1. Do not blame me, my neighbor, for blaming you,
Neither heated argument nor majesty avails.
١. لا تَعذِلي جارَتي أَنّى لَكِ العَذَلُ
فَلا شَوىً ما رُزِئناهُ وَلا جَلَلُ
2. One of the calamities befell the abode of Banu
Imran. It has no sister nor peer.
٢. إِحدى المَصائِبِ حَلَّت في دِيارِ بَني
عِمرانَ لَيسَت لَها أُختٌ وَلا مَثَلُ
3. A day on which their diadems were bent,
Misfortune weighed heavy and Saturn was baleful.
٣. أَلوى بِتيجانِهِم يَومٌ أُتيحَ لَهُ
نَحسٌ وَأَثقَبَ فيهِ نارَهُ زُحَلُ
4. It bent them while they were filled with spears
In equal ranks with inclined necks.
٤. أَلوى بِهِ وَهوَ مُلوٍ بِالقَنا لِتَوا
ليها اِستِواءٌ وَفي أَعناقِها مَيَلُ
5. He who had no defect in his inspired speech
For the non-Arabs and no flaw in his guidance.
٥. كانَ الَّذي لَيسَ في مَعجومِهِ خَوَرٌ
لِلعاجِمينَ وَلا في هَديِهِ خَلَلُ
6. He by whom the vicissitudes of Time were feared,
When the fangs of Time were bared.
٦. كانَ الَّذي يُتَّقى رَيبُ الزَمانِ بِهِ
إِذا الزَمانُ بَدَت أَنيابُهُ العُصُلُ
7. Time settled us in a plain that flows easily
When you, O mountain, were shaken from it.
٧. أَحَلَّنا الدَهرُ في بَطحاءَ مُسهِلَةٍ
لَمّا تَقَوَّضتَ عَنها أَيُّها الجَبَلُ
8. How good was the state of the Ash'aris, O
Yahya ibn Imran, had not the term been fixed for you.
٨. ما كانَ أَحسَنَ حالاتِ الأَشاعِرِ يا
يَحيى بنَ عِمرانَ لَو أُنسي لَكَ الأَجَلُ
9. Which man among you was the most distinguished, on
The scattered dusty ground or its drifted sands?
٩. أَيُّ اِمرِىءٍ مِنكَ أَثرى بَينَ أَعظُمِهِ
ثَرى المُقَطَّمِ أَو مَلحودُهُ الرَمِلُ
10. He who does not turn from good he has initiated,
Nor slacken from accustomed virtuous deeds.
١٠. لا يُتبِعُ المَنَّ ما جادَت يَداهُ بِهِ
وَلا تُحَكَّمُ في مَعروفِهِ العِلَلُ
11. His word, when people reject the truth of his saying,
Is prolonged, while their acts fall short.
١١. ما قالَ كانَ إِذا ما القَومُ أَكذَبَ ما
أَطالَ مِن قَولِهِم تَقصيرُ ما فَعَلوا
12. O Death, it was enough when you aimed your blow at his forehead,
While for others, no reckoning or term.
١٢. يا مَوتُ حَسبُكَ إِذ أَقصَدتَ مُهجَتَهُ
أَولا فَدونَكَ لا حَسَبٌ وَلابَجَلُ
13. What is our state, O Abu al-'Abbas, after you?
Do branches grow when their origin perishes?
١٣. ما حالُنا يا أَبا العَبّاسِ بَعدَكَ هَل
تَنمى الفُروعُ وَيودي أَصلُها الأَصِلُ
14. O Death, had you witnessed him in battle, you would have
Poured tears over him instead of taking his life.
١٤. يا مَوتُ لَو في وَغىً عايَنتَهُ خَلَدَت
عَلَيهِ عَوضُ دُموعٌ مِنكَ تَنهَمِلُ
15. The kindler of extinguished war, the despoiler of protected
Sanctuaries, while war blazes.
١٥. المُشعِلُ الحَربَ ناراً وَهيَ خامِدَةٌ
وَالمُستَبيحُ حِماها وَهيَ تَشتَعِلُ
16. With each battle the swords clash against his hands
And the white blades drink and the curved blades sip.
١٦. بِكُلِّ يَومِ وَغىً تَصدى الكُماةُ بِهِ
عَلى يَدَيهِ وَتَروى البيضُ وَالأَسَلُ
17. Covered in spears and scowling steeds,
Among the horses without weakling or dependant.
١٧. يَغشى الوَغى بِالقَنا وَالخَيلُ عابِسَةٌ
وَالخَيلُ لا عاجِزٌ فيها وَلا وَكِلُ
18. The dispeller of the darkness of confusing matters
That overwhelms the lands spreading its shadows.
١٨. وَالكاشِفُ الكُرَبَ اللاتي يَحُفُّ بِها
إِظلامُ أَمرٍ عَلى البُلدانِ يَنسَدِلُ
19. With an aspect that no slipping diverts him,
And speech that no stumbling inhibits him;
١٩. بِمَشهَدٍ لَيسَ يَثنيهِ بِهِ زَلَلٌ
وَمَنطِقٍ لَيسَ يَعروهُ بِهِ خَطَلُ
20. Bringing together without idle delay resolving its knot,
Without rushing to convey and bore.
٢٠. مُستَجمِعٌ لا يَحِلُّ الرَيثُ عُقدَتَهُ
فيهِ وَلا يَمتَطي إِبلاغَهُ العَجَلُ
21. Where none places opinions in their proper places
Except So-and-so when called upon.
٢١. بِحَيثُ لا يَضَعُ الآراءَ مَوضِعَها
إِلّا فُلانٌ إِذا يُدعى لَها وَفَلُ
22. When men saw him do what doing exhausted them,
They said: "Such is the man!"
٢٢. إِذا الرِجالُ رَأَوهُ وَهوَ يَفعَلُ ما
أَعياهُمُ فِعلُهُ قالوا كَذا الرَجُلُ
23. Either death turns you from oppression, but with
What has passed over them without death is your eternity.
٢٣. إِمّا يُدَل مِنكَ بِالمَوتِ العِدى فَبِما
دارَت عَلَيهِم بِلا مَوتٍ لَكَ الدُوَلُ
24. The days of your sword notorious, your sea overflowing,
Your spearhead limited only by its length.
٢٤. أَيَّامَ سَيفُكَ مَشهورٌ وَبَحرُكَ مَس
جورٌ وَقَرنُكَ مَقصورٌ لَهُ الطِوَلُ
25. As you cut relations with the disgraced weakling
And joined ties with those you brought together.
٢٥. إِذ لابِسُ الذِلَّةِ المَقطوعُ ذو رَحِمٍ
قَطَعتَهُ وَإِذا المَوصولُ مَن تَصِلُ
26. Fate made you drink the cup of patience in deep
Seas where mountains drown in its injuries.
٢٦. جَرَّعَكَ الدَهرُ كاسَ الصَبرِ في لُجَجٍ
لِلمَوتِ يَغرِقُ في آذِيِّها الجَبَلُ
27. Death and killing as if Time thirsted for those
Who lived and enjoyed those who died and were killed.
٢٧. مَوتاً وَقَتلاً كَأَنَّ الدَهرَ يَظمَأُ ما
عاشوا وَيَنقَعُ ما ماتوا وَما قُتِلوا
28. O you whose adventures preoccupied Time from us
Since misfortune lodged in you except through us no preoccupations.
٢٨. يا شاغِلَ الدَهرِ عَنّا ما لِصَولَتِهِ
مُذ صالَ فيكَ الرَدى إِلّا بِنا شُغُلُ
29. O adornment of glory! Glory is revealed as squalor
After you and its adornment henceforth is loss.
٢٩. يا حِليَةَ المَجدِ إِنَّ المَجدَ عَن عُفُرٍ
بَدا وَحِليَتُهُ مِن بَعدِكَ العَطَلُ
30. O haven! The refuge of adversities when
Calamities crowd with their misfortunes.
٣٠. يا مَوئِلاٌ كانَ مَأوى الآزِماتِ بِهِ
إِذا اِدلَهَمَّت بِمَكروهاتِها العُضُلُ
31. What dependent now can prosper? What expectation live?
But Husayn and the like of Husayn, when
٣١. فَأَيُّ مُعتَمَدٍ يَزكو بِهِ عَمَلٌ
وَأَيُ مُنتَظَرٍ يَحيا بِهِ أَمَلُ
32. People are lacking defenders, are few.
Situations proclaim about him that he is a support;
٣٢. لَكِن حُسَينٌ وَأَمثالُ الحُسَينِ إِذا
ما الناسُ يَومَ حِفاظٍ حُصِّلوا قُلُلُ
33. And awe proclaims about him that he is a hero.
He gives so he is generous, or is called so he answers,
٣٣. تُنبي المَواقِفُ عَنهُ أَنَّهُ سَنَدٌ
وَيُخبِرُ الرَوعُ عَنهُ أَنَّهُ بَطَلُ
34. Or is resorted to with heavy burdens so he bears them.
You would think him bent with age were it not
٣٤. يُعطي فَيُجزِلُ أَو يُدعى فَيَنزِلُ أَو
يُؤتى لِمَحمَلِ أَعباءٍ فَيَحتَمِلُ
35. For his youth, and vegetation sprouts then thickens.
He has become for us a replacement, bending under it.
٣٥. تَظُنُّهُ شَيخَهُ لَولا شَبيبَتُهُ
وَالزَرعُ يَنبُتُ فَذّاً ثُمَّ يَكتَهِلُ
36. But the cub is never a substitute for the vanished lion.
٣٦. أَضحى لَنا بَدَلاً مِنهُ تَنوءُ بِهِ
وَالشِبلُ مِن لَيثِهِ إِمّا مَضى بَدَلُ