1. I pitched my tent in the withering meadow
And grazed in the wake of the pouring clouds
١. بَوَّأتُ رَحلي في المَرادِ المُبقِلِ
فَرَتَعتُ في إِثرِ الغَمامِ المُسبِلِ
2. Who will convey to the Bedouin encampments
That I built my neighbor before my house
٢. مَن مُبلِغٌ أَفناءَ يَعرُبَ كُلَّها
أَنّي اِبتَنَيتُ الجارَ قَبلَ المَنزِلِ
3. And held fast to enduring covenants
Unraveling neither their knots nor twine
٣. وَأَخَذتُ بِالطِوَلِ الَّذي لَم يَنصَرِم
ثِنياهُ وَالعَقدُ الَّذي لَم يُحلَلِ
4. Abu al-Walid rent the darkness with a raid
Opening for us the door of hope shut fast
٤. هَتَكَ الظَلامَ أَبو الوَليدِ بِغُرَّةٍ
فَتَحَت لَنا بابَ الرَجاءِ المُقفَلِ
5. More perfect than the moon in the heavens though it appears
A full moon, most beautiful in the eyes and most glorious
٥. بِأَتَمَّ مِن قَمَرِ السَماءِ وَإِن بَدا
بَدراً وَأَحسَنَ في العُيونِ وَأَجمَلِ
6. Wiser than an old spear when you seek its counsel
In judgment, gentlest in affairs and most generous
٦. وَأَجَلَّ مِن قُسٍّ إِذا اِستَنطَقتَهُ
رَأياً وَأَلطَفَ في الأُمورِ وَأَجزَلِ
7. A crack of highborn nobility that shakes it
Like the crack of an imminent earthquake shakes a platter
٧. شَرخٌ مِنَ الشَرَفِ المُنيفِ يَهُزُّهُ
هَزَّ الصَفيحَةِ شَرخُ عُمرٍ مُقبِلِ
8. So surrender to the severity of ensuing epochs
And the coldness of approaching youth
٨. فَاِسلَم لِجِدَّةِ سُؤدُدٍ مُستَقبَلٍ
أُنُفٍ وَبُردِ شَبيبَةٍ مُستَقبَلِ
9. How many events has time concealed
That his days concealed the riddles of time
٩. كَم أَدَّتِ الأَيّامُ مِن حَدَثٍ كَفَت
أَيّامُهُ حَدَثَ الزَمانِ المُعضِلِ
10. Bearing but not burdened with position
And bearing the weight but not weighed down
١٠. لِلمَحلِ يَكشِفُهُ وَلَم يَبعَل بِهِ
وَالثِقلُ يَحمِلُهُ وَلَيسَ بِمُثقَلِ
11. From you, the affairs of the nation took
The mother of rationality, the fickle soul
١١. وَالخَطبُ أُمَّت مِنكَ أُمُّ دِماغِهِ
بِالقُلَّبِ الماضي الجَنانِ الحُوَّلِ
12. And a sermon whose eloquence arms it
With words immersed in ceaseless waves
١٢. وَمَقامَةٍ نَبلُ الكَلامِ سِلاحُها
لِلقَولِ فيها غَمرَةٌ لا تَنجَلي
13. A discourse whose texts remain saturated
Lush, between desiccated and decayed
١٣. قَولٌ تَظَلُّ مُتونُهُ مُنهَلَّةً
سَمَّينِ بَينَ مُقَشَّبٍ وَمُثَمَّلِ
14. You burst its darkness with the sermon of reconciliation
A stab like the one from the sword of reconciliation
١٤. فَرَّجتَ ظُلمَتَها بِخُطبَةِ فَيصَلٍ
مَثَلٌ لَها في الرَوعِ طَعنَةُ فَيصَلِ