحُبِّ يُفسِدُ شَكلَهُ
وَكَم نَكَحوا حُبّاً وَلَيسَ بِفاسِدِ

١٠. سَآوي بِهَذا القَلبِ مِن لَوعَةِ الهَوى
إِلى ثَغَبٍ مِن نُطفَةِ اليَأسِ بارِدِ

١١. وَأَروَعَ لا يُلقي المَقالِدَ لِاِمرِئٍ
فَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ يُلقي لَهُ بِالمَقالِدِ

١٢. لَهُ كِبرِياءُ المُشتَري وَسُعودُهُ
وَسَورَةُ بَهرامٍ وَظَرفُ عُطارِدِ

١٣. أَغَرُّ يَداهُ فُرصَتا كُلِّ طالِبٍ
وَجَدواهُ وَقفٌ في سَبيلِ المَحامِدِ

١٤. فَتىً لَم يَقُم فَرداً بِيَومِ كَريهَةٍ
وَلا نائِلٍ إِلّا كَفى كُلَّ قاعِدِ

١٥. وَلا اِشتَدَّتِ الأَيّامُ إِلّا أَلانَها
أَشَمُّ شَديدُ الوَطءِ فَوقَ الشَدائِدِ

١٦. بَلَوناهُ فيها ماجِداً ذا حَفيظَةٍ
وَما كانَ رَيبُ الدَهرِ فيها بِماجِدِ

١٧. غَدا قاصِداً لِلحَمدِ حَتّى أَصابَهُ
وَكَم مِن مُصيبٍ قَصدَهُ غَيرُ قاصِدِ

١٨. هُمُ حَسَدوهُ لا مَلومينَ مَجدَهُ
وَما حاسِدٌ في المَكرُماتِ بِحاسِدِ

١٩. قَراني اللُهى وَالوُدَّ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
أَفادَ الغِنى مِن نائِلي وَفَوائِدي

٢٠. فَأَصبَحَ يَلقاني الزَمانُ مِنَ اِجلِهِ
بِإِعظامِ مَولودٍ وَرَأفَةِ والِدِ

٢١. يَصُدُّ عَنِ الدُنيا إِذا عَنَّ سُؤدُدٌ
وَلَو بَرَزَت في زِيِّ عَذراءَ ناهِدِ

٢٢. إِذا المَرءُ لَم يَزهَد وَقَد صُبِغَت لَهُ
بِعُصفُرِها الدُنيا فَلَيسَ بِزاهِدِ

٢٣. فَواكَبِدي الحَرّى وَواكَبِدَ النَدى
لِأَيّامِهِ لَو كُنَّ غَيرَ بَوائِدِ

٢٤. وَهَيهاتَ ما رَيبُ الزَمانِ بِمُخلِدٍ
غَريباً وَلا رَيبُ الزَمانِ بِخالِدِ

٢٥. مُحَمَّدُ يا بنِ الهَيثَمِ بنِ شُبانَةٍ
أَبي كُلَّ دَفّاعٍ عَنِ المَجدِ ذائِدِ

٢٦. هُمُ شَغَلوا يَومَيكَ بِالبَأسِ وَالنَدى
وَآتَوكَ زَنداً في العُلى غَيرَ خامِدِ

٢٧. فَإِن كانَ عامٌ عارِمُ المَحلِ فَاِكفِهِ
وَإِن كانَ يَومٌ ذو جِلادٍ فَجالِدِ

٢٨. إِذا السوقُ غَطَّت آنُفَ السوقِ وَاِغتَدَت
سَواعِدُ أَبناءِ الوَغى في السَواعِدِ

٢٩. فَكَم لِلعَوالي فيكُمُ مِن مُنادِمٍ
وَلِلمَوتِ صِرفاً مِن حَليفٍ مُعاقِدِ

٣٠. لِتُحلِفكُمُ النَعماءُ ريشَ جَناحِها
فَما الواحِدُ المَحمودُ مِنكُم بِواحِدِ

٣١. لَكُم ساحَةٌ خَضراءُ أَنّى اِنتَجَعتُها
غَدا فارِطي فيها صَدوقاً وَرائِدي

٣٢. فَما قُلُبي فيها لِأَوَّلِ نازِحٍ
وَلا سَمُري فيها لِأَوَّلِ عاضِدِ

٣٣. أَذابَت لِيَ الدُنيا يَمينُكَ بَعدَما
وَقَفتُ عَلى شُخبٍ مِنَ العَيشِ جامِدِ

٣٤. وَنادَتنِيَ التَثويبَ لا أَنَّني اِمرُؤٌ
سَلاكَ وَلا اِستَثنى سِواكَ بِرافِدِ

٣٥. وَلَكِنَّها مِنّي سَجايا قَديمَةٌ
إِذا لَم يُجَأجَأ بي فَلَستُ بِوارِدِ

٣٦. وَكَم دِيَةٍ تِمٍّ غَدَوتَ تَسوقُها
لَها أَثَرٌ في تالِدي غَيرُ تالِدِ

٣٧. وَلَيسَت دِياتٍ مِن دِماءٍ هَرَقتَها
حَراماً وَلَكِن مِن دِماءِ القَصائِدِ

٣٨. وَلِلَّهِ أَنهارٌ مِنَ الناسِ شَقَّها
لِيَشرَعَ فيها كُلُّ مُقوٍ وَواجِدِ

٣٩. مَوائِدُ رِزقٍ لِلعِبادِ خَصيبَةٌ
وَأَنتَ لَهُم مِن خَيرِ تِلكَ المَوائِدِ

٤٠. أَفَضتَ عَلى أَهلِ الجَزيرَةِ نِعمَةً
إِذا شُهِدَت لَم تُخزِهِم في المَشاهِدِ

٤١. جَعَلتَ صَميمَ العَدلِ ظِلّاً مَدَدتَهُ
عَلى مَن بِها مِن مُسلِمٍ أَو مُعاهِدِ

٤٢. فَقَد أَصبَحوا بِالعُرفِ مِنكَ إِلَيهِمُ
وَكُلٌّ مُقِرٌّ مِن مُقِرٍّ وَجاحِدِ

٤٣. سَأَجهَدُ حَتّى أُبلِغَ الشِعرَ شَأوَهُ
وَإِن كانَ لي طَوعاً وَلَستُ بِجاهِدِ

٤٤. فَإِن أَنا لَم يَحمَدكَ عَنِّيَ صاغِراً
عَدُوُّكَ فَاِعلَم أَنَّني غَيرُ حامِدِ

٤٥. بِسَيّاحَةٍ تَنساقُ مِن غَيرِ سائِقٍ
وَتَنقادُ في الآفاقِ مِن غَيرِ قائِدِ

٤٦. جَلامِدُ تَخطوها اللَيالي وَإِن بَدَت
لَها موضِحاتٌ في رُؤوسِ الجَلامِدِ

٤٧. إِذا شَرَدَت سَلَّت سَخيمَةَ شانِئٍ
وَرَدَّت عُزوباً مِن قُلوبٍ شَوارِدِ

٤٨. أَفادَت صَديقاً مِن عَدُوٍّ وَغادَرَت
أَقارِبَ دُنيا مِن رِجالٍ أَباعِدِ

٤٩. مُحَبَّبَةً ما إِن تَزالُ تَرى لَها
إِلى كُلِّ أُفقٍ وافِداً غَيرَ وافِدِ

٥٠. وَمُحلِفَةً لَمّا تَرِد أُذنَ سامِعٍ
فَتَصدُرَ إِلّا عَن يَمينٍ وَشاهِدِ