
Cry aloud to all the living - cry aloud

نعاء إلى كل حي نعاء

1. Cry aloud to all the living - cry aloud
The knight of Arabs seized a quarter of the meadow

١. نَعاءِ إِلى كُلِّ حَيٍّ نَعاءِ
فَتى العَرَبِ اِحتَلَّ رَبعَ الفَناءِ

2. We were all struck by the arrow of struggle
If only we were struck by the arrow of love

٢. أُصِبنا جَميعاً بِسَهمِ النِضالِ
فَهَلّا أُصِبنا بِسَهمِ الغِلاءِ

3. O Death, you brought us together
With the water of life and the water of modesty

٣. أَلا أَيُّها المَوتُ فَجَّعتَنا
بِماءِ الحَياةِ وَماءِ الحَياءِ

4. So what did you bring when you came
And what did you hide for the people of the tents

٤. فَماذا حَضَرتَ بِهِ حاضِراً
وَماذا خَبَأتَ لِأَهلِ الخِباءِ

5. Cry aloud, cry aloud O twin of dew
Crying out little consolation

٥. نَعاءِ نَعاءِ شَقيقَ النَدى
إِلَيهِ نَعِيّاً قَليلَ الجَداءِ

6. And we were both fellow reins
Two suckling children, intimate friends of purity

٦. وَكانا جَميعاً شَريكَي عِنانٍ
رَضيعَي لِبانٍ خَليلَي صَفاءِ

7. Upon Khaled ibn Yazid ibn Mazid
O commander of tears flowing copiously with water

٧. عَلى خالِدِ بنِ يَزيدَ بنِ مَز
يَدِ أَمرِ دُموعاً نَجيعاً بِماءِ

8. Do not see weeping as disgrace
And draw near a burning coal with gentle breath

٨. وَلا تَرَيَنَّ البُكا سُبَّةً
وَأَلصِق جَوىً بِلَهيبٍ رَواءِ

9. For sorrow has multiplied like blood
And misfortune magnified the status of weeping

٩. فَقَد كَثَّرَ الرُزءُ قَدرَ الدُمو
عِ وَقَد عَظَّمَ الخَطبُ شَأنَ البُكاءِ

10. Its essence is refuge for anguish
And its appearance a place for submission

١٠. فَباطِنُهُ مَلجَأٌ لِلأَسى
وَظاهِرُهُ ميسَمٌ لِلوَفاءِ

11. The everlasting king who passed
Whose milk we lived on, filling our vessels

١١. مَضى المَلِكُ الوائِلِيُّ الَّذي
حَلَبنا بِهِ العَيشَ وُسعَ الإِناءِ

12. So the fresh dew perished, and the
Vigorous youth drenched in idealism

١٢. فَأَودى النَدى ناضِرَ العودِ وَال
فُتُوَّةُ مَغموسَةً في الفَتاءِ

13. Thus glory upon him was humbled
And the house of generosity discarded refuse

١٣. فَأَضحَت عَلَيهِ العُلى خُشَّعاً
وَبَيتُ السَماحَةِ مُلقى الكِفاءِ

He who lit up the throne

١٤. وَقَد كانَ مِمّا يُضيءُ السَريرَ
وَالبَهوَ يَملَأُهُ بِالبَهاءِ

15. And the court he filled with brilliance
Ask the king about Khaled and ask the kings

١٥. سَلِ المُلكَ عَن خالِدٍ وَالمُلوكَ
بِقَمعِ العِدى وَبِنَفيِ العَداءِ

16. With suppression of injustice and banishment of enmity
Did he not slay them for the lions

١٦. أَلَم يَكُ أَقتَلَهُم لِلأُسودِ
صَبراً وَأَوهَبَهُم لِلظِباءِ

17. Showing patience and granting them to the wolves
Did he not bring steeds from Babylon

١٧. أَلَم يَجلِبِ الخَيلَ مِن بابِلٍ
شَوازِبَ مِثلَ قِداحِ السَراءِ

18. Like the drinking cups of the elite
Then he unleashed upon the border their storm

١٨. فَمَدَّ عَلى الثَغرِ إِعصارَها
بِرَأيٍ حُسامٍ وَنَفسٍ فَضاءِ

19. With a piercing view and an immaculate soul
So when their ghosts appeared

١٩. فَلَمّا تَراءَت عَفاريتُهُ
سَنا كَوكَبٍ جاهِلِيِّ السَناءِ

20. Their splendor was like an ignorant star
And he barred the way for the subversive ones

٢٠. وَقَد سَدَّ مَندوحَةَ القاصِعاءِ
مِنهُم وَأَمسَكَ بِالنافِقاءِ

21. And held back the hypocrites
He folded their matter forcibly in his hands

٢١. طَوى أَمرَهُم عَنوَةً في يَدَيهِ
طَيَّ السِجِلِّ وَطَيَّ الرِداءِ

22. Folding the register and folding the cloak
They acknowledged the rule of swords

٢٢. أَقَرّوا لَعَمري بِحُكمِ السُيوفِ
وَكانَت أَحَقَّ بِفَصلِ القَضاءِ

23. Which was more deserving to judge the case
And not by their appointment to authority

٢٣. وَما بِالوِلايَةِ إِقرارُهُم
وَلَكِن أَقَرّوا لَهُ بِالوَلاءِ

24. Rather they submitted loyalty to him
We were endowed with treasure and wealth

٢٤. أُصِبنا بِكَنزِ الغِنى وَالإِمامُ
أَمسى مَصاباً بِكَنزِ الغَناءِ

25. While the Imam met his end endowed with singing
And not that the shepherd of the flock was smitten

٢٥. وَما إِن أُصيبَ بِراعي الرَعِيَّةِ
لا بَل أُصيبَ بِراعي الرِعاءِ

26. Rather, the shepherd of shepherds was smitten
Says al-Nitasiy when his stratagems

٢٦. يَقولُ النِطاسِيُّ إِذ غُيِّبَت
عَنِ الداءِ حيلَتُهُ وَالدَواءِ

27. Against disease were stripped, and the cure
The shelter of nightfall and dwelling

٢٧. نُبُوُّ المَقيلِ بِهِ وَالمَبيتِ
أَقعَصَهُ وَاِختِلافُ الهَواءِ

28. Were severed, and the weather changed
Had the sun of the doves but returned

٢٨. وَقَد كانَ لَو رُدَّ غَربُ الحِمامِ
شَديدَ تَوَقٍّ طَويلَ اِحتِماءِ

29. Yearning longingly, taking cover
His wedding was in the shadows of swords

٢٩. مُعَرَّسُهُ في ظِلالِ السُيوفِ
وَمَشرَبُهُ مِن نَجيعِ الدِماءِ

30. His drink from the flowing of blood
The pride of his formidable pulpit

٣٠. ذُرى المِنبَرِ الصَعبِ مِن فُرشِهِ
وَنارُ الوَغا نارُهُ لِلصِلاءِ

31. And the fire of battle was his fire for warmth
He wore no garb but perfumed wrappings

٣١. وَما مِن لَبوسٍ سِوى السابِغاتِ
تَرَقرَقُ مِثلَ مُتونِ الإِضاءِ

32. That glittered like the cores of illumination
So was there since he was until he passed

٣٢. فَهَل كانَ مُذ كانَ حَتّى مَضى
حَميداً لَهُ غَيرُ هَذا الغِذاءِ

33. Anything beloved to him besides this nourishment?
Ibn Shayban was shocked with shock

٣٣. أَذُهلَ بنَ شَيبانَ ذُهلَ الفَخارِ
وَذُهلَ النَوالِ وَذُهلَ العَلاءِ

34. Shock of lament, shock of intimate friendship, and shock of elevation
Khaled ibn Yazid ibn Mazid passed away

٣٤. مَضى خالِدُ بنُ يَزيدَ بنَ مَز
يَدَ قَمَرُ اللَيلِ شَمسُ الضَحاءِ

35. Moon of night, sun of morning
And he left his efforts between you

٣٥. وَخَلّى مَساعِيَهُ بَينَكُم
فَإِيّايَ فيها وَسَعيَ البِطاءِ

36. So strive, and me, slowly striving
Repel death with bitterness, and weep

٣٦. رِدوا المَوتَ مُرّاً وُرودَ الرِجالِ
وَبَكّوا عَلَيهِ بُكاءَ النِساءِ

37. For him with the weeping of women
My anguish for Khaled is eternal

٣٧. غَليلي عَلى خالِدٍ خالِدٌ
وَضَيفُ هُمومي طَويلُ الثَواءِ

38. Its guest is lingering misery
Patience did not restrain me from him

٣٨. فَلَم يُخزِني الصَبرُ عَنهُ وَلا
تَقَنَّعتُ عاراً بِلُؤمِ العَزاءِ

39. Nor was I content with the shame of consolation
I recalled the verdure of that time with him

٣٩. تَذَكَّرتُ خُضرَةَ ذاكَ الزَمانِ
لَدَيهِ وَعُمرانُ ذاكَ الفِناءِ

40. And the prosperity of that meadow
Its visitors for generosity always present

٤٠. وَزُوّارُهُ لِلعَطايا حُضورٌ
كَأَنَّ حُضورَهُمُ لِلعَطاءِ

41. As if their presence was for bestowal
And when the assembly of his council was known

٤١. وَإِذ عِلمُ مَجلِسِهِ مَورِدٌ
زُلالٌ لِتِلكَ العُقولِ الظِماءِ

42. As a serene spring for those thirsty minds
Tranquility averted harm from him

٤٢. تَحولُ السَكينَةُ دونَ الأَذى
بِهِ وَالمُرُوَّةُ دونَ المِراءِ

43. And manliness averted contention
When he unleashed the fetter of summer

٤٣. وَإِذ هُوَ مُطلِقُ كَبلِ المَصيفِ
وَإِذ هُوَ مِفتاحُ قَيدِ الشِتاءِ

44. And when he was the key to the bond of winter
My share of his comfort and care

٤٤. لَقَد كانَ حَظّي غَيرَ الخَسيسِ
مِن راحَتَيهِ وَغَيرَ اللَفاءِ

45. Was abundant, not miserly nor greedy
I would see him with the eye of a chief

٤٥. وَكُنتُ أَراهُ بِعَينِ الرَئيسِ
وَكانَ يَراني بِعَينِ الإِخاءِ

46. And he would see me with a brotherly eye
My yearning for Khaled is a yearning

٤٦. أَلَهفي عَلى خالِدٍ لَهفَةً
تَكونُ أَمامي وَأُخرى وَرائي

47. That comes before me and another that follows
My yearning when he returns to dust

٤٧. أَلَهفي إِذا ما رَدى لِلرَدى
أَلَهفي إِذا ما اِحتَبى لِلحِباءِ

48. My yearning when he is shrouded for burial
Is there any serpent that can contain

٤٨. أَلَحدٌ حَوى حَيَّةَ المُلحِدينَ
وَلَدنُ ثَرىً حالَ دونَ الثَراءِ

49. The serpents of the faithless, barring fertility?
May the southern winds reward a king

٤٩. جَزَت مَلِكاً فيهِ رَيّا الجَنوبِ
وَرائِحَةُ المُزنِ خَيرَ الجَزاءِ

50. With the scent of sweet basil, the best reward
How much has the earth buried

٥٠. فَكَم غَيَّبَ التَربُ مِن سُؤدَدٍ
وَغالَ البِلى مِن جَميلِ البَلاءِ

51. Of towering figures, worn by time
Abu Ja'far, may time honor you

٥١. أَبا جَعفَرٍ لِيُعِركَ الزَمانُ
عِزّاً وَيُكسِبكَ طولَ البَقاءِ

52. With glory and grant you lasting survival
Your hoped-for breezes do not come from you

٥٢. فَما مُزنُكَ المُرتَجى بِالجَهامِ
وَلا ريحُنا مِنكَ بِالجِربِياءِ

53. Nor does our wind carry contagion
Those assumptions have not returned confused in you

٥٣. وَلا رَجَعَت فيكَ تِلكَ الظُنونُ
حَيارى وَلا اِنسَدَّ شِعبُ الرَجاءِ

54. Nor has the valley of hope been blocked
The land is overthrown, so send to it

٥٤. وَقَد نُكِسَ الثَغرُ فَاِبعَث لَهُ
صُدورَ القَنا في اِبتِغاءِ الشِفاءِ

55. The breaste of the palm, seeking remedy
Your grandfather surpassed the glory of kings

٥٥. فَقَد فاتَ جَدُّكَ جَدَّ المُلوكِ
وَعُمرُ أَبيكَ حَديثُ الضِياءِ

56. And your father's life was recent radiance
He did not accept grasping the sword

٥٦. وَلَم يَرضَ قَبضَتَهُ لِلحُسامِ
وَلا حَملَ عاتِقِهِ لِلرِداءِ

57. Nor carrying the cloak on his shoulder
Thus he continued to ascend that glory

٥٧. فَمازالَ يَفرَعُ تِلكَ العُلى
مَعَ النَجمِ مُرتَدِياً بِالعَماءِ

58. Wearing ambition, with the star
Until he climbed, and the ignorant thought

٥٨. وَيَصعَدُ حَتّى لَظَنَّ الجَهولُ
أَنَّ لَهُ مَنزِلاً في السَماءِ

59. He had a dwelling place in the sky
And we heard that those wars

٥٩. وَقَد جاءَنا أَنَّ تِلكَ الحُروبَ
إِذا حُدِيَت فَاِلتَوَت بِالحُداءِ

60. When recounted, twist into nonsense
And an affliction persists that does not cease

٦٠. وَعاوَدَها جَرَبٌ لَم يَزَل
يُعاوِدُ أَسعافَها بِالهَناءِ

61. To repeatedly strike its branches with frailty
Scraping a register for them like scraping

٦١. وَيَمتَحُ سَجلاً لَها كَالسِجالِ
وَدَلواً إِذا أُفرِغَت كَالدِلاءِ

62. A bucket, empty when poured like a bucket
And the strength of the rope of that arm

٦٢. وَمِثلُ قُوى حَبلِ تِلكَ الذِراعِ
كانَ لِزازاً لِذاكَ الرِشاءِ

63. Was supple to that spine
So do not condemn his righteous days

٦٣. فَلا تُخزِ أَيّامَهُ الصالِحاتِ
وَما قَد بَنى مِن جَليلِ البِناءِ

64. And what he built of the greatest edifices
For God knows that you love nothing

٦٤. فَقَد عَلِمَ اللَهُ أَن لَن تُحِبَّ
شَيئاً كَحُبِّكَ كَنزَ الثَناءِ