
Has not the time come for me to cease imposing on others and impose on myself

ألم يأن تركي لا علي ولا ليا

1. Has not the time come for me to cease imposing on others and impose on myself
The resolve to improve my state?

١. أَلَم يَأنِ تَركي لا عَلَيَّ وَلا لِيا
وَعَزمي عَلى ما فيهِ إِصلاحُ حالِيا

2. Grey hairs have come upon me and my temples whitened
While my black hair became speckled with white.

٢. وَقَد نالَ مِنّي الشَيبُ وَاِبيَضَّ مَفرِقي
وَغالَت سَوادي شُهبَةٌ في قَذالِيا

3. Events have reversed on me from what I had grown accustomed to
In the prime of youth when nights used to be as they were.

٣. وَحالَت بِيَ الحالاتُ عَمّا عَهِدتُها
بِكَرِّ اللَيالي وَاللَيالي كَما هِيا

4. I complain to this world but it does not answer me;
I attempt to remain but how can I remain?

٤. أُصَوِّتُ بِالدُنيا وَلَيسَت تُجيبُني
أُحاوِلُ أَن أَبقى وَكَيفَ بَقائِيا

5. The days do not cease casting my days behind me
Without counting, not according to my count.

٥. وَما تَبرَحُ الأَيّامُ تَحذِفُ مُدَّتي
بِعَدِّ حِسابٍ لا كَعَدِّ حِسابِيا

6. To erase my traces and to renew what is new to me
And to empty my quarters with aversion in its place

٦. لِتَمحُوَ آثاري وَتُخلِقَ جِدَّتي
وَتُخلِيَ مِن رَبعي بِكُرهٍ مَكانِيا

7. Just as it had done before to Thamud and Jurhum
And 'Ad's descendants after 'Ad.

٧. كَما فَعَلَت قَبلي بِطَسمٍ وَجُرهُمٍ
وَآلِ ثَمودٍ بَعدَ عادِ بنِ عادِيا

8. And I will remain lying dead amongst my family as a corpse
With my inheritance going to those who will inherit indeed.

٨. وَأَبقى صَريعاً بَينَ أَهلي جَنازَةً
وَيَحوي ذَوو الميراثِ خالِصَ مالِيا

9. I say to myself when it is inclined by its ears
To dangerous utterances, I had wished safety before.

٩. أَقولُ لِنَفسي حينَ مالَت بِصَغوِها
إِلى خَطَراتٍ قَد نَتَجنَ أَمانِيا

10. Deliver me from this world! I have attained everything
I wished for or I was given beyond my wishes.

١٠. هَبيني مِنَ الدُنيا ظَفِرتُ بِكُلِّ ما
تَمَنَّيتُ أَو أُعطيتُ فَوقَ أَمانِيا

11. Do not the nights snatch away my brain
Just as they had snatched away the eras before me?

١١. أَلَيسَ اللَيالي غاصِباتي بِمُهجَتي
كَما غَصَبَت قَبلي القُرونَ الخَوالِيا

12. And make my dwelling place a grave next to a hole in which
The long nights to another will be my intercessors.

١٢. وَمُسكِنَتي لَحداً لَدى حُفرَةٍ بِها
يَطولُ إِلى أُخرى اللَيالي ثَوائِيا

13. Just as it made the dwelling places of Sam, Ham and Japheth
And Nuh, and the one who resided in Makkah now deserted.

١٣. كَما أَسكَنَت ساماً وَحاماً وَيافِثاً
وَنوحاً وَمَن أَضحى بِمَكَّةَ ثاوِيا

14. Thus my soul has become familiar with death because I have seen
Destinies harvesting my life.

١٤. فَقَد أَنِسَت بِالمَوتِ نَفسي لِأَنَّني
رَأَيتُ المَنايا يَختَرِمنَ حَياتِيا

15. If only after my death and resurrection,
I will be mere dust without duty or obligation.

١٥. فَيا لَيتَني مِن بَعدِ مَوتي وَمَبعَثي
أَكونُ رُفاتاً لا عَلَيَّ وَلا لِيا

16. I fear my God then I hope for His gifts
But my fear overcomes my hope.

١٦. أَخافُ إِلَهي ثُمَّ أَرجو نَوالَهُ
وَلَكِنَّ خَوفي قاهِرٌ لِرَجائِيا

17. If it were not for my hope and my dependence on He
Who alone cared for me in my old age and youth,

١٧. وَلَولا رَجائي وَاِتِّكالي عَلى الَّذي
تَوَحَّدَ لي بِالصُنعِ كَهلاً وَناشِيا

18. No cool water would have been palatable to me
And I would not taste the sweetness of life or cease crying

١٨. لَما ساغَ لي عَذبٌ مِنَ الماءِ بارِدٌ
وَلا طابَ لي عَيشٌ وَلا زِلتُ باكِيا

19. Over what had occurred from me in my youth
Nights in which I was disobedient to God.

١٩. عَلى إِثرِ ما قَد كانَ مِنّي صَبابَةً
لَيالِيَ فيها كُنتُ لِلَّهِ عاصِيا

20. So it is befitting that I should fear and be conscious
And though I did not associate any partner with the Owner of the Throne.

٢٠. فَإِنّي جَديرٌ أَن أَخافَ وَأَتَّقي
وَإِن كُنتُ لَم أُشرِك بِذي العَرشِ ثانِيا

21. And I should store consciousness with the effort of my ability
And mount righteousness contrary to my passions.

٢١. وَأَدَّخِرَ التَقوى بِمَجهودِ طاقَتي
وَأَركَبَ في رُشدي خِلافَ هَوائِيا