
O you who is clothed in the garb of the sun

يا من تردى بحلة الشمس

1. O you who is clothed in the garb of the sun
And who has wounded me with five arrows

١. يا مَن تَرَدّى بِحُلَّةِ الشَمسِ
وَمَن رَماني بِأَسهُمٍ خَمسِ

2. With the glance, the smile, the conversation and the coquetry
And something that feels good to the touch

٢. بِالطَرفِ وَالثَغرِ وَالسَوالِفِ وَالنَح
رِ وَشَيءٍ يَطيبُ في اللَمسِ

3. So forgive me my yesterday's crime
And shed tears for the one whose eyelids rain

٣. ها أَنا ذا بِالذُنوبِ مُعتَرِفٌ
فَهَب لِذُلّي جِنايَتَي أَمسِ

4. As his five daily prayers have distracted him
I asked to describe your attributes, but none

٤. وَجُد لِمُستَمطِرِ الجُفونِ دَماً
شَغَلتَهُ عَن صَلاتِهِ الخَمسِ

5. Spoke except with silent tongues

٥. سَأَلتُ عَن وَصفِكَ الصِفاتِ فَما
نَطَقنَ إِلّا بِأَلسُنٍ خُرسِ