1. With what stars of your face is light sought,
Abu Hasan, and your noble manners fatherhood,
١. بِأَيِّ نُجومِ وَجهِكَ يُستَضاءُ
أَبا حَسَنٍ وَشيمَتُكَ الإِباءُ
2. Will you leave my need to the pretexts of procrastination
While you are the bucket in it and the rope?
٢. أَتَترُكُ حاجَتي غَرَضَ التَواني
وَأَنتَ الدَلوُ فيها وَالرِشاءُ
3. Get close to the family of Idris ibn Badr,
For the cause of generosity is generosity itself.
٣. تأَلَّف آلَ إِدريسَ بنِ بَدرٍ
فَتَسبيبُ العَطاءِ هُوَ العَطاءُ
4. And take them gently, for the skilled ones
Stir it into flowing freely.
٤. وَخُذهُم بِالرُقى إِنَّ المَهاري
يُهَيِّجُها عَلى السَيرِ الحُداءُ
5. Either my poetry succeeded regarding them,
Or the alchemy succeeded from you.
٥. فَإِمّا جازَ مِنّي الشِعرُ فيهِم
وَإِمّا جازَ مِنكَ الكيمِياءُ
6. And say to the man Uthman words
That are too constricted by their utterance for the spacious sky.
٦. وَقُل لِلمَرءِ عُثمانٍ مَقالاً
يَضيقُ بِلَفظِهِ التَلِدُ الفَضاءُ
7. Does not the saying of a youth who prays for you
With the praise he lavishes on you make you tremble?
٧. أَلَم يَهزُزكَ قَولُ فَتىً يُصَلّي
لِما يُثني عَلَيكَ بِهِ الثَناءُ
8. So do what glory wills regarding him,
For glory does what it wills.
٨. فَتَفعَلَ ما يَشاءُ المَجدُ فيهِ
فَإِنَّ المَجدَ يَفعَلُ ما يَشاءُ
9. And you are the man whom glories love,
While hope rules regarding his gifts.
٩. وَأَنتَ المَرءُ تَعشَقُهُ المَعالي
وَيَحكُمُ في مَواهِبِهِ الرَجاءُ
10. For you are not made happy by a day of praise
You became famous for, while your wealth is not diminished
١٠. فَإِنَّكَ لا تُسَرُّ بِيَومِ حَمدٍ
شُهِرتَ بِهِ وَمالُكَ لا يُساءُ
11. And praise among people, if not
Accompanied by reward, is but lampooning.
١١. وَإِنَّ المَدحَ في الأَقوامِ ما لَم
يُشَيَّع بِالجَزاءِ هُوَ الهِجاءُ