
The black man is more honorable than you, and the Romans

الزنج أكرم منكم والروم

1. The black man is more honorable than you, and the Romans
And the present is more auspicious than you, and ill omens

١. الزَنجُ أَكرَمُ مِنكُمُ وَالرومُ
وَالحَينُ أَيمَنُ مِنكُمُ وَالشومُ

2. Ayash, you are despicable and I
Have become despicable since I made you the target of my desire

٢. عَيّاشُ إِنَّكَ لَلَّئيمُ وَإِنَّني
مُذ صِرتَ مَوضِعَ مَطلَبي لَلَئيمُ

3. Begging from you is more bitter than colocynth
And aloeswood, purging cassia and poison

٣. السُحتُ أَطيَبُ مِن نَوالِكَ مَطمَعاً
وَالمُهلُ وَالغِسلينُ وَالزَقّومُ

4. An unclean man managing his affairs, a disgrace to him
A graceless woman managing their affairs, blameworthy

٤. نَجِسٌ تُدَبِّرُ أَمرَهُ شِيَمٌ لَهُ
شُكسٌ يُدَبِّرُ أَمرَهُنَّ اللومُ

5. And residences in which no area remains
Without a deprived beggar

٥. وَمَنازِلٌ لَم يَبقَ فيها ساحَةٌ
إِلّا وَفيها سائِلٌ مَحرومُ

6. Lands of evil that have never belonged to a master
Nor grazed in them a generous man

٦. عَرَصاتُ سوءٍ لَم يَكُنَّ لِسَيِّدٍ
وَطَناً وَلَم يَرتَع بِهِنَّ كَريمُ

7. When what emerged from your innermost being emerged to me
But no, your innermost being was not harmed

٧. لَمّا بَدا لي مِن صَميمِكَ ما بَدا
بَل لَم يُصَب لَكَ لا أُصيبَ صَميمُ

8. I unleashed in your condemnation the steeds of poems
While you remain still, the world turned against you

٨. جَرَّدتُ في ذَمّيكَ خَيلَ قَصائِدٍ
حالَت بِكَ الدُنيا وَأَنتَ مُقيمُ

9. I made your origin meet the hyena groveling
And the jackal laughs at you and the little mourning owl

٩. أَلحَقنَ بِالجُمَّيزِ أَصلَكَ صاغِراً
وَالشيحُ يَضحَكُ مِنكَ وَالقَيصومُ

10. The layers of your fat, it is clear they were not built
By a mason or a carpenter

١٠. طَبَقاتُ شَحمِكَ لَيسَ يَخفى أَنَّها
لَم يَبنِها آءٌ وَلا تَنّومُ

11. Oh you who drinks the milk of flowers vauntingly
Patience, who attains it, and dreams

١١. يا شارِباً لَبَنَ اللِقاحِ تَعَزِّياً
الصَبرُ مَن يَقنيهِ وَالحالومُ

12. And pretends the abode of his grandfather is Suran
Tell me, to whom belongs Ahanas and Fayyum

١٢. وَالمُدَّعي صورانَ مَنزِلَ جَدِّهِ
قُل لي لِمَن أَهَناسُ وَالفَيّومُ