1. Our meeting was a sin, the beginning of intimacy
Stolen from the maidens of Paradise
١. تَناءٍ بِدؤُهُ ذَنبُ التَداني
مِنَ المَسروقِ مِن حورِ الجَنانِ
2. On her cheeks subtleties, that if you could see them
You would ask about their meanings
٢. لِخَدَّيهِ دَقائِقُ لَو تَراها
إِذَن لَسَأَلتَ عَنها في المَعاني
3. Our silence and our hearts are both
Speaking with words of passion
٣. تَساكَتنا وَقَلبانا جَميعاً
بِأَلفاظِ الهَوى يَتَكَلَّمانِ
4. The heat of longing fought us until
We surrendered, begging for peace
٤. وَحارَبَنا غَليلُ الشَوقِ حَتّى
نَزَلنا صاغِرينَ عَلى الأَمانِ