1. We have known the signs of denial, or what
Resembles denial in the absence of the messenger
١. قَد عَرَفنا دَلائِلَ المَنعِ أَو ما
يُشبِهُ المَنعَ بِاِحتِباسِ الرَسولِ
2. And we were exposed at the raisins by what was
Sound to it of vileness and the face of inclusion
٢. وَاِفتَضَحنا عِندَ الزَبيبِ بِما صَح
حَ لَدَيهِ مِن قُبحِ وَجهِ الشَمولِ
3. So we were surprised by turbid wines that were not described as
Tainted from their pouring or smooth-flowing
٣. فاجَأَتنا كَدراءُ لَم تُسبَ مِن تَس
نيمِ جِريالُها وَلا سَلسَبيلِ
4. Of nectar whose scent is not the breath of musk
Nor its cheek a soft smooth cheek
٤. مِن عُقارٍ لا ريحُها نَفحَةُ المِس
كِ وَلا خَدُّها بِخَدٍّ أَسيلِ
5. It neither mellows the paths of veins nor seeps
Through a joint without a guide
٥. لا تَهَدّى سُبلَ العُروقِ وَلا تَن
سلُّ في مِفصَلٍ بِغَيرِ دَليلِ
6. And it is a sprinkling that if it were from the tears
Of sorrow, would not quench the heat of anguish
٦. وَهيَ نَزرٌ لَو أَنَّها مِن دُموعِ ال
صبِّ لَم تَشفِ مِنهُ حَرَّ الغَليلِ
7. And as if the fingers had wrung it out
After toil from the water of a miserly face
٧. وَكَأَنَّ الأَنامِلَ اِعتَصَرَتها
بَعدَ كَدٍّ مِن ماءِ وَجهِ البَخيلِ
8. In pious devotion it offered it or donated it
In charity to the son of the path
٨. إِحتِساباً بَذَلتَها أَم تَصَدَّق
تَ بِها رَحمَةً عَلى اِبنِ السَبيلِ
9. We have written you security, so do not ask
It for the age of this long time
٩. قَد كَتَبنا لَكَ الأَمانَ فَما تُس
أَلُها عُمرَ ذا الزَمانِ الطَويلِ
10. How many covers we have tested its call
And learned much of it with little
١٠. كَم مُغَطّى قَدِ اِختَبَرنا نَداهُ
وَاِعتَبَرنا كَثيرَهُ بِالقَليلِ