
The withering of decay hastened in the moist branch,

جفوف البلى أسرعت في الغصن الرطب

1. The withering of decay hastened in the moist branch,
And the vicissitudes of fate and death ceased from vicissitude.

١. جُفوفَ البَلى أَسرَعتِ في الغُصُنِ الرَطبِ
وَخَطبَ الرَدى وَالمَوتِ أَبرَحتَ مِن خَطبِ

2. The sun did indeed rise in death with misfortune in the east,
I was compensated by it for the misery of the house in the west.

٢. لَقَد شَرِقَت في الشَرقِ بِالمَوتِ غادَةٌ
تَعَوَّضتُ مِنها غُربَةَ الدارِ في الغَربِ

3. It clothed me in a garment of sorrow and anguish,
A crescent moon on which is woven a garment of dust.

٣. وَأَلبَسَني ثَوباً مِنَ الحُزنِ وَالأَسى
هِلالٌ عَلَيهِ نَسجُ ثَوبٍ مِنَ التُربِ

4. I say, though they have said, with her death was relieved
From anguish, the soul of death is worse than anguish.

٤. أَقولُ وَقَد قالوا اِستَراحَت بِمَوتِها
مِنَ الكَربِ رَوحُ المَوتِ شَرٌّ مِنَ الكَربِ

5. It descended narrow from the grave and soil,
And if it were spacious in extent, it would not be spacious.

٥. لَقَد نَزَلَت ضَنكاً مِنَ اللَحدِ وَالثَرى
وَلَو كانَ رَحبَ الذَرعِ ما كانَ بِالرَحبِ

6. I hoped for nearness while she was distant,
So my remoteness from remoteness and nearness was conveyed.

٦. وَكُنتُ أُرَجّي القُربَ وَهيَ بَعيدَةٌ
فَقَد نُقِلَت بُعدي عَنِ البُعدِ وَالقُربِ

7. She has a dwelling beneath the soil and I promised her
She has a dwelling between the breasts and the heart.

٧. لَها مَنزِلٌ تَحتَ الثَرى وَعَهِدتُها
لَها مَنزِلٌ بَينَ الجَوانِحِ وَالقَلبِ